I couldn't think of any way Trump could win all 50 states, but I didn't expect the Hillary archipelago ( ) would create "The Purge" in their areas, but not only for a few hours.
It can go nationwide. I'm in a small town where flyover country flys over and ignores (literally, I've seen "the first state to..." no, we are, but don't tell them). I leave my truck unlocked. Lost wallets are turned over to the police, so if they go we can have a municipal lost and found.
That said, while we have "Officer Friendly" (and officer unfriendly will soon have to find another state to oppress), I agree with Oliver. The DEMOCRAT Identity politics game supports the police union blue gang as merely another they pander to and perhaps the Apex predator. Does the south side of Chicago - 30 deaths this weekend - think the police are needed?
This is a very specific problem (I've been complaining about, perhaps longer than you've been alive). Blue PRIVILEGE. Paranoia training so they are in fear of their life during their whole shift so it's justified to shoot anyone later.html
You will hate what I say next but I don't see that Chauvin is guilty of anything except doing exactly what he was trained to do. But that emphasizes the point of this article. The system that taught Chauvin to use neck restraints, as "less than lethal force", not unlike tasers that also can cause heart attacks. ed-in-lateral-vascular-neck-restraint-q5Ic6fvDg9hyMSvG/
Apparently the same neck restraint was used over 200 times by the Minneapolis police and over 40 times resulted in unconsciousness, but no deaths before Floyd (who was fragile, but not visibly so).
So if they go back to shooting people instead of the "less than lethal"?
Yes, defund and dissolve THAT police department. The difference 50 years ago and before and small towns is that the police are your neighbors. I know them; they know me. Anything will make the local paper (someone going off the main road into the irrigation channel does). We used to have neighborhood cops. We need to return to community, not the anonymous city. Then we can have community policing.
Or perhaps the 2nd amendment has an application.
Muh private company. If you don't like it, then don't "agree" to it.
The government can't limit your speech, but you can agree to do so voluntarily.
I would like this can of worms opened though. All the forced arbitrations, all the lawsuits like Bill O'Reilly's harassment settlements, the Planned Parenthood wrongful death settlements.
All are hush money. They agree not to discuss the details of the settlement, often how much they got to drop the case.
Sunshine is the best disinfectant and the crony corruption court "agreements" are more sickening than Covid.
In the Green Privacy thing I posted about HIPPA - those are your MEDICAL records.
A hospital system (Ascension?) is sharing them with Google.
The IRS seized 60 million records.
There are more records.
The DEA has surveiled people and allowed parallel construction where the local cops just happen to pull over the right truck at the right time, and discover drugs.
The most intimate details you share with your doctor are already not safe.
What makes you think you can hold anyone accountable - They are not nice people.
Do whatever you want but first assume Trump will be reelected and the apps will be under his control.
See DoorDash.
Facebook has done worse.
Arbitration costs $1500 to file but JAMA and California (where the ToS typically say how/where) say there is a limit of $250 total for the consumer, and they have to pay to fly out to your town to conduct it, and they have to pay attorney's fees...
If everyone who FaceBook, Google, Twitter simply paid $250 over a privacy violation it would cost them a few Billion.
Or shred the ToS as unconscionable and there would be interesting things there.
There are several related problems.
First the tracking type violations are often silent. If they had to light a big red flashing indicator they might not do it, but the wiretapping is hidden.
Second, there are technical quality and maintence reasons - that goes back to the old POTS where technicians might test lines. That was silent.
Third sue all you want, but if you've been doxxed that bell can't be unrung and it gets messy trying to calculate damages.
Fourth, you often want a public if small platform like Facebook, Twitter, or even this comment section. Would you bother posting if comments were hidden? There will never be a workable semi-private square, only private communications like a phone call and the public square like the big tech posting platforms.
Fifth, people like a free lunch. Which is not free and has to be paid for by someone. There are no options on Facebook to be on the platform, pay some amount and NOT be tracked, analyzed, monitored, and worse. Nor Google. It would be nice to have even a "pay for privacy:, but then it would be obvious how bad they violate it.
I scored a remote job and chose to move to the high plains. One key metric was police brutality. (the rest were libertarian - taxes, regulation, etc.).
One night I was a bit tipsy. A policeman pulled up (I was walking home). He offered to drive me home. That is small town life when the cops are your neighbors and attend church, or go to the same watering holes, or otherwise are part of the community like white cells are part of blood.
It is not there are zero incidents in my state, but they are rarely repeated. We don't want the stormtroopers here. And we like our guns. If there were no more cops it would be a minor inconvenience. I leave my car unlocked. A block from downtown.
There are minorities, but it is mostly a live and let live attitude. They don't try to push gun control or force people to bake cakes they don't want to (the police don't bother about thoughtcrime). And everyone is friendly and helpful.
In one sense I look on what happened in Minneapolis and other places and am glad I'm a refugee in a better place. Originally I'm from Guestapo Gretchen's Michigan. SO glad I left. And that South Dakota has Kristi Noam.
I can only think of what an alien coming here would think: "Strange system you have, you can vote for anyone but the areas that most complain about tyranny keep voting in the tyrants".
The worst states, at least in the northern tier, are totally controlled by Democrats. And the people and polices you are outraged at are all voted in by the victims. What happens when someone tries running on a Police Accountability and liberty platform? They lose. There are no close elections at the city level.
Minnesota through Minneapolis are filled with elected - chosen - socialist (leftist) Democrats. Perhaps it will take something beyond nonviolent protests to remove them. But I suspect it will never happen. The protesters, nonviolent and otherwise will keep electing the same people and expect different results. How many times will they be betrayed until they elect someone different?
That is Trump. The RINO Republicans kept saying "we will do what you elected us to do", then moved the goalpost. After losing their doctor and plan they wanted Obamacare eliminated. The RINOS said "oh, we can't do anything without the house". Then it was "oh, we need the Presidency too" and put up Jeb! or Rubio or Kasich. (I can go much deeper into the GOP betrayal of their base). The answer to fix the GOP was Trump, who is actually doing what he campaigned on to a very large extent.
I think you need the Democrat equivalent of Trump. Instead you got Biden. Bernie would have been better and might have won in 2016 or 2020. Tulisi Gabbard had some nice things to say. But the Democrats are still the "keep the corrupt system in place" party. I wish it weren't. We could have a robust debate about fixing things.
Evidence is against you.
Media was continually calling Obama a saint and covering for his evil (GITMO wasn't closed, Fast and Furious, Bengazi, Even Ferguson and Boston). He got the Nobel Peace Prize.
Trump was described as a racist "literally a Nazi" before he was elected. There was a violent "protest" on the day of his inaugural. The rest has been a chant of Russia!.
You might be able to make a case something boiled over, but everything is NEVER focused on anything to do with Police Brutality or violence as such. Instead it is racism and white supremacy.
There is an opportunity to have the tyrants in blue fixed because during the lockdowns they were oppressive to everyone. Instead it has been hijacked.
It is now a grievance industrial complex that alleges everything bad blacks experienced since 1600 needs to be laid on the USA now.
They dont' stop bullying - the School teaches authority is useless and they will let people beat you up early.
There was also the kid that ate his pop-tart into the shape of the gun.
And the kid in texas that repackaged a radio shack clock and was hauled out in handcuffs (the right made excuses - he was a muslim).
There is audio of the incident and now a movie. It happend in 2011. No one cared though somewhere in an abandoned timeline I was trying to bring attention.
It is worse than George Floyd. He accidentally triggered a medic alert device. He was a 68 year old Marine Veteran - and yes, black, but you can find welfare check shootings happen often. No criminal record.
He was shot to death a short time later. You can find the article on Wikipedia.
See what happend to the cops involved. Note there is no statute of limitations on murder.
I can imagine Floyd's death to be a horrible tragedy with prison worthy culpable negligence at a minimum.
I cannot do so in this case. Or several others.
Obama was in office. Eric Holder and his DoJ investigated. The department and those involved were cleared. There was far less outrage under Obama.
The only reason this made the news is because Trump is president. If Hillary won there would be no protests.
As to whether nonviolent protests work? The first problem is every time they call one, a lot of other people who DON'T care about Floyd arrive and vandalize, burn, and loot. They have no message. They just like destruction. The second problem is THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT POLICE BRUTALITY. It is reframed as racism or white supremacy, or something that is WHITE INSTEAD OF BLUE.
Most Police killings of innocent unarmed people are white. Daniel Savage. Duncan Lemp. Andrew Finch. They are just as dead but the protesters don't care because wrong tribe.
I'm against injustice, doubly so under the color of law. Such police ought to be executed. Instead we get the same "you don't know how hard it is to be a cop". No, but if you have less self-control than the criminals you shouldn't be a cop, and if you aren't willing not to make it home safe because of due process and the constitution, you shouldn't be a cop.
The actual shell game is to split team white and team black, ignoring team blue completely.
Just say "Eric Charamella" and the video will be banned from Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, and probably most others. They won't show it on Fox or CNN.
First, you can leave it off (and disable wifi scanning). GPS only will timeout.
Or enable "mock locations" and pick an interesting location.
Finding "recent location requests" in the Location setting can help.
There are apps or something that keep popping up "Can't get location" when I come from the lock screen on Android. One app uses an ad service that wants location and will keep checking in the background when I'm done if I don't explicitly exit the app.
A feature phone is better but some have this stuff under the hood.
So I followed the link.
Where is ANY study. I mean with the data, the stats, etc.?
This is just another CNN FakeNews puff/hit piece.
Who did the study? CrowdTangle, owned by ... Facebook!
"In fact, according to CrowdTangle, a data-analytics firm owned by Facebook, content from conservative news organizations dominates Facebook and often outperforms content from straightforward news organizations. "
How much did they have to torture the data (again, where is the raw data) to get this result and if it showed bad liberal bias would they have publicized it?
This like the Amazon PR as news sent to local stations that put it on the air without any disclaimer.
How much is Zuck paying you to amplify this? This is perhaps the worst bit of echoing an ad on Tech Dirt so far and there were many bad ones.
How about Investigating yourself?
This is like when Facebook was constantly outing transgender people because of their "real names" policy and "people you may know".
So Zuck just writes a huge check to a battered woman's advocacy group, and to the SF gay pride parade and they shut up and let Facebood continue doing what it was.
This is more theater. Appoint a bunch of people to a board with no power, no attempt at political diversity (anyone at Fox News, the Blaze, etc.), not even libertarians or free speech advocates. Pay a bunch of rich and famous an honorarium and hope the problem goes away.
REQUIRE an option where they don't track, monitize, distribute, etc. your data or even use it to "provide a better experience" tier which is paid.
Right now there is only the "free except you agree to give your soul to the devil when you die" contract. You can't pay Apple, Google, Amazon, F**kbook to not privacy rape you, that is not an option.
Reminds me of the old Bertrand Russel joke:
BR: Would you go to bed with me for $1Million?
woman: well,... yes I would.
BR: Would you do it for $5? (early 20th century)
woman: What do you think I am?
BR: Madame, we have established what you are, we only disagree about the price.
I can fly, if I let the TSA grope my "junk" and be porn scanned. Completely voluntary. Or charter a private Jet (why can't they crash into Trump Tower?).
The court found she is not a reporter or anyone dealing with facts but a clown that spews nonsense and everyone knows it and you can't be held to account for insane rantings.
It reminds me of Heath Ledger's joker burning a pile of money saying "My half!".
I hope your world burns since you say that is what you want. Your loved ones, relatives and friends die in the flames. The rest die of famines and only the ashes are left so no repairations can be made.
As the flames rose high into the night
to light the sacrificial rite
I saw Satan laughing with delight
the day the Music died.
I have been and will continue to try to make My world free. I resent your envy in wanting to burn down my free world because it is easier to destroy than to build.
Envy is the only sin that gives no joy. It does not seek to achieve anything but to destroy what others have including happiness and joy. "Misery loves company and by Satan I will make the whole world miserable!"
I live in a small town. In a state where I looked for liberty. I think there has been ONE mention of any police problem in the last 5 years. Police are still "officer friendly". But I don't have much real privacy. Everyone knows each other, but that means the Cops know me and I know them. The local cops in NJ wouldn't shut down the Gym so they brought some in from another precinct.
You may love the big city and its life - and its anonymity. But that works both ways. You don't know and probably never met the people who owned the businesses that were destroyed along with their hopes and dreams and their life savings.
Their hopes, dreams, and life savings are what you want to burn down. Not the police who will survive and probably thrive with the increased powers after the chaos like we still have the TSA.
When you wish to see the world burn, you are calling for your own self immolation.
It is better that 100 unarmed innocent people die than one cop not be able to get home safely because they hesitated.
You didn't mention Breonna Taylor. Or Duncan Lemp. Or Daniel Shaver. Or Andrew Finch (twitter tie in). Or a hundred others I can name.
They are just as dead, only it was in a few seconds instead of several minutes.
Qualified Immunity. "I was in fear for my life". Magic words that make responsibility go away.
The problem isn't white privilege, its blue supremacy.
Now there are only a few huge media congolmerates so almost every paper is the USA Today, as well as the radio stations and TV. Especially in small markets.
We must keep the scriptoria and buggy whip makers in business.
Meanwhile, people like Tim Pool (TimCast) are the new media.
Name any example of someone from CNN, MSNBC, or the Democratic Party being "fact checked" by Twitter. Name a prominet lefty banned (e.g. Kathy Griffin for Trump's severed head). Sarah Jeong posted tweets which were anti-white bigotry and they AFAIK are still up. Candace Owens just swapped the word "black" for "white" and every one was banned and she had her account locked.
Put simply, if they "fact checked" Maxine Waters, Cuomo, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC, Illan Omar, Rashida Talib, etc. over the Russiagate and Ukrainegate hoax or even the Michael Flynn railroading, and also did Trump no one would be complaining.
If they banned Dan Savage when they banned Milo no one would be complaining.
Here's a simple experiment. Create two twitter accounts. Post a tweet to each of them, calling for violence, using epithets, being offensive, but swap targets - men v.s. women, white v.s. black, gay v.s. straight.
If you are correct Twitter will consistently apply something to both or neither. If Conservatives are correct, only one set of tweets will be marked or deleted.
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Out here in flyover...
On the post: Let's Stop Pretending Peaceful Demonstrations Will Fix The System. 'Peace Officers' Don't Give A Shit About Peace.
Re: Re: An even more egregious case
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It might have been another Columbine
On the post: Let's Stop Pretending Peaceful Demonstrations Will Fix The System. 'Peace Officers' Don't Give A Shit About Peace.
If you want blood of Cops and their familes, wish granted?
On the post: Let's Stop Pretending Peaceful Demonstrations Will Fix The System. 'Peace Officers' Don't Give A Shit About Peace.
An even more egregious case
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You world
On the post: Let. The Motherfucker. Burn.
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Newspapers WERE important
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