What holds the hard right-left alliance together is this: They hate Obama.
This is a perfect example of Correlation not equalling causation. Everyone hates Obama because, well choose your poison ACA, DOJ, ACTA, NSA spying, etc.
Actually it wasn't anything that he did that reduced the crime rates. You see correlation does not equal causation. The most likely and probable factor for the reduction in crime was more than likely Roe -v- Wade. Which has cause a slow decrease in the crime statistics for the last 20+ years. No unwanted children, less likely they will be treated poorly and go on to commit crimes.
Several years from now we will have wearable computers being used by a sizeable chunk of the population, and many people will run them continuously. What happens then?
Do the police insist that Google magically figure out a way to determine who is, and isn't a police officer, and shut the camera off, even if they are plain clothed officers?
What a great idea hold politicians responsible for everything their subordinates do. We could clear out entire governments and start fresh. Brilliant!!
Not only did the Administration repeatedly decline Senator Wyden's request for a "ballpark figure" of the number of Americans whose information was being collected by the NSA last year,
The simple answer is everyone with a phone or internet connection ...
that's a point that tends to get lost on folks -- like General Hayden -- who don't seem to understand that equating the entirety of the online world with terrorists
The only reason he thinks the internet is full of terrorists is, that is the only thing he is looking for online. Perhaps we should send him some cat video's ...
It occurred to me, that until we have laws in place that include jail time, for politicians and government personnel, for violating the constitution, this is not going to stop.
Statistically over a thirty year period you stand a slightly better chance of being killed by lightening. 100 plus, deaths every year by lighting and less than 100 a year killed by terrorists (including 9/11).
Everything they do seems like a waste just based on those numbers...
If you look at every other whistleblower they are all living less than exceptional lives here in the US. They have been basically blacklisted.
What US company would hire Snowden? Knowing that he could, at any time, cause them an issue with the government. There is no incentive for him to come and live in the US.
Re: High Court Low Court ... or rather ... High Corp, Low Corp
Sorry .. posted before I finished editing ....
The issue is that bloggers are not reporters, and all leakers are not created equal. In the eye's of the government and the newspapers they are treated differently. Anyone going outside of officially approved and supported (reads controllable) channels, is to be persecuted and discredited in anyway possible.
High Court Low Court ... or rather ... High Corp, Low Corp
"why would his own employers so undermine his ability to do that kind of reporting by supporting the prosecution of other whistleblowers and leakers?"
The issue is that bloggers are not reporters in the eye's of the government or the Newspapers, they are treated differently. Anyone going outside of officially approved and supported (reads controllable) channels is to be persecuted.
On the post: Snowden Leaks Have Likely Killed CISPA Dead
Re: Seems Like The More Information They Collect, The More Terrorist Incidents They Fail To Prevent
To paraphrase Star Wars on the situation... The more you tighten your grip on information, the more Terrorists will slip through your fingers
On the post: Secret Service Interviewed Aaron Swartz's Friends About Guerilla Open Access Manifesto
On the post: Why The DOJ's Legal Defense That 'All' Info May Be 'Relevant' For The NSA Is Legally Hogwash
I think the simple answer is our probable response...
Surely, if the NSA done nothing wrong it has nothing to hide ?
On the post: Why The DOJ's Legal Defense That 'All' Info May Be 'Relevant' For The NSA Is Legally Hogwash
On the post: Pro-NSA Editorial Flails Wildly, Snarks At Internet Users And Claims Those Challenging NSA's Reach 'Hate Obama'
This is a perfect example of Correlation not equalling causation. Everyone hates Obama because, well choose your poison ACA, DOJ, ACTA, NSA spying, etc.
On the post: Annoyed NY Mayor Attacks Court Decision On Stop And Frisk With Condescension And Hyperbole
Re: Ethics 101
On the post: British Library Network Blocks 'Hamlet' For 'Violent Content'
On the post: Rep. Peter King Says Referring To NSA Activity As 'Spying' Or 'Snooping' Is Slander
With the surveillance state he helps maintain, Al Qaeda has already won.
On the post: LAPD Detains A Photographer For 'Interfering' With A Police Investigation... From 90 Feet Away
Rialto, CA Police Made to Wear Cameras, Use of Force Drops by Over Two-Thirds
On the post: LAPD Detains A Photographer For 'Interfering' With A Police Investigation... From 90 Feet Away
Do the police insist that Google magically figure out a way to determine who is, and isn't a police officer, and shut the camera off, even if they are plain clothed officers?
That reminds me of something ...
On the post: UK Prime Minister Calls ask.fm A 'Vile Site,' Blames It For The Behavior Of Some Vile Users
On the post: Jennifer Hoelzer's Insider's View Of The Administration's Response To NSA Surveillance Leaks
The simple answer is everyone with a phone or internet connection ...
On the post: Jennifer Hoelzer's Insider's View Of The Administration's Response To NSA Surveillance Leaks
The only reason he thinks the internet is full of terrorists is, that is the only thing he is looking for online. Perhaps we should send him some cat video's ...
On the post: NSA's Rules Allowing Warrantless Searches On Americans Came THE SAME DAY It Was Told Searches Violated 4th Amendment
On the post: Cost-Benefit Analysis Of NSA Surveillance Says It's Simply Not Worth It
Everything they do seems like a waste just based on those numbers...
On the post: Why It Might Be In The US's Best Interests To Grant Ed Snowden Full Immunity From Prosecution
Re: Re: IF Snowden's alleged "dead man's switch" was even thought real,
On the post: Why It Might Be In The US's Best Interests To Grant Ed Snowden Full Immunity From Prosecution
Re: Forget the principals
What US company would hire Snowden? Knowing that he could, at any time, cause them an issue with the government. There is no incentive for him to come and live in the US.
On the post: NY Times Reveals NSA Searches All Emails In & Out Of The US; Will It Offer Up Its Source For Prosecution?
Re: Here's a "bit more evidence" of a spying corporation: APPLE.
I picture the questions ....
[ ] Do you agree to allow us to forward all your emails to the NSE, DEA, FBI?
On the post: NY Times Reveals NSA Searches All Emails In & Out Of The US; Will It Offer Up Its Source For Prosecution?
Re: High Court Low Court ... or rather ... High Corp, Low Corp
The issue is that bloggers are not reporters, and all leakers are not created equal. In the eye's of the government and the newspapers they are treated differently. Anyone going outside of officially approved and supported (reads controllable) channels, is to be persecuted and discredited in anyway possible.
On the post: NY Times Reveals NSA Searches All Emails In & Out Of The US; Will It Offer Up Its Source For Prosecution?
High Court Low Court ... or rather ... High Corp, Low Corp
The issue is that bloggers are not reporters in the eye's of the government or the Newspapers, they are treated differently. Anyone going outside of officially approved and supported (reads controllable) channels is to be persecuted.
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