Cloudflare decided to deplatform the Daily Stormer, but has no problems with those advocating violence or porn or the rest.
If you poll people, they would want "hate speech" banned on the same basis - whatever that means, the definition is even more ephemeral than porn, no artistic, scientific or other value?, I know it when I'm offended by it?
There are only two viable positions. Either full free speech for anything which isn't immediately illegal, or we turn the internet into Disney's magic kingdom where everything is G-rated, or worse.
The question of interest is if you would do to what you consider "hate speech" what you consider tyrannical when done to porn/sex work/etc. above.
Maybe there is more information, but YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter will have shadowbanned or censored it already.
The "libertarian: they are private companies..." trope lives.
Google went from "don't be evil" to "stay Hungary".
The giant Zucking sound you hear is every other app with some library uploading your contacts, location, phone calls, and texts to Facebook. Even if you don't have a Facebook account. (DNS logs can be very revealing). Or just visit a website with a F share on facebook button.
Big Zucker is watching you!
I remember the story where different patients visiting a psychiatrist were suggested in "people you may know".
This is the reason given for removing the Gab app. Not that the app was a problem, but that you could access objectionable content.
Google (and apple) need to ban all browsers, RSS feed readers, and anything else.
We should have an abandoned property like we do in meatspace (you can lose your rights to property if you don't visit and someone squats and uses it).
As to what else might have been on the server, if it wasn't illegal, it should be up to you to filter what you don't want to see, not play nanny for what I want to see.
With the AI censorbots and the "we can't say that", the Holocaust is turning into some kind of natural disaster because the actors that caused it cannot be named.
The Coronavirus cannot be contact traced, at least once it gets out which it has.
We would do better by locking down nursing homes and providing similar for the vulnerable (well over half the deaths) instead of forcing them to accept infected patients so they can kill have the residents as they do in NJ, NY, and PA.
1. Many cases are asymptomatic, and you can't trace someone who has no appearance of being infectious (or confuse an allergy attack). How do you trace something invisible?
2. There is a long incubation period so you have to find EVERYONE they contacted - consider subways, sidewalks, etc where there is no ID for the last 21 days. How do you trace everyone in 2 meters over the last 3 weeks?
3. Assume you could find these millions of invisible men, what is the cost of testing (and false positives and negatives)?
4. If you aren't in one of the vulnerable groups, the worst you are likely to suffer is a mild flu. So we are going to lock down and do massive testing of everyone who won't die or even go to the doctor because of the Virus while forcing the vulnerable locations like Nursing Homes to accept the infectious people?
What is the point in contact tracing if we are just going to weaponize them by sending them to kill a lot of uninfected vulnerable people?
And the last pandemic with many deaths - AIDS/HIV - we SUCCESSSFULLY contact traced most infections to gay bathhouses. Then mayor, Diane Feinstein, refused to close them for a YEAR! Tens of thousands eventually died. AIDS was slow but still easy to trace because it required specific acts and contact, not someone coughing while walking by you on the street. Instead of warning the vulnerable to avoid the things spreading it, we worried suburban housewives with "anyone can get AIDS".
We don't have the political will, and there is the constitution and economic damage (avoid plague, die from famine and war).
Contact Tracing will be like the TSA, but perhaps we can get rid of the TSA in the airports where they only find one of every 20 guns when audited, they might find one in 20 patient zeros if they do the contact tracing.
Shouldn't they keep working but we can suspend their paychecks in a similar moratorium?
Why should I pay for gasoline, instead I should just hack the pumps to give it away free.
And groceries. Maybe we can arrange for flash mobs so we can all grab anything we want and walk out without paying for it.
Well, the businesses need to pay their vendors, landlords their property taxes too, so there needs to be a second moratorium so the empty stores can be refilled without the stores having to pay their vendors. And the vendors have to pay the raw material supplier...
But let me make a better suggestion. Lets INCREASE the bill for everyone who CAN PAY - refundable when the currently unable can pay their defecits down.
How much more are YOU willing to pay? Out of YOUR OWN pocket to keep everyone online?
The middle states are opening and able to pay their bill. Why should they subsidize the coward coasts that are going to stay locked down until next year?
Free lunches are great until all the farmers go bankrupt and everyone starves.
Anyone else save for a rainy day?
Those unable to provide for themselves should live in luxury, while people who are working hard have to go into debt, pay high taxes, lose their house to property taxes...
I have charity to those who are disabled and so are unable. I have no sympathy for those seeking handouts while I have to work.
Most of these aren't UNABLE, but either prevented by the same government who should give them coarse gruel and tents and will as soon as the money runs out.
Those who refuse work should not be given benefits. Every inch of most of these cities should be shining from all the cleanings and trash pickup by those who "have no jobs". I can think of lots of things they can do for their city overlords.
Why don't you take all of your stuff, sell it, and provide for these unfortunate instead of robbing me by government proxy so you can feel about giving away someone else's money.
"Some employees are opting out of potential infection when employers haven't shown the willingness to protect them by enforcing social distancing rules and/or providing them with personal protective equipment".
I.e. they voluntarily quit their jobs. Note Unemployment insurance is paid by the employer (that doesn't apply to "PUA" which doesn't require even actively looking for work, but there is even some variability there).
It is a wonder than TechDirt has any authors left as they could get more if they quit fearing comptuer viruses and start collecting unemployment, or does TechDirt only use Gig authors, not actual employees with things like paid benefits?
There's OSHA and state versions for enforcing workers' safety. That is the right way to report actual safety violations, not paranoid fantasies. If they aren't immunocompromised, or are elderly (over 70!) or have other co-morbidities, there is little if any risk from the Coronavirus - less than that of a Flu.
So maybe they are roofers and would be out in the disinfecting sun, far apart, and are free to wear the provide masks, but prefer making MORE on unemployment than working in the heat or cold or rain.
Maybe they will just hire illegal aliens, or more H1-Bs who have to work or lose their visa status.
If they can jam that page, someone else can jam the umemployment benefit application and certification systems so these same people don't get their checks because they can't get through.
If you want to see things burn, remember that the fire may jump from the bonfire and destroy something you didn't want burned.
We could have the best of both worlds...
Vote by E-Mail.
Isn't it voter suppression to demand anything that would demand only those who should vote be able to, and to make it any less convenient than email?
The Trump bashing isn't warranted.
Trump isn't preserving your city's cable monopolies, they could let someone put fiber everywhere, but they have to allow them to use the poles.
(My small Wyoming town has Gigabit fiber everywhere from nearly a decade ago - all it took was a vote of the city Council - why doesn't your big city?).
Trump isn't locking down the same monopolies in California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Illinois, or Michigan which are deep enough blue states.
Corruption and cronyism run deep through both parties.
But instead of "Deplorables need high speed internet too!", which might convince Trump to push the FCC, it is "Orange Man Bad!".
That said, there are more technical problems. 5G elsewhere isn't saturated so of course it will be fast for now. Also 5G is an excuse to have 3G removed, which is a problem out here as there are many legacy places that have ONLY 3G, so my phone won't work in the expanded "zero bar ranch" while maybe a downtown neighborhood in Portland gets poor 5G.
There was a satellite/wireless internet company that has been blocked for years because their band was next to GPS and there were people afraid of interference. Once infrastructure is built and certified it is too expensive to change. (See the story of FM radio and TV and the inventor driven to suicide by the then crony incumbents like RCA - this is not the first time).
Speaking of Trump, instead of another Solyndra, maybe we should do an infrastructure recovery bill, but with filling every pothole in the USA, fixing every bridge, we should run the latest highest bandwidth fiber along those roads (and railroads). Instead of worrying about 5Gs complications, why not build the infrastructure so every place has an even faster hardline and even the next generation wifi? Maybe do a wifi that can transfer connections like cell phones. And don't make this just dark fiber, let it be redundant and fast, low-latency paths.
The problem is not so much "smart" tech, but locked down tech that is captive to a vendor's infrastructure.
I have a few pan/tilt cams and had to PiHole the phone homes and tweak my firewalls and port forwards, but I have them connected. But it was a real pain.
The FSF years ago published "Defective by Design" identifying this. The only hiccup MIGHT be NAT since both you phone and the device might be behind translators, but Skype and Wireguard apparently can work. There should be a few TCP/UDP forwarding sites the companies pay for but are configurable and so anyone could use them, maybe for a modest fee.
While I am generally libertarian, there are many dangerous things which any sane person would restrict the sale or distribution of at some level.
If these weren't zero-days, but guns, or polonium, or some poison, would there not be calls for far stricter control? And to sanction Israel if they didn't control their companies?
At what point does moderation become publisher editoral?
The original reason for Sec. 230 was to protect PLATFORMS. If people post errant or fraudulent classified ads or such it make no sense to hold the printer liable.
There can be UNIFORM moderation to remove offensive words (which should be listed - your post contains XXX which violates our ToS).
The error which is growing is the Trust and Safety is now the Ministry of Truth picking not the most reasoned posts based on evidence with shown work, but the narrative. So they would censor lockdowns on 2/1/20, but censor anti-lockdown two months later. The truth didn't change.
A "We Disagree (and/or disapprove) note is different than outright censorship. If these companies wish to be editors for their publication, they are publishers (and have claimed 1st amendment protection!) and not platforms.
There is a line, but they have crossed it a long time ago and wish to have it both ways. Protections both as publishers and platforms depending on the context. They should be forced to choose one or the other.
The Pope would have approved. Indexing books you can't be allowed to read. And deplatforming Gallileo.
Dissent, heterodoxy, even heresy might be the truth.
It is better to have debate - there will always be fools that follow their errant leaders over a cliff. But everyone ought to be able to state an argument with evidence and reason, and let others attack to find weaknesses or error.
The politicization and breakup into two camps, two teams with Coronavirus is not merely divisive, but dangerous, even deadly.
We are rarely having discussions, much less active measures to lock down Nursing homes but Kirkland was one of the first epicenters. So many people will die.
Meanwhile, for all the screeching about victims and discrimination, the virus does discriminate - against the elderly (check the demographics on who died), but NO ONE CARES! If the virus was killing 70% blacks, or women, or pick your favorite victim minority, there would be an outcry.
Instead, it is killing old people and all the talk about discrimination, diversity, virtue signalling and such is exposed as total hypocrisy.
There is NOTHING in copyright law that talks about licensing. That is contract law.
But OK, Landlord, your app is leaking so you should be responsible for fixing that and any other defects.
They want to have the best of both sale and rental worlds (also see right to repair), and book (you can't call it defective if you don't like the plot) or toaster (which if it burns down your house you can sue).
Can I check out a copy of Windows 10 Pro from my library?
One problem is the semantic confusion. There is no "property" that is purely abstract. Trademarks, patents, or copyright. They are grants of monopoly designed to encourage publicizing inventions (solving the guild and trade secrets) and producing works (which cost lots to produce the first copy, but successive copies are inexpensive).
Politics, and avoiding them (hey, just have SCOTUS say what is right) is the problem. The purpose has been lost in the lobbying and cronyism and the desire for government granted monopoly. We should dump such things into the nearest water like the Boston Tea Party did with the East India Company.
Of Course YouTube and Facebook and even Twitter will shadowban or actually ban you for disagreeing with the organization that said there is no evidence of human to human transmission around the time being complained about here. The WHO is also responsible for negligent homicide to a far greater degree, and should be dismantled, not just tax-defunded. But hey, Bill Gates is one of the globalist shills with the rest of Big Tech.
There is NO evidence that HClQ kills more than Corona. Ask the Lupus patients. Ask those who took it when going to Africa.
What happened to all the complaints about NOT censoring and firing anyone who even slightly dissented from "Climate Change Disaster" science? There were even stronger calls for this over the last decade. And from this side I heard ... Crickets.
No worries about the Big Tech Democratic Party Line. We can censor skeptics by calling them "science deniers" when they disagree with the consensus but not when they are shown to be wrong.
A second problem is it is fine to express a PERSONAL opinion on personal time with your own credentials, but if you try to say "I work for the CDC and the CDC says (should be saying)...", you should be fired if speaking officially for the CDC isn't your position or job.
I'm sure TechDirt wishes to hire people to write hit-pieces on Trump (often for doing the same thing Obama did but far worse, e.g. kids in cages), so if I was hired by TechDirt to write those, and wrote 100% true and accurate stories on the good things Trump has done (and he has), I could expect TechDirt to censor and fire me because they hired me to do something else.
At least there will be no reason to visit Glacier NP as there are no glaciers now that it is 2020. Oh, wait!
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Hate Speech
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Meanwhile, back at...
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They should just ask Facebook
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On the post: Disney: If We Can't Run Club Penguin, No One Can Run Club Penguin [Updated]
There is no good censorship
On the post: Disney: If We Can't Run Club Penguin, No One Can Run Club Penguin [Updated]
That is so Mickey Mouse.
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Wrong Virus
On the post: Bill Would Ban Broadband Shutoffs Until COVID-19 Pandemic Eases
So who pays the workers at the Broadband company?
On the post: Bill Would Ban Broadband Shutoffs Until COVID-19 Pandemic Eases
Re: Re: Socialization
On the post: Ohio Government Asks Companies To Snitch On Employees, Gets Hit With Auto-Generated Bogus 'Tips' Instead
How do they "deserve" a job?
On the post: Unpublished Guidelines Show The DHS Is Steering States Away From Insecure Internet Voting Options
Isn't there a push to vote by mail?
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Where was Obama, your governor, and your city?
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Hi, I'm Chucky, do you want to play?
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Do we let everyone have guns?
On the post: If You're Complaining About COVID-19 Misinformation Online AND About Section 230, You're Doing It Wrong
At what point does moderation become publisher editoral?
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The Starry Messenger
On the post: OK, Landlord: If Copyright Supporters Are Going To Insist Copyright Is Property, Why Are They So Mad About Being Called Landlords?
Right of first sale
On the post: Censorship Kills: US Government's Focus On COVID-19 'Messaging' Over Actual Protection Did Real Damage
Repeating #FakeNews also kills
On the post: Censorship Kills: US Government's Focus On COVID-19 'Messaging' Over Actual Protection Did Real Damage
On the post: Censorship Kills: US Government's Focus On COVID-19 'Messaging' Over Actual Protection Did Real Damage
Re: Re: the lawn is still green.
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