how about teaching them about the basics of security?
google for armovore shows the second result linking directly to their "DMCA login" page. Clearly a genius company.
MEC DMCA System - - Login
all it would take is a simple submittal to anonymous and I'm pretty sure this would escalate. How do people manage to be this stupid in the first place?
However, that's not to say that dealing with a tough situation is going to hold Microsoft back from spewing everything they can to make google sound like an evil entity here.
The amount of FUD surrounding this matter has been as atrocious as ever.
sadly, lots and lots of corporations do function like this. While I recognize the joke it's a safe bet that if it's not a startup and is a large company it's pretty common this will happen.
what is going on? Apple and Microsoft want to be able to sue for their patents regardless of licensing - google does not.
So their statement does not have to do with the shakedown, Mike. As noted by PJ on groklaw: "See what the issue is? Apple and Microsoft would like to *change* FRAND terms to include a waiver of injunctions, which isn't now part of FRAND requirements. In fact, it's an equitable remedy. They'd like it to be removed as a defensive move, in order to disarm Android vendors, especially now that Google is buying Motorola. In short, it's not so much about loving standards all of a sudden as wanting to win by disarming the other side. And then there is the problem that no one can build a smartphone without paying so much for patents they can't make a profit. This is now hitting Apple and Microsoft too. I wish Microsoft and Apple would be more straightforward. Their paid "consultants" too. I mean if someone is being paid by Microsoft, whose position is he or she likely to push? So, good for BBC News for seeking out lawyers to check on what non-lawyer consultants are pushing out there"
As noted - their concern is tablets and handsets - not codecs.
I agree that they should do more, but I wouldn't act like they've been passive - quite the opposite.
none of the pyrex sold in the us is PYREX anymore (borosilicate). Not since the 70's. The european version with borosilicate is named "Marinex" and....not made from Pyrex.
it's the good old political way, coming back around.
I hope politicians are happy to have used this technique so often that basically everyone uses it for mudslinging now.
Yet another example of "when you do something stupid, and do it publicly, other people are going to copy it". On a bigger scale, I really hope politicians become more aware of idiocy like this, instead of "let's overreact again and let other people use it to their advantage".
On the post: Chipping Away At The First Amendment: New 'Trespassing' Bill Could Be Used To Criminalize Legitimate Protests
The bigger concern is "how much worse off will we be afterwards".
On the post: Key Techdirt SOPA/PIPA Post Censored By Bogus DMCA Takedown Notice
google for armovore shows the second result linking directly to their "DMCA login" page. Clearly a genius company.
MEC DMCA System - - Login
all it would take is a simple submittal to anonymous and I'm pretty sure this would escalate. How do people manage to be this stupid in the first place?
also, wow! they requested takedown for 500 links!
On the post: Guy Gets Bogus YouTube Copyright Claim... On Birds Singing In The Background
read #4.
It's not an apology. It's a "we're making money off you, shut up and suck it up".
On the post: Patent Aggressor Microsoft Files EU Complaint Against Google/Motorola For Charging Too Much To License Patents
yet all three are protected in delaware
On the post: Patent Aggressor Microsoft Files EU Complaint Against Google/Motorola For Charging Too Much To License Patents
Re: Re:
However, that's not to say that dealing with a tough situation is going to hold Microsoft back from spewing everything they can to make google sound like an evil entity here.
The amount of FUD surrounding this matter has been as atrocious as ever.
On the post: Patent Aggressor Microsoft Files EU Complaint Against Google/Motorola For Charging Too Much To License Patents
one other point
On the post: Did Universal Music Try To Expense The Costs Of Eminem's Producers Suing Over Unpaid Royalties... Back To Eminem's Producers?
then we have: corporation friendly laws
On the post: NSA: 'Anonymous Might One Day Hack Power Grids!' Anonymous: 'Huh?!?'
On the post: Techdirt Deemed Harmful To Minors In Germany
Re: Re: Re: In other news...
On the post: Congrats, US Government: You're Scaring Web Businesses Into Moving Out Of The US
doesn't matter
On the post: Indian Official Promises India Won't Censor The Internet... Except, You Know, When It Has To Censor The Internet
if you hear the same lines, it's from the same people
It's no accident that they all say the same story on the same issue.
On the post: Debunking The EU Commission's 'Myths About ACTA'
Did they not learn from last time how that went?
wow, they really don't want ACTA to pass, huh.
On the post: If Google Is Serious About Reforming Patent Mess, It Should Make A Bold Statement And Stop Using Motorola Patents To Demand Cash
uh, there's more to it than this
It has nothing to do with google and everything to do with FUD. See -
what is going on? Apple and Microsoft want to be able to sue for their patents regardless of licensing - google does not.
So their statement does not have to do with the shakedown, Mike. As noted by PJ on groklaw: "See what the issue is? Apple and Microsoft would like to *change* FRAND terms to include a waiver of injunctions, which isn't now part of FRAND requirements. In fact, it's an equitable remedy. They'd like it to be removed as a defensive move, in order to disarm Android vendors, especially now that Google is buying Motorola. In short, it's not so much about loving standards all of a sudden as wanting to win by disarming the other side. And then there is the problem that no one can build a smartphone without paying so much for patents they can't make a profit. This is now hitting Apple and Microsoft too. I wish Microsoft and Apple would be more straightforward. Their paid "consultants" too. I mean if someone is being paid by Microsoft, whose position is he or she likely to push? So, good for BBC News for seeking out lawyers to check on what non-lawyer consultants are pushing out there"
As noted - their concern is tablets and handsets - not codecs.
I agree that they should do more, but I wouldn't act like they've been passive - quite the opposite.
On the post: Shattering pyrex To Show A Massive Weakness In Trademark Law
Re: the humor of PYREX and pyrex
On the post: Shattering pyrex To Show A Massive Weakness In Trademark Law
the humor of PYREX and pyrex
none of the pyrex sold in the us is PYREX anymore (borosilicate). Not since the 70's. The european version with borosilicate is named "Marinex" and....not made from Pyrex.
Nice, huh.
On the post: The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Would Like To Know What You Think Of Them (Sorta)
Re: tried my best to answer the questions
where I could basically put "you are a case study for preventing international business growth"
On the post: Is The US Meddling In Polish ACTA Voting?
Re: Re: you know what?
On the post: Is The US Meddling In Polish ACTA Voting?
you know what?
Start a petition for the white house to answer on:
Dear white house,
why are we meddling in the political affairs of a foreign country?
signed, the internet.
On the post: Copyright Troll Submits Entire Filing About How 'Radical, Quasi-Anarchist' EFF Should Be Blocked From Participating In Case
I hope politicians are happy to have used this technique so often that basically everyone uses it for mudslinging now.
Yet another example of "when you do something stupid, and do it publicly, other people are going to copy it". On a bigger scale, I really hope politicians become more aware of idiocy like this, instead of "let's overreact again and let other people use it to their advantage".
On the post: Megaupload Users Plan To Sue... As Their Files & Data Are About To Be Destroyed
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