I would have loved to hear Prenda get laughed out of court in Illinois, but I'm not going to drive down to St. Clair. Jeez, no wonder this guy is so crazy.
I don't believe even in an instant that there's a modicum of attempted protection of the children. I do believe that the modicum of interest was wanting to protect supposed damage to the Nascar name. Also lawsuits.
Corporations don't care about people. If they do, don't you think they would invest more in better crowd safety to prevent situations like this? Instead we're stuck focusing on the censorship, mostly because it's blatant.
They're actually, by this study, acknowledging that file sharers do pay? They're not calling them thieves? They're just saying "Wah we make less money off them!" ? They're also saying that the gap is less than 50%, even by their incredibly slanted statistics?
What's even worse, is they've been called out for doing exactly that. Yet they're doing it anyway. That part is seriously impressive in just how stubborn it is.
Your attention is not a currency by itself. The quality of the advertising is the currency. Thinking eyeballs = currency is exactly how advertising misses the boat.
no, it's not surprising. But it is hilarious, considering that a: torrent websites have rating systems and b: it's an invitation to openly spoof the number of downloads of said bogus torrent and/or try to have as many downloads with fake IP addresses (such as the japan copyright office) on them as possible.
This literally creates more opportunities for mischief than legitimately doing anything constructive.
The sad thing is, I can imagine that pearson, among all others, thinks exactly this way.
Pearson is *the* worst dinosaur of a company when it comes to online anything. Not only that, but they put little to no effort into their online classes, which basically use an iframe to display the entire book which you buy, as a pdf. Supplemental materials = an easy way for teachers to give people busywork. There's no actual value. Oh, and did I mention it requires you install quicktime and use firefox/IE, but their javascript will check to make sure you're not using chrome? Yep. They're *that* bad.
Never again will I ever take a class if it's online and includes pearson.
On the post: Prenda Law Sues Critics For Defamation
On the post: YouTube's ContentID Trolls: Claim Copyright On Lots Of Gameplay Videos, Hope No One Complains, Collect Free Money [Updated]
solution is the same as always
if youtube isn't going to fix the problem, find another video site to use.
On the post: Is It 'Fair' That Baauer Gets The Proceeds From Harlem Shake Videos, Despite Having Little To Do With Meme Popularity?
said it myself
Where's the proof? it's that when this is over he'll fade right back into general irrelevance.
He's being rewarded as if he were the creator, and that's an insult to the people who came up with it.
On the post: Comcast: We Won't Terminate Your Account Under Six Strikes; We'll Just Block Every Single Website
Re: So... To all pirates who think 6 Strikes can't work...
pirates aren't causing this redirect. comcast and/or the MAFIAA are. Thank them, dumbass.
On the post: NASCAR Abuses DMCA To Try To Delete Fan Videos Of Daytona Crash
Re: Re: Fine Print
On the post: NASCAR Abuses DMCA To Try To Delete Fan Videos Of Daytona Crash
Corporations don't care about people. If they do, don't you think they would invest more in better crowd safety to prevent situations like this? Instead we're stuck focusing on the censorship, mostly because it's blatant.
On the post: Google Looks To Cut 'Funding' To 'Illegal' Sites It Doesn't Fund In The First Place
I asked the same thing yesterday.
On the post: Lies, Damn Lies And Statistics: How The BPI Cherry Picks Its Averages To Pretend File Sharers Spend Less
waaaait a minute
did anyone else not miss that?
On the post: US And Europe Move On To TAFTA: Yet Another Chance To Push Through ACTA/SOPA Style IP Maximalism
On the post: The Many Motivations Of Movie Piracy (Notably Absent: 'I Want Everything For Free')
Re: Re: Not "bad"
Your attention is not a currency by itself. The quality of the advertising is the currency. Thinking eyeballs = currency is exactly how advertising misses the boat.
On the post: Japanese Government To Start Seeding P2P Networks With Faux Files Containing Copyright Warnings
Re: Re:
I don't see him on the high seas pirating like One Piece.
On the post: Japanese Government To Start Seeding P2P Networks With Faux Files Containing Copyright Warnings
Re: Re:
On the post: Japanese Government To Start Seeding P2P Networks With Faux Files Containing Copyright Warnings
This literally creates more opportunities for mischief than legitimately doing anything constructive.
On the post: School District Dumps $2 Million 'Online Textbook' Program After Discovering Some Students Can't Afford Broadband
Re: IP must be protected
Pearson is *the* worst dinosaur of a company when it comes to online anything. Not only that, but they put little to no effort into their online classes, which basically use an iframe to display the entire book which you buy, as a pdf. Supplemental materials = an easy way for teachers to give people busywork. There's no actual value. Oh, and did I mention it requires you install quicktime and use firefox/IE, but their javascript will check to make sure you're not using chrome? Yep. They're *that* bad.
Never again will I ever take a class if it's online and includes pearson.
On the post: CBS Sports Writer Feels It's OK To Issue 'Stealth' Corrections Because It's Just 'The Internet'
On the post: Lawyers Going After Charles Carreon Increase Their Request To $40,000 In Attorneys' Fees Owed
Re: Re:
On the post: Razer Updates Synapse Software With Better 'Offline Mode,' Other Problematic 'Features' Remain Unchanged
Re: Re:
Now? Maybe corsair, undecided.
You'd think Razer had heard of ubisoft and their issues by now, instead of staying in denial.
On the post: Judge Rules Woman Is Allowed To Flip Off Neighbors With Xmas Lights For Now
I'm surprised they didn't try to come up with a bogus felony just to spitefully put her in jail temporarily.
On the post: ...And FISA Is Renewed, With All Its Problems Still Intact
where's the list of who voted which way
On the post: Massachusetts Man Charged Criminally For Videotaping Cop... Despite Earlier Lawsuit Rejecting Such Claims
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