The Stasi were not not technically foreign occupiers either but that did not make cooperating with them any more acceptable.
It is not a matter of the police "forgetting" they are not supposed to be special it is a matter of large segments of our society are telling them that yes they are special.
When you are told over and over again that you can break the law, ignore the Constitution, and kill pretty much anyone you want with ZERO consequences by society and the court system then you are special.
When your safety rather than the public you are supposed to be protecting becomes so important that you can shoot and kill children/the deaf/mentally handicapped/mentally ill/blacks/whites/other minorities/anyone who talks back to you/people running from you/people who look dangerous/"fill in the blank" because "Danger" then you are more than special.
When you are someone who thinks that yes living in a police state is a good thing and the Constitution is for you but not other people than you are a collaborator.
The problem we now have is that there are few if any "Western Countries" that have any moral ground to denounce the actions of China and Russia and all the other "BAD" countries without freedoms.
The US, European countries, and especially the UK have taken measures of the last decade that the East German Stasi could only have dreamed of having.
It is kind of hard for the politicians to complain about a police state when they are doing their best to turn their own countries into one.
It will probably not stop them though as hypocrisy and politicians are the best of friends.
While I do not condone in any way Russia getting involved in the US election the US has no high ground here at all.
We have a long history of not only interfering in elections but of actively overthrowing (or at least helping others overthrow) Govts that we do not like.
We interfere with other countries more than anyone and then when somebody else does it we act all holier than thou.
You can not really blame Russia, the EU, and other countries from not wanting all the info on their citizens stored in the US.
Even ignoring the getting hacked aspect of the situation the US Govt has shown that it does not care about privacy at all and is more than willing to scoop up any and all information within reach regardless of what any law or the Constitution says.
I have been using PIA for at least a couple of years and some recent testing showed that I was still leaking some information. Updating and tweaking fixed most of them but their IPv6 leak protection does not work (at least on my win7 computer) and I ended up disabling IPv6 altogether for now. Not really a long term solution but hopefully at some point their IPv6 leak protection will do what it is supposed to do.
You need to run regular privacy testing to make sure all the steps you are taking are actually working like they should.
"As we noted, Ravi filming Clementi was definitely creepy, immature and dumb. But criminal?"
Do you really think this is not something that should be against the law? Seriously?
The guy secretly filmed someone having sex and then put it on the web for other people to watch.
If that is not a criminal act that deserves some jail time then it sure should be.
I can see your argument that people should not go to jail for what someone else did (in this case a suicide) but that is not what he was convicted of doing so I do not really see that justice was somehow perverted in this case.
I personally do not see the problem as long as the info on the security problems is correct. We have been seeing a lot of companies just sweep these issues under the rug and not spending the time and money to fix them. Hitting the shareholders in the pocket may be the only way to get them to act.
The only problem I see is if people start using fake security problems to try and drive down stock prices and make money off of it.
So Google sends traffic to the news sites which allow those sites to make more money and now they want Google to pay for the privileged of sending that traffic to them?
The news sites should be paying Google...
This will not happen, the first thing Google will do is delist the sites and when their traffic does a nose dive they will be screaming to get the law overturned.
For everyone like myself who opted out of upgrading to keep control over updates and information it looks like that strategy is going to be useless. Starting in Oct MS will be combining all the updates together just like Windows 10 does. No more accepting just the security updates you want, it will be all or nothing.
As far as keeping MS in the dark with your info goes all you need to do is block MS via your router. As far as I know just about every router has that ability.
On the post: Iowa Appeals Court Doubles Down On Curbing Police Abuse Of 'Inventory Search' Warrant Exceptions
Re: Re: colaberation
It is not a matter of the police "forgetting" they are not supposed to be special it is a matter of large segments of our society are telling them that yes they are special.
When you are told over and over again that you can break the law, ignore the Constitution, and kill pretty much anyone you want with ZERO consequences by society and the court system then you are special.
When your safety rather than the public you are supposed to be protecting becomes so important that you can shoot and kill children/the deaf/mentally handicapped/mentally ill/blacks/whites/other minorities/anyone who talks back to you/people running from you/people who look dangerous/"fill in the blank" because "Danger" then you are more than special.
When you are someone who thinks that yes living in a police state is a good thing and the Constitution is for you but not other people than you are a collaborator.
On the post: China Bolsters The Great Firewall, Cracks Down Harder On VPN Use
The Problem
The US, European countries, and especially the UK have taken measures of the last decade that the East German Stasi could only have dreamed of having.
It is kind of hard for the politicians to complain about a police state when they are doing their best to turn their own countries into one.
It will probably not stop them though as hypocrisy and politicians are the best of friends.
On the post: Surprise: President Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning's Sentence
Re: Re: Re: WRONG...
We have a long history of not only interfering in elections but of actively overthrowing (or at least helping others overthrow) Govts that we do not like.
We interfere with other countries more than anyone and then when somebody else does it we act all holier than thou.
On the post: Russia Orders LinkedIn's Service To Be Blocked, Supposedly For Failing To Store Personal Data Locally
I hate to sound pro Russian but....
Even ignoring the getting hacked aspect of the situation the US Govt has shown that it does not care about privacy at all and is more than willing to scoop up any and all information within reach regardless of what any law or the Constitution says.
On the post: Companies Keep Asking Us To Track You; We'd Rather You Be Protected From Tracking
You still need to test your connection
You need to run regular privacy testing to make sure all the steps you are taking are actually working like they should.
On the post: Conviction Overturned In Case Of Rutgers Student Whose Roommate Committed Suicide After Being Secretly Filmed
Not really seeing the problem here
Do you really think this is not something that should be against the law? Seriously?
The guy secretly filmed someone having sex and then put it on the web for other people to watch.
If that is not a criminal act that deserves some jail time then it sure should be.
I can see your argument that people should not go to jail for what someone else did (in this case a suicide) but that is not what he was convicted of doing so I do not really see that justice was somehow perverted in this case.
On the post: Security Startup MedSec Shorts St. Jude Medical Stock To Punish It For Flimsy Pacemaker Security
My First Thought: The Runaway Jury
I personally do not see the problem as long as the info on the security problems is correct. We have been seeing a lot of companies just sweep these issues under the rug and not spending the time and money to fix them. Hitting the shareholders in the pocket may be the only way to get them to act.
The only problem I see is if people start using fake security problems to try and drive down stock prices and make money off of it.
On the post: Leaked EU Copyright Proposal A Complete Mess: Want To Tax Google To Prop Up Failing Publishers
Seems Very Backwards
The news sites should be paying Google...
This will not happen, the first thing Google will do is delist the sites and when their traffic does a nose dive they will be screaming to get the law overturned.
On the post: The EFF Calls Out Microsoft's Ongoing Bullshit On Windows 10 Privacy Concerns
Coming to Windows 7 in Oct
As far as keeping MS in the dark with your info goes all you need to do is block MS via your router. As far as I know just about every router has that ability.
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