FTL: "Still, the report includes several redacted paragraphs describing “success” cases."
Here, lemme unredact those paragraphs:
Ungracefully due hawk prior responsibly dear more more about hello alas much cracked weasel rubbed one messy meant far some fallible responsibly far crud resplendently bandicoot saddled took because one tough drooled however however majestic up vague far built arousing disbanded across less considerably.
Gosh this exquisite wow jeepers said darn and fired near much goodness amongst dishonestly a beaver dear instead hello that on much out yet alas and grunted less accordingly seagull chameleon oversold far rat.
Hatchet wore less far forthright bawdy gosh well less less far consoled this and chameleon gosh following groaned inadvertent and yet and notwithstanding together the across moaned much komodo clearly far that certainly.
Consistent iguana differently caterpillar less stared tamarin away hello bluebird piranha ostrich pill creepy the less wore more this tuneful and much some sharply jeez hey.
Avoidably perilous far a more ancient removed toward out heard excepting wow fiendish hound however because unjustifiably concentric and much one but during alas thirstily wrote pouted underneath wasp after.
Yep, that's what all those people breaking international law, rules of war, Nuremberg, national laws and constitutions, ethics, and any sense of humanity keep telling themselves, eh?
"...Are my domain costs now going to double.."? Uh, no?
1) Certificates can be had for free; 2) If you're just 'placeholding' the domains but are not publishing, then don't get certs; 3) If you're just hanging on to the domains and don't care about their Mozilla and Google ranking for now, then just don't get certs; and lastly but most importantly, just wait a few months... 4) Certificates will be available for free from EFF's Let's Encrypt project. Press release: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/11/certificate-authority-encrypt-entire-web Let's Encrypt: https://letsencrypt.org/
1) It's a shared computer, can you claim that the client doesn't really possess the computer?
2) Advise your client to leave the country, renounce his/her citizenship, move somewhere with no extradition treaty. Consider this the equivalent accidentally witnessing a mob hit.
It depends who you consider to be a 'government official', eh.
For decades, many Canadian government (and government-funded) scientist and 'officials' had the respect of the Canadian public, and their occasional forays into the newspaper headlines were usually stories of them speaking out against politicians' lies. The smarter politicians just knew it was best to not interfere.
Witness Sheila Fraser, Jennifer Stoddard, and many, many scientists (do you remember the fight they led against rBST?. They proudly wore the label of Public Service Employee. Nope, I'm not one of them.
The Harper government considers publicly-funded science to be 1) counter-productive to their world view; 2) the property of the Conservative Party (AKA "Canada's Government" in so many of their TV ads). So they don't permit them to speak. Just what are they afraid of?
I'd like to hope that, if you're not already boycotting Walmart (y'know, for all the scummy moves they've done over the years), you'll stop shopping there (how else would you know about those two cash register?) if they implement the Stroz software.
Right now, the system punishes any cop who breaks ranks and tells the truth.
His suggestion would generate a hostile environment for any cop(s) unwilling to admit a mistake and insisting on using bullshit/unlimited-budget legal defense.
It's very difficult to actually erase data on Flash memory. (BTW, this makes them a bit of a security risk.)
Unless you take extraordinary methods, the photos would still be on the memory cards, even if the card was formatted. There are lots of tools to recover deleted files, a lots of 'em specifically for retrieving deleted photos.
With utmost respect, can I suggest that you revise your understanding of how Greece got into the mess it's in now?
As with Ireland, Iceland, Spain, and other countries, including the sub-prime loans in the USA, the devil is in the details. And there are a lot of devil-hiding details...
The wonderful Oral Argument podcast's Christian Turner feels that juries' decisions should also face the same standard by asking them, when they're kinda sure about a guilty verdict, whether they'd be willing to go to jail for the same amount of time, if it's found out that they accused was innocent.
T he Alert fingers Komodia Redirector's SDK (Komodia is offline from a DDOS attack right now), as well as other vendors' products: http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/529496 ".. the root CA certificates have been found to use trivially obtainable, publicly disclosed, hard-coded private keys.."
Care to try to back up your claim that it's safe, Mr. Pinhas?
On the post: NSA's Stellar Wind Program Was Almost Completely Useless, Hidden From FISA Court By NSA And FBI
Success stories redacted?
Here, lemme unredact those paragraphs:
Ungracefully due hawk prior responsibly dear more more about hello alas much cracked weasel rubbed one messy meant far some fallible responsibly far crud resplendently bandicoot saddled took because one tough drooled however however majestic up vague far built arousing disbanded across less considerably.
Gosh this exquisite wow jeepers said darn and fired near much goodness amongst dishonestly a beaver dear instead hello that on much out yet alas and grunted less accordingly seagull chameleon oversold far rat.
Hatchet wore less far forthright bawdy gosh well less less far consoled this and chameleon gosh following groaned inadvertent and yet and notwithstanding together the across moaned much komodo clearly far that certainly.
Consistent iguana differently caterpillar less stared tamarin away hello bluebird piranha ostrich pill creepy the less wore more this tuneful and much some sharply jeez hey.
Avoidably perilous far a more ancient removed toward out heard excepting wow fiendish hound however because unjustifiably concentric and much one but during alas thirstily wrote pouted underneath wasp after.
On the post: GM Says That While You May Own Your Car, It Owns The Software In It, Thanks To Copyright
Re: Unintended concequence
Maybe even include a suitably-obscured photocopy of the invoice for the non-Deere tractor you bought.
On the post: Welcome To The New League Of Leakers -- Courtesy Of Edward Snowden
On the post: Netflix Moving To Encrypted Streams, As Mozilla Moves To Deprecate Unencrypted Web Pages As Insecure
Re: Re: Re:
Uh, no?
1) Certificates can be had for free;
2) If you're just 'placeholding' the domains but are not publishing, then don't get certs;
3) If you're just hanging on to the domains and don't care about their Mozilla and Google ranking for now, then just don't get certs;
and lastly but most importantly, just wait a few months...
4) Certificates will be available for free from EFF's Let's Encrypt project.
Press release:
Let's Encrypt:
On the post: TSA Agents Outwitted By Cory Doctorow's Unlocked, 'TSA-Safe' Suitcase
Re: Re: BUT
But only if the sign is signed "The Management"...
On the post: What Do You Do When Preserving Evidence Is Labeled 'Possession' And Destroying It Is A Felony?
Two possible wrinkles or solutions?
2) Advise your client to leave the country, renounce his/her citizenship, move somewhere with no extradition treaty. Consider this the equivalent accidentally witnessing a mob hit.
On the post: Google Completely Cuts Off Chinese Government's Certificate Authority, CNNIC
Re: So the argument is it was an accident???
So, yes, that IS the proper response.
On the post: Following Canada's Bad Example, Now UK Wants To Muzzle Scientists And Their Inconvenient Truths
Re: To lose something, you must first have it
For decades, many Canadian government (and government-funded) scientist and 'officials' had the respect of the Canadian public, and their occasional forays into the newspaper headlines were usually stories of them speaking out against politicians' lies. The smarter politicians just knew it was best to not interfere.
Witness Sheila Fraser, Jennifer Stoddard, and many, many scientists (do you remember the fight they led against rBST?. They proudly wore the label of Public Service Employee. Nope, I'm not one of them.
The Harper government considers publicly-funded science to be 1) counter-productive to their world view; 2) the property of the Conservative Party (AKA "Canada's Government" in so many of their TV ads). So they don't permit them to speak. Just what are they afraid of?
rBST, approved in USA, not in Canada:
http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/vet/faq/growth_hormones_promoters_croissance_hormonaux_stimula teurs-eng.php
Of course, the Harper Government claims to be open and transparent, but...
..a whole bunch of Canadian Scientists beg to differ:
On the post: Spyware-For-Business Company Thinks Concerns About 'Medical Bills' Are Indicators Of An 'Insider Threat'
Re: (deeply indebted to the AC)
*re-running risk analysis, with volume set to 11*
Target: Employees, Stringers, Guests, Staff, Consultants, The Barista at StarBucks, etc, Of Techdirt
Status: Risk
Recommendation: Fire them all. Shut the business down. Move to Ittoqqotoormiit, learn to love dried ammasat and raw caribou liver.
No more insider, outsider, or bystander threats.
That'll be $300,000, please.
On the post: Spyware-For-Business Company Thinks Concerns About 'Medical Bills' Are Indicators Of An 'Insider Threat'
On the post: Judge Calls Out Portland Police For Bogus 'Contempt Of Cop' Arrest/Beating
Re: Re: Re: See this? Fix it or stop whining
His suggestion would generate a hostile environment for any cop(s) unwilling to admit a mistake and insisting on using bullshit/unlimited-budget legal defense.
If you ask me, this would be a good thing.
On the post: BART, The Train Service, Goes After Brewery Over BART, The Beer
On the post: Government Pays $18k To Journalists Whose Tank Plant Photos It Deleted
So, did they publish the photos?
Unless you take extraordinary methods, the photos would still be on the memory cards, even if the card was formatted. There are lots of tools to recover deleted files, a lots of 'em specifically for retrieving deleted photos.
On the post: Greece Wants To Use Amateur Snoopers Wired For Sound And Video To Catch Business Tax Dodgers
Re: Huh
As with Ireland, Iceland, Spain, and other countries, including the sub-prime loans in the USA, the devil is in the details. And there are a lot of devil-hiding details...
You could start here, and continue elsewhere:
On the post: NZ Prime Minister: 'I'll Resign If GCSB Did Mass Surveillance'; GCSB: 'We Did Mass Surveillance'; NZPM: 'Uh...'
I hope Clarke and Dawe get on this, ASAP.
On the post: Should The Punishment For Falsely Accusing People Of A Crime Match The Punishment For The Crime Itself?
Extend the requirement to the juries too.
On the post: Superfish Keeps Digging Deeper And Deeper Hole: Still Refuses To Acknowledge Seriousness Of What Its Software Did
US-Cert added an Alert for Superfish
T he Alert fingers Komodia Redirector's SDK (Komodia is offline from a DDOS attack right now), as well as other vendors' products:
".. the root CA certificates have been found to use trivially obtainable, publicly disclosed, hard-coded private keys.."
Care to try to back up your claim that it's safe, Mr. Pinhas?
On the post: Microsoft Steps In To Clean Up Lenovo's Superfish Mess -- While Lenovo Stumbles And Superfish Remains Silent
"...proactive measures such as certificate pinning in Google Chrome will not alert users in cases like this because it doesn’t validate certificates chained to a private anchor."
On the post: The World's Email Encryption Software Relies On One Guy, Who Is Going Broke
Thanks, Julia.
I've used Hr. Koch's software for years and I'm not sure if I ever donated. In any case, I've made a donation - he deserves it.
On the post: Die Another Eh: What Does It Mean Now That James Bond Is In The Public Domain In Canada?
Re: Die another eh?
I might have gone with:
"Conflict-free Arctic Diamonds Are Forever"
...uh, something else?
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