if all of the pirated movies had been paid for, yes it would have been larger, but you have to ask this:
how many people who pirated would have paid for it if they couldn't pirate it?
i would actually bet that the studios made money off some of the "pirates", either through theater sales or DVD sales after the movie was released. Yes, some pirated and never paid, but i doubt all.
I think redbox and this new deal needs to push back the movie studios saying that they are helping less well to do families to be able watch movies.
then it makes it look like the movie studios hate poor people (which i am sure they do, it just isn't politically correct)
so would you just need massive heatsinks to cool it, or would just being in space do it? I wouldn't think you could water cool it without pressurizing the whole thing.
i am a firm believer that zero patents is the only way to go.
If you have a limited patent system, it won't actually fix anything. there will just be less, not "better".
If we have to keep the patent system, then the entire patent office needs to be fired and replaced with non-idiots. they should get rid of the "patent pending" bs and make it to where if you have applied for a patent you can wait for the approval or you can go to market without the monopoly (er, "protection").
And software patents should just be revoked completely. is there anything else you can get a copyright and patent on? I can't think of one.
Of course, this will never happen. our government is too deeply inside pockets of big business to every see any reform in the patent system. sadly, the democrats aren't any less succestible to money flowing into coffers than the republicans.
It sucks, but that is the way it is. remember the revolution and all that was fought and died for.
I agree, the patent system is geared to make a litigation society and should be abolished before someone successfully patents thought.
It has already proven that the patent office is obviously full of retards that should never be allowed within five hundred miles of any innovation, so that isn't that far fetched (see: genetics patents).
Well, there is nothing we can do about it.
America will just have to invade Canada. I mean these people are breaking the law. We can't have that so close to our pristine perfect society.
I hope the president decides quickly that these pedo Canadians need to be arrested. All of them.
On the post: Apple Trying To Patent Anti-Tamper Tape
i mean hell, ADVIL has tamper tape!
dammit, apple!
On the post: Piracy Destroying Hollywood Right To Yet Another Record Year At The Box Office... In A Recession
how many people who pirated would have paid for it if they couldn't pirate it?
i would actually bet that the studios made money off some of the "pirates", either through theater sales or DVD sales after the movie was released. Yes, some pirated and never paid, but i doubt all.
On the post: Prosecutors Come To Their Senses; Drop Charges Against Girl Arrested For Incidental 'New Moon' Filming
and yes the law needs to be fixed, badly, but i am glad she got off the hook.
On the post: If Hollywood Is Upset About $1/Day Movie Rentals, How Do They Feel About 6 Cents Per Hour Rentals?
then it makes it look like the movie studios hate poor people (which i am sure they do, it just isn't politically correct)
On the post: If Hollywood Is Upset About $1/Day Movie Rentals, How Do They Feel About 6 Cents Per Hour Rentals?
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Modular Data Centers Can Move With You (And Survive Earthquakes)
Re: Re: orbiting servers...
so would you just need massive heatsinks to cool it, or would just being in space do it? I wouldn't think you could water cool it without pressurizing the whole thing.
On the post: If Hollywood Is Upset About $1/Day Movie Rentals, How Do They Feel About 6 Cents Per Hour Rentals?
On the post: The Creator's Dilemma On Others Making Money Off Your Content
and why on earth would i buy a bootleg windows OS? i don't even buy official ones.
On the post: Cable Lobbyist Says Net Neutrality Violates The First Amendment
Re: the first amendment?
http://www.celdf.org/GuestEditorials/Corporations1stAmendmentandDoNotCall/tabid/184/Default .aspx
On the post: Modular Data Centers Can Move With You (And Survive Earthquakes)
On the post: Editorial On Why The Patent System Should Be Abolished
Re: OK, that's enough, little punks
i am sure as hell glad you were around in 1776. we would still be licking monarchists boots if you were in charge.
On the post: Director Of New Moon Says Jailing Of Girl For Snippets Of Video Of His Movie Is 'Terribly Unfair'
I am sure i just saw a squadron of flying pigs and a fissure opening in the ground with snow coming out.
On the post: Editorial On Why The Patent System Should Be Abolished
Re: Re: What's the Alternative?
If you have a limited patent system, it won't actually fix anything. there will just be less, not "better".
If we have to keep the patent system, then the entire patent office needs to be fired and replaced with non-idiots. they should get rid of the "patent pending" bs and make it to where if you have applied for a patent you can wait for the approval or you can go to market without the monopoly (er, "protection").
And software patents should just be revoked completely. is there anything else you can get a copyright and patent on? I can't think of one.
Of course, this will never happen. our government is too deeply inside pockets of big business to every see any reform in the patent system. sadly, the democrats aren't any less succestible to money flowing into coffers than the republicans.
It sucks, but that is the way it is. remember the revolution and all that was fought and died for.
On the post: Editorial On Why The Patent System Should Be Abolished
Re: OK punks
On the post: Editorial On Why The Patent System Should Be Abolished
It has already proven that the patent office is obviously full of retards that should never be allowed within five hundred miles of any innovation, so that isn't that far fetched (see: genetics patents).
On the post: Musician Chases Down Google Street View Car To Promote His Music
On the post: Is Everyone Who Received Monday's Metro Toronto Guilty Of Child Porn Possession?
On the post: Is Everyone Who Received Monday's Metro Toronto Guilty Of Child Porn Possession?
America will just have to invade Canada. I mean these people are breaking the law. We can't have that so close to our pristine perfect society.
I hope the president decides quickly that these pedo Canadians need to be arrested. All of them.
On the post: Patent Office Decides To Rush On Green Tech Patents, Rather Than Give Them Scrutiny They Deserve
didn't think so.
On the post: Can Someone Explain How Making French Cultural Works More Available Takes Away French Heritage?
Re: You know...
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