funnily enough, I don't use a DVR and I promise you advertisers make near $0 off me, much less than most people who do use a DVR. Buying something just because it is on tv and has an actor/actress or what not doesn't make any sense to me. As much as I enjoy the geico commercials, I don't use them. Probably never will.
Put that in a TV exec's spreadsheet.
my question is this:
how is an episode of family guy going to be funny when it centers on an OS? any OS? That sounds like an infomercial to me, not a entertaining thirty minutes. Why don't I just go watch thirty minutes of commercials instead?
With this I get one long commercial with commercial breaks! So much better.
This was a retarded idea all around.
Well damn. If they can't listen to almost 42% of their customer base, we are never going to get a Linux client, huh?
Damn shame. the only thing keeping me back as a customer i that i can't watch it on all my computers.
just do it. Destroy it. All of it. Software patents are bad, but i think we should destroy the whole system to remove the disease from our legal system.
I like how canada seems to be taking a stance, eh?
not the point. The GPL is bad for things like games. Noone ever said that it was great for that particular application, all he said is that people do benefit from GPL code.
Why shouldn't they release source? Every argument I ever see doesn't make much sense.
"Because competitors can see it."
They can also reverse engineer your program. So what?
"Because customers can avoid buying from you and just compile their own."
Well, assuming that most people even know *how* to compile from source, you also are under no obligation to give your source to a non customer under the GPL. Hell, you don't even have to provide it unless asked. Just because the Linux devs and others release their source to the world, technically the GPL only says you have to provide it to customers who ask for it for three years. Average Joe doesn't even know what source code is much less to ask for it.
I'm not a big fan of proprietary software, but i know i am in the minority on that.
A user using software for free and never giving back to the project is *not* a freeloader. A Free loader is either someone who takes the code, modifies it a bit without sending code upstream, then releases as their own work, or sells it as their own work. Either way, that is against the GPL. You can use and modify code all you want as long as you don't release it as your own. Open Source is built off the idea that we as people should help each other.
It requires a special kind of person, but i think the software world is all the better for it. We have too many Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in the software world.
I'm not sure why, but i find it hilarious that they would use this song for an ad. just goes to show that nobody actually understands lyrics. Its like the words are just their to fill out the music.
Why shouldn't we talk about free?
Some of us don't agree with throwing our hard eanred money down a bottomless pit. Especially when the returns on that money is little or nothing. Free has worked since before humanity even had currency and will work well after we are all dead.
One more "The datacenter is dead, long live the cloud!" BS "reports" and I might just do it. Gartner doesn't help and I don't know one local CIO who even gives two shits about what they say.
At what point did agencies start hiring douche bags to start Ad campaigns? I mean, I thought EA's the Inferno campaign was bad, but this is truly horrific. I hope Toyota is taken to the cleaners for being stupid.
Okay, two questions:
1)Am I the only one who thinks IBM' "Smarter Planet" commercials are mis-targeted. I mean, what are they selling? I am not going to buy a mainframe because it might help traffic jams in China or crime in New York. So what is the point. What are they gaining by showing me, a mid-twenties, male in the Southern part of the USA these ads on all the great things IBM may or may not be doing? As far as I can see they gain nothing. (of course, since I don't let my buying habits sway on how many times I saw an ad during a college football game, I am not the best "consumer". Some would even say I am a bad Capitalist.(I am) I just don't understand the point of ads of any kind, and don't allow them when using the 'net. Word of mouth is worth more to me than 30 seconds of flashy colors)
2)Why do you have a razor blade with two blood drops for the icon of "Bleeding Edge" articles? I realize the symbolism, but doesn't it seem a bit... tasteless? Just saying.
and, no, I have nothing to comment on the actual story :)
On the post: Once Again: DVRs Not Killing TV, But Helping It
Put that in a TV exec's spreadsheet.
On the post: Pepsi Told To Pay Over A Billion Dollars For 'Stealing' The Idea For Bottled Water
i think perrier has been around since the late 1800's.
and they did:
On the post: RIAA's Main Anti-Piracy Partner Appears Clueless About BitTorrent
Re: Socialist Liberal Smear Campaign
On the post: Songs Used In Promotions Get A Ton Of Sales... So Why Does The Music Industry Try To Make It Harder?
They are all idiots who see everything in the light of "how can this make me money right now?"
On the post: Microsoft Pulls Out Of Family Guy Sponsorship... Gets Half The Benefit For None Of The Money?
how is an episode of family guy going to be funny when it centers on an OS? any OS? That sounds like an infomercial to me, not a entertaining thirty minutes. Why don't I just go watch thirty minutes of commercials instead?
With this I get one long commercial with commercial breaks! So much better.
This was a retarded idea all around.
On the post: Netflix Claims Americans Don't Want Standalone Streaming Movie Service
Damn shame. the only thing keeping me back as a customer i that i can't watch it on all my computers.
On the post: Even The Open Source Community Gets Overly Restrictive At Times
Re: GPL evangelist crap
On the post: Even The Open Source Community Gets Overly Restrictive At Times
Re: 13 Amazing New Windows 7 Features That Microsoft Forgot To Mention
On the post: A Look Behind The Curtain: How A Patent Hoarder Makes Money
destroy the patent system
I like how canada seems to be taking a stance, eh?
On the post: Even The Open Source Community Gets Overly Restrictive At Times
Re: Re: Look At The Evidence
On the post: Even The Open Source Community Gets Overly Restrictive At Times
Re: Re: This Article is Nonsense
"Because competitors can see it."
They can also reverse engineer your program. So what?
"Because customers can avoid buying from you and just compile their own."
Well, assuming that most people even know *how* to compile from source, you also are under no obligation to give your source to a non customer under the GPL. Hell, you don't even have to provide it unless asked. Just because the Linux devs and others release their source to the world, technically the GPL only says you have to provide it to customers who ask for it for three years. Average Joe doesn't even know what source code is much less to ask for it.
I'm not a big fan of proprietary software, but i know i am in the minority on that.
On the post: Even The Open Source Community Gets Overly Restrictive At Times
A user using software for free and never giving back to the project is *not* a freeloader. A Free loader is either someone who takes the code, modifies it a bit without sending code upstream, then releases as their own work, or sells it as their own work. Either way, that is against the GPL. You can use and modify code all you want as long as you don't release it as your own. Open Source is built off the idea that we as people should help each other.
It requires a special kind of person, but i think the software world is all the better for it. We have too many Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in the software world.
On the post: Mattel Now Using Song In Commercial... Which It Once Sued Over Copyright Infringement
On the post: WSJ Editor: Those Who Believe Content Should Be Free Are Neanderthals
Some of us don't agree with throwing our hard eanred money down a bottomless pit. Especially when the returns on that money is little or nothing. Free has worked since before humanity even had currency and will work well after we are all dead.
On the post: Tech Company Sues Gartner Because It Doesn't Like How Gartner Placed It In Its Magic Quadrant
One more "The datacenter is dead, long live the cloud!" BS "reports" and I might just do it. Gartner doesn't help and I don't know one local CIO who even gives two shits about what they say.
On the post: Bad Idea Central: Toyota Sued After Viral Marketing Attempt Convinced Woman She Was Being Stalked
On the post: The Debate Is Not Free vs. Paid
Re: Must agree
On the post: OnStar Used To Stop Carjacked Car
Re: Re:
On the post: Want To Design Smarter Intersections? Use Less Control, Not More.
Re: Re:
On the post: Want To Design Smarter Intersections? Use Less Control, Not More.
1)Am I the only one who thinks IBM' "Smarter Planet" commercials are mis-targeted. I mean, what are they selling? I am not going to buy a mainframe because it might help traffic jams in China or crime in New York. So what is the point. What are they gaining by showing me, a mid-twenties, male in the Southern part of the USA these ads on all the great things IBM may or may not be doing? As far as I can see they gain nothing. (of course, since I don't let my buying habits sway on how many times I saw an ad during a college football game, I am not the best "consumer". Some would even say I am a bad Capitalist.(I am) I just don't understand the point of ads of any kind, and don't allow them when using the 'net. Word of mouth is worth more to me than 30 seconds of flashy colors)
2)Why do you have a razor blade with two blood drops for the icon of "Bleeding Edge" articles? I realize the symbolism, but doesn't it seem a bit... tasteless? Just saying.
and, no, I have nothing to comment on the actual story :)
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