Google seems to be showing the DMCA takedowns of DMCA takedowns. What I find amusing about this is, eventually they will get to the point where their DMCA takedowns will be DMCA Takedowns, on DMCA Takedowns, etc.
When they hire a new company to do the takedowns the whole system of DMCA takedowns will grow exponentially eventually exceeding spam e-mail.
"And when people learn that Google has nothing, they'll migrate back to the papers."
Bob, my very deluded friend. Who wants to carry a newspaper? The last time I bought a newspaper was for spray painting. The only reason was, it was 11 PM and the hardware store was closed.
The inventors dilemma is something that hasn't been discussed where Bitcoin is concerned. People have also not discussed exponential rates of growth where Bitcoin is concerned.
All in all this is a slow motion pass the popcorn moment.
It seems obvious after the fact. The reason there are so many drone strikes, that kill innocent civilians and children, is politicians played to many video games as children.
It seems obvious after the fact. The reason there are so many drone strikes, that kill innocent civilians and children, is politicians played to many video games as children.
History always repeats itself. The Catholics had the Index Librorum Prohibitorum which was a list of banned books. People in the taxi and limo business have this report.
I do believe, much like the best sellers the Catholic church created with their banned book list, this will be the go to guide of Taxi services of the techno literate.
History always repeats itself. The Catholics had the Index Librorum Prohibitorum which was a list of banned books. People in the taxi and limo business have this report.
I do believe, much like the best sellers the Catholic church created with their banned book list, this will be the go to guide of Taxi services of the techno literate.
On the post: Movie Studios Filing DMCA Takedowns Over DMCA Takedowns
When they hire a new company to do the takedowns the whole system of DMCA takedowns will grow exponentially eventually exceeding spam e-mail.
On the post: New Evidence: Homeland Security Spied On Peaceful Protestors; Worried About Protests Getting News Coverage
Re: Re: Define "Anti-government" and "Patriot"
On the post: USPTO Issues Final Rejection Of Apple's Rubberbanding Patent, Which Were Among Those The Jury Said Samsung Infringed
Re: Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Team Prenda Shows Up In Court, Pleads The Fifth... Angry Judge Ends Hearing In 12 Minutes
Re: Re: Now this is popcorn worth...
Lethal injection button for these idiots.
On the post: Is Google Regretting Paying Off Belgian And French Newspapers Yet? Other Newspapers Demand Their Cut
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Bob, my very deluded friend. Who wants to carry a newspaper? The last time I bought a newspaper was for spray painting. The only reason was, it was 11 PM and the hardware store was closed.
On the post: Feds Take A Step Closer To Trying To Regulate Bitcoin
All in all this is a slow motion pass the popcorn moment.
On the post: Feds Take A Step Closer To Trying To Regulate Bitcoin
Anything outside the control of the US government, scares the US government.
On the post: If Your Kid's Playing M-Rated Games, You Can't Blame The Retailer
Who knew?
On the post: If Your Kid's Playing M-Rated Games, You Can't Blame The Retailer
Who knew?
On the post: Peter Hansmeier Denies Connection To Prenda Cases Via Document That Shows He's Connected To The Cases
Re: Re: This never wears out for you, does it?
On the post: Taxi, Limo Trade Group Hates Innovative Upstarts, Labels Them 'Rogue Applications'
I do believe, much like the best sellers the Catholic church created with their banned book list, this will be the go to guide of Taxi services of the techno literate.
On the post: Taxi, Limo Trade Group Hates Innovative Upstarts, Labels Them 'Rogue Applications'
I do believe, much like the best sellers the Catholic church created with their banned book list, this will be the go to guide of Taxi services of the techno literate.
On the post: Crazy Idea Of The Month: Allowing Patents On Mathematics
Re: Illegal numbers
On the post: Crazy Idea Of The Month: Allowing Patents On Mathematics
Re: Illegal numbers
On the post: Crazy Idea Of The Month: Allowing Patents On Mathematics
Think about the fun that will ensue. Injunctions against delivering energy unless they pay a seriously over the top licencing fee.
On the post: One Step Closer To Sales Taxes On All Internet Purchases
Does that include tea? If it does you should follow your what the Colonies did.
On the post: Copyright Lobby: The Public Has 'No Place In Policy Discussions'
Re: Projection
"We have lied a thousand times over the past one hundred years, and we do not want the 'cretinous scum of the earth' pointing that out."
On the post: Copyright Lobby: The Public Has 'No Place In Policy Discussions'
Re: Re:
see -
On the post: Leaked! MPAA Talking Points On Copyright Reform: Copyright Is Awesome For Everyone!
Re: Re:
On the post: MIT And Aaron Swartz's Lawyers Argue Over Releasing Evidence
Re: Re:
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