I do not think the politicians of the world realize how bad this could get for them. Everything they do recorded all times.
That really isn't a problem, if they aren't doing anything wrong then they shouldn't fear being recorded. I can not remember which politician said that ....
Why deliver should the cable companies deliver it online? Why not just set up an antenna for each user, and deliver it via the standard cable box? Problem solved.
by 2030 I doubt TV stations will still be around. It will more than likely be producers creating shows and selling them online, or giving them away with in-line advertising. Much like the show you read it did with degree antiperspirant.
oh my God, Reddit has become the Western version of the Chinese human flesh search engine, and then big news organizations have become the equivalent of tabloids.
Thus, the burden of showing that YouTube knew or was aware of the specific infringements of the works in suit cannot be shifted to YouTube to disprove. Congress has determined that the burden of identifying what must be taken down is to be on the copyright owner, a determination which has proven practicable in practice.
This one section makes me wonder if google could stop going further than necessary in trying to appease the big media types.
What I find interesting is the politicians sit around getting their news from CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc news, and they still believe that the propaganda shown there, is what the population sees and believes. The reaction to SOPA should have been a wake up call for them. But instead it is business as usual.
If these Justices punt this decision down the road, then we know they are making a political decisions and not legal ones. They will be saying the financial loss to businesses, is of a far greater import, than the advancement of science, and the saving of human lives.
id iot,/b> - Beijing police? police -Yes Id iot - There is this guy who just popped out of the ground in my backyard he says his name is Charles Carreon. Can you please come pick him up he is acting crazy.
None of the laws being passed today are about helping or protecting the population. They are all about protecting the people that fund politicians careers.
For google to do a nationwide rollout. They would need to do several things.
First spin off google fiber into its own private company with 20-30 billion in cash. Second create a full time table for a nationwide rollout. Third take the company public. They could raise an additional 50-90 billion (depending on the number of shares google has on the IPO) which would be enough to cover ~half the US.
For google to do a nationwide rollout. They would need to do several things.
First spin off google fiber into its own private company with 20-30 billion in cash. Second create a full time table for a nationwide rollout. Third take the company public. They could raise an additional 50-90 billion (depending on the number of shares google has on the IPO) which would be enough to cover ~half the US.
I hope Frederick Bouchat does win this case. The repercussions of a win would be the MPAA and the RIAA lobbying for more fair use.
They wouldn't want the descendants of the descendants going after them because an actor read a few lines from a book, or an old movie played on a TV screen, or some music from the 1930's was used in a movie.
Then there is the serious issue of the never being able to extend copyright again. The instant copyright was extended, they would have to pay royalties on all the public domain content falling back under copyright.
On the post: Moral Panic Over Google Glass: White House Petition Asks To Ban Them To Prevent 'Indecent' Public Surveillance
Watching the watchers.
That really isn't a problem, if they aren't doing anything wrong then they shouldn't fear being recorded. I can not remember which politician said that ....
On the post: Moral Panic Over Google Glass: White House Petition Asks To Ban Them To Prevent 'Indecent' Public Surveillance
I wonder if this limitation on public surveillance will apply to the government also?
On the post: Mike Masnick's Favorite Techdirt Posts Of The Week
Re: Re:
On the post: Mike Masnick's Favorite Techdirt Posts Of The Week
On the post: Why The Networks Are Really Afraid Of Aereo: Time Warner Cable Says It Might Offer Aereo-Like Service
On the post: It's Not About Whether Amateur Internet Journalism Is Good Or Bad, But That It Happens And Will Continue To Happen
Re: Re: Pro press is has been?
sorry about that, Dragon speak homonyms and misunderstandings.
On the post: It's Not About Whether Amateur Internet Journalism Is Good Or Bad, But That It Happens And Will Continue To Happen
Re: Pro press is has been?
On the post: It's Not About Whether Amateur Internet Journalism Is Good Or Bad, But That It Happens And Will Continue To Happen
On the post: Megaupload Points Out That The DOJ Has Contradicted Itself Concerning Legality Of Serving Megaupload
On the post: YouTube Wins Yet Another Complete Victory Over Viacom; Court Mocks Viacom's Ridiculous Legal Theories
This one section makes me wonder if google could stop going further than necessary in trying to appease the big media types.
On the post: Major Media's Fine Job Of Confusing Everyone About Boston Suspects
He probably works for RIAA or the MPAA
On the post: The Greatest Trick The Government Ever Pulled Was Convincing The Public The 'Hacker Threat' Exists
On the post: Supreme Court Seems Skeptical As Myriad Claims Gene Patents Should Exist, Because It Put A Lot Of Work Into Finding Them
On the post: Charles Carreon Has To Pay $46K In Legal Fees
Will he keep digging?
police -Yes
Id iot - There is this guy who just popped out of the ground in my backyard he says his name is Charles Carreon. Can you please come pick him up he is acting crazy.
On the post: States Continue To Make Photographing Or Taping Farms A Crime
On the post: With Google Fiber On The Way, AT&T Fiber Customers Receive Free Boost To Connection Only 976 Mbps Slower Than Google's Connection
Google could do a nationwide rollout
First spin off google fiber into its own private company with 20-30 billion in cash. Second create a full time table for a nationwide rollout. Third take the company public. They could raise an additional 50-90 billion (depending on the number of shares google has on the IPO) which would be enough to cover ~half the US.
On the post: With Google Fiber On The Way, AT&T Fiber Customers Receive Free Boost To Connection Only 976 Mbps Slower Than Google's Connection
Google could do a nationwide rollout
First spin off google fiber into its own private company with 20-30 billion in cash. Second create a full time table for a nationwide rollout. Third take the company public. They could raise an additional 50-90 billion (depending on the number of shares google has on the IPO) which would be enough to cover ~half the US.
On the post: Things You Don't See Every Day: MPAA Argues For Fair Use In Court
Frederick Bouchat For The Win ....
They wouldn't want the descendants of the descendants going after them because an actor read a few lines from a book, or an old movie played on a TV screen, or some music from the 1930's was used in a movie.
Then there is the serious issue of the never being able to extend copyright again. The instant copyright was extended, they would have to pay royalties on all the public domain content falling back under copyright.
What a nightmare. :)
I hope he wins.
On the post: Lobbyists, Politicians And USTR Planning A 'Rally' To Show 'Strong Support' For TAFTA
where the only folks allowed to show up are the representatives of big legacy businesses
On the post: Time Warner Cable Systematically Looking To Shut Down Parodist's Accounts
It is more likely that the definition of Moron needs to be updated to include political operatives.
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