" even up to the point of feeling citizen recordings are a "game" that activists will tire of if officers refuse to rise to the "bait.""
Google glass, contact lenses with cameras, life logging cameras, SSD storage size doubling every 1 1/2 to 2 years. Not much of a chances this trend is going to stop, if anything it is going get much more massive. With little brother (citizens) trying to film everything, versus big brother (government) attempting to delete, deny, and hide everything.
Actually, lost the battle, and lost the war. They didn't get any of their artists music in the game and they created more bad press for "the music industry".
So begins the horrific slide to torture becoming common practice, and much like weapons of war being given to police, so to shall the right to force a confession by any means necessary...
Every little bit of data tells a tale about you. Each piece, on its own, is a piece of a larger puzzle that describes your life. Allowing a government, whose goal is to store all data about you forever, access to small pieces of your life is insanity.
Robotics, automation, digital currencies, immortality, nanotechnology, cheap solar energy, cheap energy storage, etc, all converge on or about the year 2025. The job loss due to automation is just one of many concerns. The deflationary pressure and loss of tax revenue is the one that should concern everyone, as it will lead to governments making seriously stupid bandaid style choices, that will only make things worse.
The thing you have to remember is the MPAA and RIAA are funded by the content industry. They need to show they are doing something to continue to get paid. Hence the stupidity of suing their clients customers, 3 strikes, etc.
Let me get this straight, Lonny Anderson comments that anyone with a top secret clearance could have done this, contradicting everything said about the security of the system up to this point. Then he turns around and seemingly says we have logs, and can track you if you do this, which seems to be pointed at the people at the NSA, to prevent any repeats of the situation.
It is strange, since snowdens revelations, on occasion I wonder, if this number I have dialed, or that email I sent could come back to haunt me if taken out of context. It seems I worry more about my own government now, than I ever have about terrorist.
If terrorism is about creating fear and worry, then the US government has become what it so wishes to defeat.
On the post: Austin Police Officer Tries To Paint Police Accountability Groups As 'Domestic Extremists' In FOIA'ed Emails
Google glass, contact lenses with cameras, life logging cameras, SSD storage size doubling every 1 1/2 to 2 years. Not much of a chances this trend is going to stop, if anything it is going get much more massive. With little brother (citizens) trying to film everything, versus big brother (government) attempting to delete, deny, and hide everything.
On the post: Pro Music Artists/Reps Force Shutdown Of Awesome Fan-Music Contest For Video Game
Re: as the saying goes...
On the post: Is It Torture Now? ISIS Apparently A Fan Of CIA's Waterboarding Techniques
Re: Re: Silence and deflection
On the post: Licensing Boards Think Studying For A Test Is Copyright Infringement, Forbid Memorization Of Material
They are preping for the future ....
On the post: Economists Don't Understand The Information Age, So Their Claims About Today's Economy Are A Joke
Re: Re: GDP vs LOC
Then it was probably developed by Microsoft.
On the post: From The Unsealed 'Jewel v. NSA' Transcript: The DOJ Has Nothing But Contempt For American Citizens
Double think time, Wouldn't this be a kick in the pants ...
On the post: Washington Police: 'We Have To Respond With Smartphones Almost As Fast As We Respond With Guns'
In less than 10 years we are going to have contact lens that can record what people are looking at, how are the cops going to respond then?
On the post: Tektronix Uses DMCA Notice To Try To Stop Oscilloscope Hacking
On the post: Hollywood Funded Group Demands BitTorrent Inc. 'Take Responsibility' For Piracy
On the post: Sky TV Won't Allow Ads For ISP Highlighting Its Anti-Geoblocking Service
The funny thing is, they will continue doing things this way, until they realize, cutting out the other middle men makes them more money ...
On the post: Google May Consider Giving A Boost To Encrypted Sites
Re: bad idea
On the post: Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt
Re: Re: Groan....
I am sorry, I forgot the CC you on the memo. It is a new DSM IV psyche diagnosis.
On the post: DailyDirt: Stop That Robot, It Stole My Job!
There are 20 technologies ...
On the post: Technologically Clueless Grandstanding Senator Calls For US To Ban Bitcoin
On the post: Major Record Labels Go To Court Again To Force Irish ISP To Bring In 'Three Strikes' System
On the post: With Porn Filters Going Oh So Well, UK Roars Ahead In Expanding Them To Include 'Extremist' Content
Re: Re: Re: They can do other things
On the post: NY Times 'Uses' Scare 'Quotes' To Highlight How 'They' Don't 'Understand' How Snowden 'Copied' Documents
Re: Re: Re:
1) Snowden is a super genius hacker, that against all odds compromised the most secure intelligence agency on the planet.
Or ..
2) The NSA's security is pathetic, and he typed in the following line at a command prompt
wget -r -l 0 https://nsa.gov/
On the post: NSA Admits Lots Of People Could Have Done What Snowden Did
On the post: District Court Tosses ACLU's Lawsuit Against NSA With Very Regrettable Decision That Props Up Agency Rhetoric
Re: Small correction:
On the post: District Court Tosses ACLU's Lawsuit Against NSA With Very Regrettable Decision That Props Up Agency Rhetoric
If terrorism is about creating fear and worry, then the US government has become what it so wishes to defeat.
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