just because you got to be an insider, doesn't mean you can stay one, or won't be subject to internecine warfare of puppetmasters above your pay grade...
*my* guesstimate (based on rumor-mongering of koo koo kwazy konspiracy sites), is that he *had* (past tense, doesn't matter what he has now: he is toxic ! see how that works ? ask scott ritter, et al...) 'the goods' on the whole up/down the chain of command on the original torture regime instituted, carried out in various places, and culminating in the devolution to the worst abuses at normal POW jails like abu ghraib...
he could be a handy person to have in the docket if -say- a worldwide peacekeeping organization were to actually perform their chartered, most serious, vital duties, and indict a fuckton of 'merikan 'leaders' on war krimes...
...or, *would* have been... now ? well, he doesn't STFU, won't be long til some kiddie pron shows up on his 'puter...
wet jobs are so messy AND unnecessary: there are a MILLION ways short of murder to control most people, WHEN YOU HAVE THE RESOURCES AND MEANS...
this is too focused on the superficial story, and not enough reflection on the back story and its deep political implications...
petraeus was determined persona non grata by the powers that bee at some point; no doubt, some spook hoovering of communications is what set him up to be exposed...
(what ? are you a child ? do you think there aren't thousands of him doing ten times 'worse' (meh), WHY would HE (she) get 'caught' ? ? ? BECAUSE the PUPPETMASTERS wanted him to be destroyed... you and i may never know the reason -hell, HE MIGHT NOT-, but their star chamber has made that verdict...)
and -again- there ARE a hundred administration leakers leaking ten times 'worse'; BUT they will skate by unmolested because sauron has not turned his gaze on them...
The They (tm) have made it clear that petraeus is toxic, and all the insiders will shun and revile him, and the outsiders will ignore him because he is damaged goods...
whether *anything* comes of any or all of them is almost besides the point, NEVER expected it to be some kind of exercise in 'direct-democracy'...
about the ONLY thing i expected, was for the 99% to have a TEENY, TINY means of redress, which would shine a spotlight on various issues, etc which concerned us 99%, NOT the superior form of citizens known as korporations...
besides, your FUD tactics are weak: whether WE DECIDE to have the jobs of various civil servants subject to a recall action DOES NOT automagically mean that EVERYTHING on the planet is thus run in the same fashion...
what kind of retarded palaver is that ? ? ?
in point of fact, numerous civil servant positions *are* subject to 'recall', it is just such a PITA, and usually dependent upon the corrupt system to police the corrupt system... (how's *that* working out for ya' ? ? ?)
as a matter of principle, i *ALWAYS* vote 'NO' on 'should judge so-and-so be retained for another term...', since they always win by 85-95% (NO ONE knows who judge so-and-so is), i just want to lower that percentage a little to put the fear of dog in them...
we are in the beginning of the Great Unraveling... it will not be pretty...
Empire must fall. the sooner the fall, the gentler for all...
not only that, the aclu, etc purposefully PICK these extreme cases TO ENSURE there is a bright line drawn: IF they can get rights secured for the WORST of the accused, then EVERYONE is made more secure...
um, cat door ? obviously, prob not suitable for a lot of apartments, and you have to have a cat that won't run off, etc...
both SWMBO and i go to work in the day, so the doggie door we got is a HUGE piece of mind to us... locking the dogs inside all day ALWAYS made me feel bad (although, what the hell, they sleep inside all day, or they sleep outside all day, whats the diff), and somewhat anxious about ever having a fire/etc and they could not get out... with doggie door in place, ALL is good, AND don't have to get up to let them in/out anymore ! yeah, i'm lovin' the doggie door...
*exactly* as the 'free-market' (*cough*bullshit*cough*) was meant to operate, amirite ? ? ?
what a crock: uber-kapitalists who extol the virtues of competition, blah blah blah, then do EVERYTHING in their power to make sure their competition is stifled if not eliminated by laws they lobby for...
its not turtles all the way down, its scumbags all the way down...
Re: Perhaps that's *why* the goverment claims N. Korea did it ....
so-o-o-o, they are apparently conceding that ANY inconvenience for a transnational korporation constitutes an 'attack' on amerika ? ? ?
'cause that sure seems like the takeaway... are we not even going to pretend our warmaking is about preserving 'freedom and democracy', but merely preserving profits of transnational korporations ? ? ?
the last stages of Empire consolidation: the pretense is abandoned...
Empire must fall. the sooner the fall, the gentler for all...
funny thing is, SWMBO switched our cellyphones from sprint to t-mob SIMPLY because of a botched purchase of new phones...
she picked a refurb/used one from sprint they SAID they had X number in stock at that store... (actually, she said it kept on bouncing around all kinds of numbers in stock) she orders that, THE ORDER IS CONFIRMED AND THEY SEND AN EMAIL AND PHONE MSG that says it is ready at the store, blah blah blah... goes the next day to pick it up, and they dont' have it... WTF? says she (or g-rated equivalent)...
by the time i meet her there to pick out my new phone, she has steam coming out her ears, and the STUPID fucking clerks are being MORONS and LOSE a customer because nobody knew shit about shit, and was not the least bit interested in finding out... wife storms out and cancels our accounts (5 people on plan that was past obligation and on month-to-month) and switches to t-mob... stupid droids at sprint, LAST thing the idiots say as we walk out the door is 'we did our job'... NO, you didn't asswipe, your 'JOB' is NOT to simply look on a computer screen and see the phone isn't in the store, YOUR JOB IS TO MAKE IT RIGHT...
it would be one thing if she was looking for a phone they didn't have in stock and got pissed about it; but this was a phone they SAID they had in stock, and sent msgs TELLING her they did and to come pick it up...
t-mob is working great, got our wifi hotspots like we wanted, and even on trips, we hardly approach our data limits... (not streaming movies and shit, just maps, web surfing, hooking up the tablets to them, etc...)
no doubt, they are all eee-vil, but it seems t-mob is slightly less eee-vil...
Re: Re: Re: Re: While we are at it, can we ditch hate crimes as well?
"Otherwise, we should be locking up all the military personnel, the police forces and other such groups..."
*bingo* IF we had actual principles and morals, we *should*, we won't...
let's try a little thought experiment... okay, i'm going to start HATING on you REALLY *hard* now, eye see ewe, ready, here it goes: (pretend those are 'hate' sounds) oh yeah, i'm really HATING on you now, buddy ! ! !
yeah! you feeling that, sucker ? that really is hurting you, ain't it ?
bwa ha ha ha ha haaaaa i'm so eee-vil, i should be jailed for that 'hate'...
when Big Pharma is crying its crocodile tears, and moaning on about how much money R&D costs, how many drugs are failures (hmmm, wonder if that has anything to do with -what amounts to- TOTALLY random methods of simply throwing different shit at different shit and seeing what happens), blah blah blah
DO NOT let them blind you with their smoke and mirrors: they spend a LOT MORE on MARKETING than they do R&D... a LOT... AND a LOT of so-called R&D is really marketing bullshit in disguise: will we sell more pills if they are this shape or that shape? will we sell more pills if they are that color or this color ? etc, etc, etc... that is ALL marketing bs, has NOTHING to do with the delivery or efficacy of the drugs...
daily kos, *snort* AS IF they have ANY brief to actually be for real free speech, they censor for simply voicing valid plaints in opposition to their agenda... obama and obamacare, for instance... they are odious dem'rat authoritarians who care not ONE WHIT for free expression... *blaaaap* i fart in their general direction...
an INEVITABLE proposition i would like to remind kampers of, is that bots of all sorts are being miniaturized to the point of microscopic...
SURELY, NO ONE can object to the fbi (AND the whole alphabet spook contingent) putting a harmless little surveillance nanobot up your butt to ensure you are not having any thought-krimes, citizen...
even though it will have many bytes, it won't hurt a bit...
um, did we mention that objecting to a nanobot up your butt is tantamount to a thought-krime and punishable by having a nanobot up your butt ? ? ?
Empire must fall. the sooner the fall, the gentler for all...
not necessarily apropos of this article, but here is a link and brief intro to an interesting blurb over at naked capitalism:
Cash or Copyright or Real Creativity? Posted on January 6, 2015 by Yves Smith Yet another important, counterintuitive finding…at least if you think that people respond only or mainly to economic incentives. Not to give the punchline away, but the success of open source software from a technical standpoint is one supporting datapoint. Can readers think of others?
By Dan Hunter, Dean, Swinburne Law School at Swinburne University of Technology. Originally published at The Conversation
Imagine you were asked to write a law that encouraged creativity. What would it look like? Whatever your answer, it’s pretty clear that it wouldn’t look like copyright.
Which is weird, right? Because copyright is supposed to be the law that spurs creativity. The problem, it turns out, is that the central features of copyright are directly opposed to the things that support creativity.
Creativity is a tricky thing to understand, and we have very little insight into what animates the creative spark and why some people are more creative than others.
But one thing we do know about creativity is that a really good way to make people less creative, is to pay them. A series of studies by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan Teresa Amabile, and others, have shown that primary school kids don’t learn to read if they’re paid to, artists produce their worst work when they’re commissioned to produce it, and people get worse at solving puzzles if you reward them for successful solutions. ... http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2015/01/cash-copyright-real-creativity.html
you know why ? Fact: because EVERYONE is a 'creative' (sic)...
and MOST OF US don't get a chance to practice our creative sides any near as much as we'd like because we have a fucking job (or kids, which is a job by itself)...
some of us don't feel entitled enough to think of ourselves as such speshul, pwecious, pwecocious, sparkle-pony's that we not only DESERVE, but DEMAND that the rest of society SUPPORT US in our endeavor to goof off all day and (with a near 90% certainty - see sturgeon's law) produce a thing of unbeauty that you foist off on your adoring public...
you know, the job market is bad enough as it is, but why am i guessing that you, personally, a non cow, don't have any marketable skills except being a 'creative' of some sort...
On the post: Former CIA Director May Face Charges Under Espionage Act, Showing How Ridiculous Espionage Act Is
Re: Petraeus Indictment Won't Happen
*my* guesstimate (based on rumor-mongering of koo koo kwazy konspiracy sites), is that he *had* (past tense, doesn't matter what he has now: he is toxic ! see how that works ? ask scott ritter, et al...) 'the goods' on the whole up/down the chain of command on the original torture regime instituted, carried out in various places, and culminating in the devolution to the worst abuses at normal POW jails like abu ghraib...
he could be a handy person to have in the docket if -say- a worldwide peacekeeping organization were to actually perform their chartered, most serious, vital duties, and indict a fuckton of 'merikan 'leaders' on war krimes...
...or, *would* have been...
now ?
well, he doesn't STFU, won't be long til some kiddie pron shows up on his 'puter...
wet jobs are so messy AND unnecessary: there are a MILLION ways short of murder to control most people, WHEN YOU HAVE THE RESOURCES AND MEANS...
On the post: Former CIA Director May Face Charges Under Espionage Act, Showing How Ridiculous Espionage Act Is
Re: Pure political maneuvering
this is too focused on the superficial story, and not enough reflection on the back story and its deep political implications...
petraeus was determined persona non grata by the powers that bee at some point; no doubt, some spook hoovering of communications is what set him up to be exposed...
(what ? are you a child ? do you think there aren't thousands of him doing ten times 'worse' (meh), WHY would HE (she) get 'caught' ? ? ? BECAUSE the PUPPETMASTERS wanted him to be destroyed... you and i may never know the reason -hell, HE MIGHT NOT-, but their star chamber has made that verdict...)
and -again- there ARE a hundred administration leakers leaking ten times 'worse'; BUT they will skate by unmolested because sauron has not turned his gaze on them...
The They (tm) have made it clear that petraeus is toxic, and all the insiders will shun and revile him, and the outsiders will ignore him because he is damaged goods...
another ho-hum day in Empire...
On the post: White House Responds To Petition About Aaron Swartz By Saying Absolutely Nothing
about the ONLY thing i expected, was for the 99% to have a TEENY, TINY means of redress, which would shine a spotlight on various issues, etc which concerned us 99%, NOT the superior form of citizens known as korporations...
besides, your FUD tactics are weak: whether WE DECIDE to have the jobs of various civil servants subject to a recall action DOES NOT automagically mean that EVERYTHING on the planet is thus run in the same fashion...
what kind of retarded palaver is that ? ? ?
in point of fact, numerous civil servant positions *are* subject to 'recall', it is just such a PITA, and usually dependent upon the corrupt system to police the corrupt system...
(how's *that* working out for ya' ? ? ?)
as a matter of principle, i *ALWAYS* vote 'NO' on 'should judge so-and-so be retained for another term...', since they always win by 85-95% (NO ONE knows who judge so-and-so is), i just want to lower that percentage a little to put the fear of dog in them...
we are in the beginning of the Great Unraveling...
it will not be pretty...
Empire must fall.
the sooner the fall,
the gentler for all...
On the post: Baltimore PD Hides Its Stingray Usage Under A Pen Register Order; Argues There's Really No Difference Between The Two
Re: Re:
On the post: DRM, Or How To Turn Your Cat's Litter Box Into An Inkjet Printer
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: DRM, Or How To Turn Your Cat's Litter Box Into An Inkjet Printer
Re: Re:
obviously, prob not suitable for a lot of apartments, and you have to have a cat that won't run off, etc...
both SWMBO and i go to work in the day, so the doggie door we got is a HUGE piece of mind to us... locking the dogs inside all day ALWAYS made me feel bad (although, what the hell, they sleep inside all day, or they sleep outside all day, whats the diff), and somewhat anxious about ever having a fire/etc and they could not get out...
with doggie door in place, ALL is good, AND don't have to get up to let them in/out anymore ! yeah, i'm lovin' the doggie door...
On the post: Commerce Department Study Reveals There's Almost No Competition If You Want Real Broadband
what a crock: uber-kapitalists who extol the virtues of competition, blah blah blah, then do EVERYTHING in their power to make sure their competition is stifled if not eliminated by laws they lobby for...
its not turtles all the way down, its scumbags all the way down...
On the post: For 10 Years Everyone's Been Using 'The Streisand Effect' Without Paying; Now I'm Going To Start Issuing Takedowns
Re: Re: I want an "effect" named after me!
On the post: James Clapper Claims That Sony Hack 'The Most Serious Cyberattack On The US Yet'; Which Suggests No Serious Cyberattacks
Re: Perhaps that's *why* the goverment claims N. Korea did it ....
'cause that sure seems like the takeaway...
are we not even going to pretend our warmaking is about preserving 'freedom and democracy', but merely preserving profits of transnational korporations ? ? ?
the last stages of Empire consolidation: the pretense is abandoned...
Empire must fall.
the sooner the fall,
the gentler for all...
On the post: With Rollover Data, AT&T Just Keeps Walking Face First Into T-Mobile Attempts To Make It Look Stupid
she picked a refurb/used one from sprint they SAID they had X number in stock at that store... (actually, she said it kept on bouncing around all kinds of numbers in stock) she orders that, THE ORDER IS CONFIRMED AND THEY SEND AN EMAIL AND PHONE MSG that says it is ready at the store, blah blah blah... goes the next day to pick it up, and they dont' have it...
WTF? says she (or g-rated equivalent)...
by the time i meet her there to pick out my new phone, she has steam coming out her ears, and the STUPID fucking clerks are being MORONS and LOSE a customer because nobody knew shit about shit, and was not the least bit interested in finding out...
wife storms out and cancels our accounts (5 people on plan that was past obligation and on month-to-month) and switches to t-mob...
stupid droids at sprint, LAST thing the idiots say as we walk out the door is 'we did our job'... NO, you didn't asswipe, your 'JOB' is NOT to simply look on a computer screen and see the phone isn't in the store, YOUR JOB IS TO MAKE IT RIGHT...
it would be one thing if she was looking for a phone they didn't have in stock and got pissed about it; but this was a phone they SAID they had in stock, and sent msgs TELLING her they did and to come pick it up...
t-mob is working great, got our wifi hotspots like we wanted, and even on trips, we hardly approach our data limits... (not streaming movies and shit, just maps, web surfing, hooking up the tablets to them, etc...)
no doubt, they are all eee-vil, but it seems t-mob is slightly less eee-vil...
On the post: Dish/ESPN To Team Up To Finally Unleash Streaming Sports Without Cable
Re: Sling TV (right now) is great for basketball fans.
in this case, just about every point was 'yes, you do want to tell your crap cable/satellite greedtards to go piss up a rope...'
On the post: Dish/ESPN To Team Up To Finally Unleash Streaming Sports Without Cable
Re: Re: oh, hell yes...
wasn't it here i saw the announcement that hbo go was going to allow non-cable subscribers to sign up separately ? ? ?
On the post: That Crazy Story About Making 'Hate Speech' A Crime? Yeah, That's Satire
Re: Re: Re: Re: While we are at it, can we ditch hate crimes as well?
IF we had actual principles and morals, we *should*, we won't...
let's try a little thought experiment...
okay, i'm going to start HATING on you REALLY *hard* now, eye see ewe, ready, here it goes:
(pretend those are 'hate' sounds)
oh yeah, i'm really HATING on you now, buddy ! ! !
yeah! you feeling that, sucker ?
that really is hurting you, ain't it ?
bwa ha ha ha ha haaaaa
i'm so eee-vil, i should be jailed for that 'hate'...
On the post: Dish/ESPN To Team Up To Finally Unleash Streaming Sports Without Cable
oh, hell yes...
we are gone, baby, gone...
discussed this with her, and between OTA, Amazon crap, and sling, we are cutting the cord for good...
waiting until our new house is built to finalize the switchover, but you can color us gone, baby, gone...
i'm to the point i'd just as soon throw the teevee out the window, but i only have 50% of the vote...
(okay, realistically, less than 50%...)
On the post: The Nasty Patent Games Drug Companies Play To Stop You From Getting Cheaper Drugs
reminding kampers of Big Pharmas bullshit...
DO NOT let them blind you with their smoke and mirrors: they spend a LOT MORE on MARKETING than they do R&D...
a LOT...
AND a LOT of so-called R&D is really marketing bullshit in disguise: will we sell more pills if they are this shape or that shape? will we sell more pills if they are that color or this color ? etc, etc, etc... that is ALL marketing bs, has NOTHING to do with the delivery or efficacy of the drugs...
On the post: The Nasty Patent Games Drug Companies Play To Stop You From Getting Cheaper Drugs
Re: Re: Re: Re:
good one...
On the post: That Crazy Story About Making 'Hate Speech' A Crime? Yeah, That's Satire
Re: Sadly...
AS IF they have ANY brief to actually be for real free speech, they censor for simply voicing valid plaints in opposition to their agenda...
obama and obamacare, for instance...
they are odious dem'rat authoritarians who care not ONE WHIT for free expression...
i fart in their general direction...
On the post: FBI Says It Has A Warrant Requirement For Stingray Use; Has Exception Broad Enough To Ensure It Never Needs A Warrant
Re: "Cases that involve a fugitive"
parasitizing off of your post...
an INEVITABLE proposition i would like to remind kampers of, is that bots of all sorts are being miniaturized to the point of microscopic...
SURELY, NO ONE can object to the fbi (AND the whole alphabet spook contingent) putting a harmless little surveillance nanobot up your butt to ensure you are not having any thought-krimes, citizen...
even though it will have many bytes, it won't hurt a bit...
um, did we mention that objecting to a nanobot up your butt is tantamount to a thought-krime and punishable by having a nanobot up your butt ? ? ?
Empire must fall.
the sooner the fall,
the gentler for all...
On the post: Developer Issues Bogus Takedowns Against Cup Of Linux YouTube Channel In Retaliation For Being Banned For Abusive Behavior
Re: parasitic posting
Cash or Copyright or Real Creativity?
Posted on January 6, 2015 by Yves Smith
Yet another important, counterintuitive finding…at least if you think that people respond only or mainly to economic incentives. Not to give the punchline away, but the success of open source software from a technical standpoint is one supporting datapoint. Can readers think of others?
By Dan Hunter, Dean, Swinburne Law School at Swinburne University of Technology. Originally published at The Conversation
Imagine you were asked to write a law that encouraged creativity. What would it look like? Whatever your answer, it’s pretty clear that it wouldn’t look like copyright.
Which is weird, right? Because copyright is supposed to be the law that spurs creativity. The problem, it turns out, is that the central features of copyright are directly opposed to the things that support creativity.
Creativity is a tricky thing to understand, and we have very little insight into what animates the creative spark and why some people are more creative than others.
But one thing we do know about creativity is that a really good way to make people less creative, is to pay them. A series of studies by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan Teresa Amabile, and others, have shown that primary school kids don’t learn to read if they’re paid to, artists produce their worst work when they’re commissioned to produce it, and people get worse at solving puzzles if you reward them for successful solutions.
On the post: How Copyright Makes Culture Disappear
you know why ?
Fact: because EVERYONE is a 'creative' (sic)...
and MOST OF US don't get a chance to practice our creative sides any near as much as we'd like because we have a fucking job (or kids, which is a job by itself)...
some of us don't feel entitled enough to think of ourselves as such speshul, pwecious, pwecocious, sparkle-pony's that we not only DESERVE, but DEMAND that the rest of society SUPPORT US in our endeavor to goof off all day and (with a near 90% certainty - see sturgeon's law) produce a thing of unbeauty that you foist off on your adoring public...
you know, the job market is bad enough as it is, but why am i guessing that you, personally, a non cow, don't have any marketable skills except being a 'creative' of some sort...
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