this is the point. The carriers are not. They do not admit that they sell your information for a profit back to the government for tracking without even requiring a warrant. Yet if you ask for this information they will make you jump through hoops, even if you are subpoena'ing yourself.
you think this is new luddism? This is *old* luddism.
This is no different than courts freaking out about even daring to have a laptop in a courtroom years ago. I'm pretty sure they even used the exact same argument.
Where is there proof of harm from piracy? Please, do show proof. I've been waiting over 10 years. There is none.
Piracy and "criminals who hurt people" are different. Likewise, "taking away the tools" doesn't protect anybody, not unlike the second amendment argument. Got more fail?
On the post: Judge Slams Copyright Troll Lawyer John Steele's Latest 'Fishing Expedition'
On the post: US Offered To Write New Zealand's Three Strikes Laws
Are other countries not aware of how drastic the economic penalties would be for following what the US asks for?
On the post: As People Realize That There's Tons Of Mobile Phone Tracking Data Out There, Fingers Start Pointing
On the post: Leaked Documents Show How The RIAA Plans To Spend The Limewire Settlement
did you think that techdirt was ever pro piracy or did you simply leap to that conclusion with no evidence, as appears to be the case?
On the post: Mexican IP Official: Infringement Is A More Serious Problem Than Drug Trafficking
Re: Today in the news from Mexico ...
I believe they posted infringement earnings, as those are clearly more important than their pharmaceutical business.
On the post: Latest Wikileaks Release Shows How US Completely Drove Canadian Copyright Reform Efforts
Re: Carrot vs stick approach.
Is this related to ?
On the post: When Will People Stop Exploiting Google?
Re: Has search become a right?
On the post: When Will People Stop Exploiting Google?
Re: The bigger question...
I hear it's etiquette to do so.
On the post: Analyst: Motorola's Best Play Is To Become A Patent Troll & Destroy Android Ecosystem With Patent Lawsuits
Re: Cheerleaders..
This is like suggesting that Microsoft sues their customers. I'm pretty sure even MS learned from that the last time.
On the post: Righthaven Demands Servers Of Website Sued, Even After Court Rejects Demands For Domain
On the post: MPAA: Real Patriots Don't Share
real patriots
On the post: Open Data, Transparency Sites That Helped Gov't Save Billions To Be Shut Down Over $30 Million?
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Why Hasn't The Report Debunking Entire US Foreign IP Policy Received The Attention It Deserves?
there are so many terms for it
luddites, fundies, politicians, republicans, democrats, libertarians, tea partiers, conservatives, liberals.
What it sums up is the same problem across the board: straight up fear of change and inertia against it, even if change is inevitable.
On the post: Federal Courts Afraid Your Smartphone Might Be A Bomb
Re: Luddism or paranoia?
This is no different than courts freaking out about even daring to have a laptop in a courtroom years ago. I'm pretty sure they even used the exact same argument.
On the post: Another Court Rejects Idea That DMCA Requires Proactive Approach From Service Providers
They do not need to scan content to determine if it's safe based on perjorative filters, like youtube has.
On the post: Microsoft Wants To Make It Illegal To Buy From An Overseas Company That Uses Unauthorized Software
well, don't overreact yet
On the post: Drop In P2P File Sharing Due To Limewire Shutdown A Pyrrhic Victory For The Recording Industry
Not the kind of change they'd want.
On the post: Defending The Indefensible: Lawyers Who Love Loopholes Ignoring Serious Constitutional Issues In Domain Seizures
Where is there proof of harm from piracy? Please, do show proof. I've been waiting over 10 years. There is none.
Piracy and "criminals who hurt people" are different. Likewise, "taking away the tools" doesn't protect anybody, not unlike the second amendment argument. Got more fail?
On the post: It Took The NY Times 14 Months And $40 Million Dollars To Build The World's Stupidest Paywall?
if something is already online for free, trying to take it back for fees causes enormous backlash.
On the post: Flickr Using Questionable Excuse To Take Down Photos From Egypt
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