Odd... The faith based reasoning seems to be working in having us move the battle to the terms that the maximalists want anyway. The terms should be how to expand the public and consumer's rights where they can be allowed to utilize technology in innovative manners.
But what they're doing is putting the efforts onto the others (KEI and CCIA) to defend their onslaughts of expanding and dissecting the public's rights.
So why can't both organizations push back by pushing into the territory of what the public can do?
As a human being, you have the right to:
Fair Use laws that defend your tinkering.
The ability to "unlock" your technology after a certain amount of years.
The ability to discuss news and information without reprisal.
Your day in court without a long stay in jail.
While I could go on, the point is clear that the maximalists have the public defenders on defensive and it's only going to get worse from there. It just seems that the point of this is to commit to a compromise where the public is worse off and it's going to continually get worse from there as copyright has since 1978.
The USPS would be perfectly solvent without the 2006 poison pill where it has to fund future employees disproportionately. Meanwhile, partisan politics means that they aren't allowed to innovate or raise rates as needed and provide a public service as the people would want and/or demand.
Public services are democratic. If a service fails to deliver our needs we can hold those responsible to account at the ballot box. Important matters like wages, pensions and working conditions are the result of negotiation and subject to internal and popular support.
Public services are funded by public money, paid to public workers, managed by public representatives working together to deliver social utility – every penny put in recycles within the public economy.
And that's the key issue here. We've gotten USPS to run a public service like a business would and we're watching this continual privatization of the service destroy it from within. I just wonder how long can this go on?
Trade barriers can create serious economic harm, especially for those they're supposedly designed to help. However, the reality is that these agreements are not really about free trade.
I'm really not sure. Every time I've heard the term "free trade," I've needed to hold onto my wallet because that means someone's about to go and screw up my income.
Well... Think about where most of their money comes from...
They have immense pressure to go after a specific subset of Americans and they have immense power to go after them. But this puts them on the wrong side of history. While everyone goes about keeping their head down, they ignore all of the unrest their actions cause.
It's actually something that people don't think about. What happens when someone thinks outside the box?
No institution is a better fit for the bureaucratic structure than the military. It is a model for Weber’s “firmly ordered system of superiority and subordination in which there is a supervision of the lower offices by the higher offices.”
Work goes on within a compartmentalized environment structured by rank and myriad rules and regulations. Action is focused on fulfilling specific orders normally without reference to outside consequences.
As a result, within the military bureaucracy thinking must always be within the box, which means it is done within the institution’s set thought-collective. Indeed, given the military’s particular environment, one that strives to shape the thought as well as the action of its participants, thinking can take on near totalitarian constraints.
Bradley went against the "military code" by going to outside sources. It's why he's being persecuted so greatly and with the full extent of the US government.
The government is supporting the wishes of the richest people and Bradley is a threat to their security by thinking outside of the box.
Let's stop for a second and recognize conservatism and liberalism for what they are: right wing ideologies based on accepting income inequality at its base. Without people looking to actually fight against this inequality in power, you will continue to see a fight about government spending and other issues that have dire effects on the public.
The problem of conservatism is the fact that they argue against all forms of government spending fiscally (and they've yet to balance a budget since Ike) and suppress people that would vote against them.
The problem of liberalism, as evidenced by Obama, is that they go right with the status quo and continue in a rightward direction until the public speaks out and shows how extreme their position has gotten. I personally believe that Obama is making the same mistakes as FDR and may not do much to help reform the republic we've lost.
The point here is that we should understand the politics of someone's position and where their incentives lies. Obama's relies on just doing what the very rich corporations want him to do. Same with conservatives in the Republican or Democratic party. If you want to force a change in our society, it isn't going to be done by voting these people out of office. It's going to be done by getting to the root causes of such extreme positions, namely money in politics, gerrymandered districts, and people losing their votes with inane drug laws.
You know what? I don't download/upload illicit files. I create and make material based on facts and information I find. Then I use some background music to put that to a news section for gamers and people that stream gaming stuffs.
So here's a question... How about defining illicit for us? Tell us how you figure out the illicit files from the un-illicit files?
Tell us why filesharing is off limits when there are PLENTY of options for files to download besides Hollywood? How about the Humble Indie Bundle?
How about old abandonware?
How about discussing how torrenting is used by Facebook and Twitter to distribute files in a legal manner with minimal resources?
Why not tell us how we can avoid the big libraries of content that Hollywood has decided they don't want to be a part of so that they can squeeze more profit out of more people instead of learning how to make money in the digital era?
Why should we lock up infringers? Why make them pay high statutory damages? Why should the public suffer for more money to go to Hollywood when people have found cheaper and better alternatives to what Hollywood decides to sell?
Help us understand why Hollywood is so much more important than the goods and services that have been unleashed since the internet has evolved and grown for the past 30 years.
But I believe that if the lobbyists can get away with passing one law under lock and key, they are incentivized to ignore the public and go around them as much as possible. What's amazing is that a ton of people aren't speaking up about CISPA along with the other numbers of bills that infringe on the public's ability to function for the private profit of the select few.
So there needs to be more public voices. There also needs to be more public demands to get the government to actually care about the public over profits. What is happening here continues to be politicians looking for who is funding them the most in a corrupt game of bribery that can't end well for the nation.
Re: Re: Re: Maybe it's a good cover for tax avoidance
That would be a grassroots effort.
Currently, I would say more coo-ops and mincome (minimal income) perfects would work instead of raising taxes and cutting spending, but that's just me.
Yeah... The entire issue with the masks just seems like government positions are inflated with reactionary people only interested in positions of power and making money over what the public demands...
They kind of have to work with the US right now... Having a strong military and agreements with everyone means that the US is in a position that it's enjoyed for the past 50 odd years. Still, there are now other countries that have power positions without the US (China) that is causing the US to try to bully them (think the entire Huawei spectacle where they now want to stop using Chinese products) into not being a superpower.
What's kind of ridiculous is the fact that the US is indebted to China thanks to their wars and Bush's tax cuts. But don't tell the rest of the world why we're taking such a hard stance against them similar to the Cold War of the 50s- 80s. But that's another story for another time.
The US wants unilateral positioning as the only superpower in the US yet it won't play nice.
On every level, the US government's positioning is incredible...
On the international level, it ignores it's obligations while trying to exploit other countries.
Within the US, it comports to do what one industry wants over the needs of other industries that are disrupting it.
On the state level, it continues to allow monopolies that only allow the select few to benefit.
And on an individual level, it goes after the weakest citizens instead of protecting them.
We don't live in a democratic republic... We live in an aristocracy that only caters to the rich and powerful and that's problematic in how the US enforces laws that only serve Hollywood or the largest corporations instead of everyone.
On the post: Fox Sends Cease & Desist Letters To Firefly Fans Selling Jayne Hats, Because Money
You know this song...
Take me where I cannot stand...
I don't care, I'm still free,
You can't take my hat from me...
Take me out to the black,
My best show ain't coming back...
Burn the net and boil the seas
I've already turned to piracy...
Have no place I can be,
Since I found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me
Take my love, for the land...
Take me to where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
Fox forced me to pi-ra-cy...
Take them out, to the black
Tell them the show ain't comin' back...
Burn the land, boil the sea
Can't take away my me-mori-es
Have no place, I can be
Since I've found Serenity
But you can't take money from me...
On the post: John Steele To Court: You Have No Evidence That I've Done Anything Wrong
John Steele
You NEVER go full retard...
On the post: Broadcast Treaty Is Baaaaaack: Plan To Create Yet Another Copyright-Like Right For Hollywood
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Broadcast Treaty Is Baaaaaack: Plan To Create Yet Another Copyright-Like Right For Hollywood
Unlocking the copyright battle...
But what they're doing is putting the efforts onto the others (KEI and CCIA) to defend their onslaughts of expanding and dissecting the public's rights.
So why can't both organizations push back by pushing into the territory of what the public can do?
As a human being, you have the right to:
Fair Use laws that defend your tinkering.
The ability to "unlock" your technology after a certain amount of years.
The ability to discuss news and information without reprisal.
Your day in court without a long stay in jail.
While I could go on, the point is clear that the maximalists have the public defenders on defensive and it's only going to get worse from there. It just seems that the point of this is to commit to a compromise where the public is worse off and it's going to continually get worse from there as copyright has since 1978.
On the post: Uh Oh: US Postal Service Wants To Better 'Monetize' Its 'Intellectual Property'
Annoyance factor 9
The USPS would be perfectly solvent without the 2006 poison pill where it has to fund future employees disproportionately. Meanwhile, partisan politics means that they aren't allowed to innovate or raise rates as needed and provide a public service as the people would want and/or demand.
You can not run a public service like a business.
Public services are democratic. If a service fails to deliver our needs we can hold those responsible to account at the ballot box. Important matters like wages, pensions and working conditions are the result of negotiation and subject to internal and popular support.
Public services are funded by public money, paid to public workers, managed by public representatives working together to deliver social utility – every penny put in recycles within the public economy.
And that's the key issue here. We've gotten USPS to run a public service like a business would and we're watching this continual privatization of the service destroy it from within. I just wonder how long can this go on?
On the post: Lobbyists, Politicians And USTR Planning A 'Rally' To Show 'Strong Support' For TAFTA
Free Trade
I'm really not sure. Every time I've heard the term "free trade," I've needed to hold onto my wallet because that means someone's about to go and screw up my income.
On the post: Transcript Of The 12 Minute 'We're Done' Prenda Hearing Released
Just too entertaining...
And I might just do it along with the previous "who's on first" that Prenda did last time.
On the post: Movie Studios Filing DMCA Takedowns Over DMCA Takedowns
TL;DR version
I herd u like DMCA takedowns.
So we installed a takedown in your takedown, so you can screw your customerz while you screw your fanz!
On the post: Intuit Continues To Make Sure Filing Taxes Is Complicated
Re: Re: Mini-rant
On the post: New Evidence: Homeland Security Spied On Peaceful Protestors; Worried About Protests Getting News Coverage
Re: Re:
They have immense pressure to go after a specific subset of Americans and they have immense power to go after them. But this puts them on the wrong side of history. While everyone goes about keeping their head down, they ignore all of the unrest their actions cause.
On the post: New Evidence: Homeland Security Spied On Peaceful Protestors; Worried About Protests Getting News Coverage
Re: Re: Define "Anti-government" and "Patriot"
It's actually something that people don't think about. What happens when someone thinks outside the box?
No institution is a better fit for the bureaucratic structure than the military. It is a model for Weber’s “firmly ordered system of superiority and subordination in which there is a supervision of the lower offices by the higher offices.”
Work goes on within a compartmentalized environment structured by rank and myriad rules and regulations. Action is focused on fulfilling specific orders normally without reference to outside consequences.
As a result, within the military bureaucracy thinking must always be within the box, which means it is done within the institution’s set thought-collective. Indeed, given the military’s particular environment, one that strives to shape the thought as well as the action of its participants, thinking can take on near totalitarian constraints.
Bradley went against the "military code" by going to outside sources. It's why he's being persecuted so greatly and with the full extent of the US government.
The government is supporting the wishes of the richest people and Bradley is a threat to their security by thinking outside of the box.
On the post: Intuit Continues To Make Sure Filing Taxes Is Complicated
The problem of conservatism is the fact that they argue against all forms of government spending fiscally (and they've yet to balance a budget since Ike) and suppress people that would vote against them.
The problem of liberalism, as evidenced by Obama, is that they go right with the status quo and continue in a rightward direction until the public speaks out and shows how extreme their position has gotten. I personally believe that Obama is making the same mistakes as FDR and may not do much to help reform the republic we've lost.
The point here is that we should understand the politics of someone's position and where their incentives lies. Obama's relies on just doing what the very rich corporations want him to do. Same with conservatives in the Republican or Democratic party. If you want to force a change in our society, it isn't going to be done by voting these people out of office. It's going to be done by getting to the root causes of such extreme positions, namely money in politics, gerrymandered districts, and people losing their votes with inane drug laws.
On the post: Copyright As Censorship: University Threatens Own Faculty With Copyright Infringement For Campus Survey
Re: Re: Re:
You know what? I don't download/upload illicit files. I create and make material based on facts and information I find. Then I use some background music to put that to a news section for gamers and people that stream gaming stuffs.
So here's a question... How about defining illicit for us? Tell us how you figure out the illicit files from the un-illicit files?
Tell us why filesharing is off limits when there are PLENTY of options for files to download besides Hollywood? How about the Humble Indie Bundle?
How about old abandonware?
How about discussing how torrenting is used by Facebook and Twitter to distribute files in a legal manner with minimal resources?
Why not tell us how we can avoid the big libraries of content that Hollywood has decided they don't want to be a part of so that they can squeeze more profit out of more people instead of learning how to make money in the digital era?
Why should we lock up infringers? Why make them pay high statutory damages? Why should the public suffer for more money to go to Hollywood when people have found cheaper and better alternatives to what Hollywood decides to sell?
Help us understand why Hollywood is so much more important than the goods and services that have been unleashed since the internet has evolved and grown for the past 30 years.
On the post: Homeland Security 'Fusion' Center Director: We're Not Spying On Americans... Just Anti-Government Americans
Orwell was right...
On the post: Congress Planning To Debate CISPA Behind Closed Doors; No Public Scrutiny Allowed
There's more to it.
But I believe that if the lobbyists can get away with passing one law under lock and key, they are incentivized to ignore the public and go around them as much as possible. What's amazing is that a ton of people aren't speaking up about CISPA along with the other numbers of bills that infringe on the public's ability to function for the private profit of the select few.
So there needs to be more public voices. There also needs to be more public demands to get the government to actually care about the public over profits. What is happening here continues to be politicians looking for who is funding them the most in a corrupt game of bribery that can't end well for the nation.
On the post: US Government's Failure To Protect Public Privacy Is Driving Business Overseas
Re: Re: Re: Maybe it's a good cover for tax avoidance
Currently, I would say more coo-ops and mincome (minimal income) perfects would work instead of raising taxes and cutting spending, but that's just me.
On the post: US Government's Failure To Protect Public Privacy Is Driving Business Overseas
Re: Maybe it's a good cover for tax avoidance
Why decide that taxes are paid poorly when the regulation of them had been shoddy as well?
On the post: NATO 'Cyberwar' Manual Says Hacktivists Must Wear A Uniform
Re: But you banned them...
That can't go over well.
On the post: Even As US Continues To Push Stronger Intellectual Property Laws Through Trade Agreements, It Ignores Those Agreements At Home
Re: Re:
What's kind of ridiculous is the fact that the US is indebted to China thanks to their wars and Bush's tax cuts. But don't tell the rest of the world why we're taking such a hard stance against them similar to the Cold War of the 50s- 80s. But that's another story for another time.
On the post: Even As US Continues To Push Stronger Intellectual Property Laws Through Trade Agreements, It Ignores Those Agreements At Home
No trust here...
The US wants unilateral positioning as the only superpower in the US yet it won't play nice.
On every level, the US government's positioning is incredible...
On the international level, it ignores it's obligations while trying to exploit other countries.
Within the US, it comports to do what one industry wants over the needs of other industries that are disrupting it.
On the state level, it continues to allow monopolies that only allow the select few to benefit.
And on an individual level, it goes after the weakest citizens instead of protecting them.
We don't live in a democratic republic... We live in an aristocracy that only caters to the rich and powerful and that's problematic in how the US enforces laws that only serve Hollywood or the largest corporations instead of everyone.
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