Re: Re: Total Surveillance Under the Guise of Safety
RE: "Zero surveillance is acceptable."
I suspect that those who claim that they deem zero surveillance to be desirable, are referring to the blanket "haystack" surveillance of those "not suspected of a crime", rather than that which is used in the pursuit of justice and usually referred to as "investigation".
It is the blanket surveillance of all communications and movements of all "non-suspect citizens", by those who are officially exempt from similar scrutiny through legal institutionalized secrecy, for purposes completely outside of the pursuit of justice, that causes many to perceive all secret spying on the public as the tool of corrupt government and thus a crime against the public that needs to end.
"If it is good enough for the public then it's good enough for the politicians and police and anyone else that has exempted themselves."
Its always interesting to see how consistently this particular point of view is so resoundingly ignored by all.
Almost as if "we" assume in advance that our "superiors", are indeed our superiors, and thus should be exempt from the surveillance that has become the every day norm for the rest of us, because they are above reproach and incorruptible - even though reality has proven otherwise on a daily basis for centuries.
Aye - the worship of the wealthy has indeed led us to a conundrum of vast proportions, from which there appears no possible succor, and this "modern" society is very likely to follow, precisely, in a timely fashion, the footsteps of all of its predecessors.
I think an extensive examination of the process of creating pariahs - regardless of the society under scrutiny or the moral rule promoting the condemnation of people that is used - will show that "servitude/slavery" is the primary, and possibly the sole purpose of the process.
Slavery is a well established goal of human society's morality rules, because it eliminates the cost of labor, enriching the already wealthy by reducing expenditure, and modern prisons are now pretty much just slave labor camps.
I understand that American prison-made jeans are cost-competitive with Chinese slave-labor-made jeans.
"I've argued before that criminals should all have have their convictions tattooed on their foreheads."
I imagine there would then be a real demand for an enterprise that specialized in the removal of such tattoos, not so much as a way of removing the identification from the foreheads of criminals, but for the purpose of dis-branding the thousands of wrongly convicted innocents that the "justice system" creates every year.
When the justice system gets it right 99.99999% of the time, your idea might have some small merit, but that percentage is far away from its current success rate and permanently scarring an innocent human being is not something we should think of as unavoidable collateral damage.
Unless of course you're one of those people I mentioned above:
"...and giving employment to those good men and women who love to remove body parts and burn flesh for fun."
In which case I suppose you simply can't help but try your best to set up future employment for yourself and your ilk.
Sadly, I'm just one of those people who would rather examine and understand the root causes of harmful behaviors such as rape, assault and child abuse, and try to work towards removing the cause, instead of just hammering on the symptoms or committing revenge upon the people who do such things, so coming up with new ways to abuse the criminals isn't really my goal.
But, if you want to go one step further, why not champion the notion of dissecting executed murderers and harvesting their organs to use in hospitals to save lives through transplantation.
At least that will make you sound somewhat humane.
Your hog appeared to be in need of cleaning. Consider it a gift.
"but plenty of corporations do not follow such a path."
How exactly, does a corporation not follow the "more money next year than this year" formulae and remain competitive with similar corporations that value profit over all else?
Are you saying that there is a corporate structure that actually considers flat line profits, or even waning profits, as a success, or as a intentional goal?
Can you post an example of such a corporate structure?
This is something I've never encountered, and consider highly improbable if not outright impossible, but I'd be very interested in discovering such an entity and seeing how it functions.
"this ignores all the advancement in the world today thanks to private companies."
I did not ignore it. It simply had nothing to do with my point, and in and of itself does not exonerate the process.
War and Crime have also fostered an enormous amount of "advancement", but I do not consider that fact to be cause for praising War or Crime.
Ah, the viewers of child porn - what lower beast walks the earth.
Perhaps we should once again nuke Japan, to eliminate Hentai as well.
"They've already been convicted of sexual child abuse. What's worse than that?"
Give'em time.
I'm certain the Forces of Order At Any Cost will come up with many new ways of making pariahood even more awful than normal, while making a profit in the process.
Taking all their property seems like a very good start.
Perhaps, sterilization/castration and branding their foreheads with a huge "cent" symbol - a capital "C", with a perpendicular bar drawn through its center - can become the thing to do after they've been stripped of all their worldly goods.
The symbol would of course stand for "No Child", both to represent the condition of castration/sterilization and as a warning to kids to stay away from the pariah. The profit would come both from taking their goods and giving employment to those good men and women who love to remove body parts and burn flesh for fun.
I'm sure that even a small glance into the past history of human kind will give you an encyclopedia of ways and means used to increase the torture and humiliation of those our societies deems despicable and deserving of institutionalized torment.
Check out the Maleus Malificarum for some real good tried and true tortures/punishments. :)
Still, a corporation has but a single mandate - to make more money next year than it did this year, ad infinitum.
Those funky zig-zag profit charts are the whole "brain" of a corporation, whether they be leasing plastic sky-cranes or manufacturing organic rain widgets.
Regardless of how "benign" or "humane" their public face appears, the only true purpose of a corporation, and the only thing that makes a corporation successful, is continuously escalating profits.
In all of these "altruistic" business ventures, I see naught but the most tempting of facades behind which greed may play good-guy while stealing old lady's pension money.
Every organization that operates in secrecy in any way will inevitably attract criminals and become corrupt - the only useful measuring stick for the speed of corruption is the amount of money the organization handles and the "goodness" of its public facade.
Corporations always operate in secrecy and always deal in larger and larger amounts of money. Their eventual corruption is guaranteed to be either swift, or immediate.
While creating a for profit altruistic entity may not be a bad thing in and of itself, it is absolutely guaranteed to eventually become a bad thing, unless its mandate contains an absolute and irrevocable termination clause due ten years after creation, whether it fulfills its "intended" purpose or not.
Methinks this be a "precedent" case, that is, by winning this case, Hollywood has won a set of usable legal means to make its US law enforcement arm chase down and charge just about anyone, for just about anything, using just about any method at hand.
Since Hollylaw Enforcement has used just about every dirty trick in the book and invented a bunch of new ones in order to destroy Dotcom, if they can pull this farce off in broad daylight without public outcry, then the sky is the limit for all future violations of rights against anyone that pisses off Hollywood.
Especially considering the bonus they get from all of those phony "trade deals" that increase the public perception of "evilness" of copyright infringement.
And that methinks, is the plan Stan.
I think this is what they meant when the Mob said it wanted to use the proceeds of its criminal enterprises to turn legit.
Not that the Mob would start to obey the laws, but that the laws would be made to obey the Mob.
Wow. Once a fascist police state gets going, it seems there is just no stopping it.
With all of these nifty new spy toys, its pretty obvious that any thought of privacy in the US is a pure pipe dream, and the US Constitution is nothing more than ass-wipe for the forces of Order-At-Any-Price.
Ah well, ye had a good run, America.
Time to bend over and take it like victim now, because, when the law itself is against you, there is no place left to turn for help.
They probably tore the place apart trying to catch that damned rabbit.
They probably started a pool on who would nail the bunny, within the first few hours of the stand-off, out of boredom and stupidity.
After all, during this kind of high-stakes stand-off with a major gang-boy type armed and dangerous suspected criminal, the cops get all pumped up and need to kill something....
... keeps them from going home later and beating their wife and kids.
"As for why specific tactics were utilized or items removed..."
Sounds like some of the cops did a little impromptu Christmas shopping while wandering through the house.
After all, its Christmas and the probability of there being numerous fully wrapped and totally guilty presents for four children and two adults, lying ominously under that Christmas tree (which the cops threw through the livingroom window), is pretty high.
Suggest a new asset forfeiture term: Copportunity.
"We're very sorry, but both of the Good Cops were suspended last week for not assisting in the gang-mugging, raping and murder of a suspected druggie, terrorist child molester.
I read that as Mallory stating to his cops, that since you're already breaking the law - if you're afraid of being video-taped in the act - here are a selection of other laws that other cops have successfully bent, twisted or broken to get away with destroying the video evidence of their criminal activity, along with some possible pitfalls of their use.
The whole thing is like a pep-rally at a criminal convention, on how to "game the system".
The man is actually giving instructions on methods of breaking the law. His actions should constitute a crime and probably would in a country not under fascist siege.
"Hey Fred, that's a really nice car over there. I want it. Does the department still have that NSA stealth file-upload software in the drug surveillance department? If that guy's got a computer, he's about to become the recipient of a shitload of digital kiddie porn tonight. I'll get his registration info and get the boys to work out his email address. Otherwise, we'll have to insert it manually as magazines and pictures into his bedroom closet during the night and plant some more during the raid. I'll bet he's got some nice shit in his house too. It'll be fun working out ways to tag his shit as proceeds of kiddie porn sales. Tomorrow is gonna be a great day, just not for him."
Same game. New name.
Who cares. He's a druggie. Who cares. He's a terrorist. Who cares. He's a pervert. Who cares. He's a hacker. Who cares. He's a hoarder. Who cares. He's a trans-sexual. Who cares. He's a hippie. Who cares. He's a file sharer. Who cares. He's a Muslim. Who cares. He's a foreigner. Who cares. He's an eco-warrior. Who cares......
When the cops steal more property than the crooks, but only the crooks and the victims go to jail, you know you're living in a Fascist Police State.
For those of you who are saying, "Well I'm not any of those things, so I don't have to worry.", ask yourself this;
Who are the cops going to steal from after they've robbed all the "bad" people of their goods?
Answer: You, the "good guys".
That's what the public surveillance is for. Turning "good guys" into potential sources of free assets.
Since most web "newspapers" are merely outlets for the brick and mortar Truth Free Press, I cannot see what a comment section would be good for in the first place.
Its not like pointing out their bullshit is going to stop them from writing what they are told to write by corporate funders and political VIPs. When disseminating bullshit is your job, public scrutiny and analysis of that bullshit is a threat.
I'm more surprised that any of these "sites" ever even considered having public comments sections in the first place. That they're getting rid of them seems inevitable.
If they want to appear "webby", then they should just hire a couple of professional bull-shitters to write a ton of daily BS under numerous "handles" and pretend its public discourse. That way the comments section would always support the crap that was published.
Real posts that were acceptably supportive could also be posted while the rest would simply go into the trash bin, as inappropriate. Since any complaints by "inappropriate" posters would never see the light of day, the reading public would never know the difference.
Methinks the porn clause is simply the candy included for all the politicians involved. They all know that nothing is ever really going to be done about porn - as its the most popular single "topic" on earth - but they can always point to the anti-porn parts of every bad bill they sign when asked why on earth they did so.
"For the children", is an awesome political response, that nearly always shuts up your opposition.
Its in there five times because most of these assholes in office don't bother to read the whole thing and this way its probably near enough to the section they do read - they're own pet money-maker or freedom-killer clause - that they'll notice it.
The call to action is all well and good, but in order to actually begin a process of unified reaction to the current threat of internal take-over by corporate interests, you will have to lay out a plan of action that is both clear and doable, by the vast majority of Americans.
The problem is not so much that few see the writing on the wall, as it is that none can see a clear path to freedom from this looming tyranny, instigated by your very own wealthiest citizens.
Armed insurrection will accomplish nothing more than, at best, replacing the current leaders with new leaders who will quickly don the trappings and attitudes of those they deposed, and, at worst, lead to an escalation of martial law and the installing of even more fascist friendly laws that restrict the movements of Americans even further, while offering the rulers a perfect excuse to begin purging the population of dissidents, trouble-makers, competitors and others, in the name of national security, with full public acceptance.
- side note
I think the current "gang" of Presidential Hopefuls are a ruse.
The real corporate selected POTUS has yet to be introduced to the American Public, so that the public can despair over the horror story that is unfolding before them in the form of a dozen insane clowns running for the office of president, who nobody in their right mind would ever vote for.
When the "ringer" - the real preselected POTUS - is finally displayed before the public, she will be pristine and perfect - like Obama was - and everyone in the USA will assume that everyone else in the USA will vote for that "candidate", because she will be the only sane choice, compared to the crowd of clowns currently dancing in the flood lights.
In this way, the final "landslide" vote for the "ringer", will be fully acceptable to all Americans, because it is exactly what all American will expect, and none will suspect that the whole thing was rigged from day one, until years later, when - like Obama - all of the silver-tongued promises of transparency and co-operation and justice and truth, turn out to be 100% pure BS, again.
On the post: Techdirt Podcast Episode 55: How Much Surveillance Is Acceptable?
Re: Re: Total Surveillance Under the Guise of Safety
I suspect that those who claim that they deem zero surveillance to be desirable, are referring to the blanket "haystack" surveillance of those "not suspected of a crime", rather than that which is used in the pursuit of justice and usually referred to as "investigation".
It is the blanket surveillance of all communications and movements of all "non-suspect citizens", by those who are officially exempt from similar scrutiny through legal institutionalized secrecy, for purposes completely outside of the pursuit of justice, that causes many to perceive all secret spying on the public as the tool of corrupt government and thus a crime against the public that needs to end.
But you probably already knew that. :)
On the post: Techdirt Podcast Episode 55: How Much Surveillance Is Acceptable?
Its always interesting to see how consistently this particular point of view is so resoundingly ignored by all.
Almost as if "we" assume in advance that our "superiors", are indeed our superiors, and thus should be exempt from the surveillance that has become the every day norm for the rest of us, because they are above reproach and incorruptible - even though reality has proven otherwise on a daily basis for centuries.
Aye - the worship of the wealthy has indeed led us to a conundrum of vast proportions, from which there appears no possible succor, and this "modern" society is very likely to follow, precisely, in a timely fashion, the footsteps of all of its predecessors.
On the post: Law Enforcement Wants To Be Able To Seize The Cars And Homes Of People Convicted On Child Porn Charges
Re: Re: Re: Pariah.
I think an extensive examination of the process of creating pariahs - regardless of the society under scrutiny or the moral rule promoting the condemnation of people that is used - will show that "servitude/slavery" is the primary, and possibly the sole purpose of the process.
Slavery is a well established goal of human society's morality rules, because it eliminates the cost of labor, enriching the already wealthy by reducing expenditure, and modern prisons are now pretty much just slave labor camps.
I understand that American prison-made jeans are cost-competitive with Chinese slave-labor-made jeans.
On the post: Law Enforcement Wants To Be Able To Seize The Cars And Homes Of People Convicted On Child Porn Charges
Re: Re: Re: Pariah.
I imagine there would then be a real demand for an enterprise that specialized in the removal of such tattoos, not so much as a way of removing the identification from the foreheads of criminals, but for the purpose of dis-branding the thousands of wrongly convicted innocents that the "justice system" creates every year.
When the justice system gets it right 99.99999% of the time, your idea might have some small merit, but that percentage is far away from its current success rate and permanently scarring an innocent human being is not something we should think of as unavoidable collateral damage.
Unless of course you're one of those people I mentioned above:
"...and giving employment to those good men and women who love to remove body parts and burn flesh for fun."
In which case I suppose you simply can't help but try your best to set up future employment for yourself and your ilk.
Sadly, I'm just one of those people who would rather examine and understand the root causes of harmful behaviors such as rape, assault and child abuse, and try to work towards removing the cause, instead of just hammering on the symptoms or committing revenge upon the people who do such things, so coming up with new ways to abuse the criminals isn't really my goal.
But, if you want to go one step further, why not champion the notion of dissecting executed murderers and harvesting their organs to use in hospitals to save lives through transplantation.
At least that will make you sound somewhat humane.
On the post: How Private-Sector Innovation Can Help Those Most In Need
Re: Re: If it walks like a duck and quacks...
Your hog appeared to be in need of cleaning.
Consider it a gift.
"but plenty of corporations do not follow such a path."
How exactly, does a corporation not follow the "more money next year than this year" formulae and remain competitive with similar corporations that value profit over all else?
Are you saying that there is a corporate structure that actually considers flat line profits, or even waning profits, as a success, or as a intentional goal?
Can you post an example of such a corporate structure?
This is something I've never encountered, and consider highly improbable if not outright impossible, but I'd be very interested in discovering such an entity and seeing how it functions.
"this ignores all the advancement in the world today thanks to private companies."
I did not ignore it. It simply had nothing to do with my point, and in and of itself does not exonerate the process.
War and Crime have also fostered an enormous amount of "advancement", but I do not consider that fact to be cause for praising War or Crime.
On the post: Law Enforcement Wants To Be Able To Seize The Cars And Homes Of People Convicted On Child Porn Charges
Re: Pariah.
Perhaps we should once again nuke Japan, to eliminate Hentai as well.
"They've already been convicted of sexual child abuse. What's worse than that?"
Give'em time.
I'm certain the Forces of Order At Any Cost will come up with many new ways of making pariahood even more awful than normal, while making a profit in the process.
Taking all their property seems like a very good start.
Perhaps, sterilization/castration and branding their foreheads with a huge "cent" symbol - a capital "C", with a perpendicular bar drawn through its center - can become the thing to do after they've been stripped of all their worldly goods.
The symbol would of course stand for "No Child", both to represent the condition of castration/sterilization and as a warning to kids to stay away from the pariah. The profit would come both from taking their goods and giving employment to those good men and women who love to remove body parts and burn flesh for fun.
I'm sure that even a small glance into the past history of human kind will give you an encyclopedia of ways and means used to increase the torture and humiliation of those our societies deems despicable and deserving of institutionalized torment.
Check out the Maleus Malificarum for some real good tried and true tortures/punishments. :)
On the post: How Private-Sector Innovation Can Help Those Most In Need
If it walks like a duck and quacks...
Still, a corporation has but a single mandate - to make more money next year than it did this year, ad infinitum.
Those funky zig-zag profit charts are the whole "brain" of a corporation, whether they be leasing plastic sky-cranes or manufacturing organic rain widgets.
Regardless of how "benign" or "humane" their public face appears, the only true purpose of a corporation, and the only thing that makes a corporation successful, is continuously escalating profits.
In all of these "altruistic" business ventures, I see naught but the most tempting of facades behind which greed may play good-guy while stealing old lady's pension money.
Every organization that operates in secrecy in any way will inevitably attract criminals and become corrupt - the only useful measuring stick for the speed of corruption is the amount of money the organization handles and the "goodness" of its public facade.
Corporations always operate in secrecy and always deal in larger and larger amounts of money. Their eventual corruption is guaranteed to be either swift, or immediate.
While creating a for profit altruistic entity may not be a bad thing in and of itself, it is absolutely guaranteed to eventually become a bad thing, unless its mandate contains an absolute and irrevocable termination clause due ten years after creation, whether it fulfills its "intended" purpose or not.
In my humble opinion only, of course.
On the post: Judge's Opinion On Kim Dotcom Shows An Unfortunate Willingness To Ignore Context
Conspiracy to commit mass muggery. Legally.
Since Hollylaw Enforcement has used just about every dirty trick in the book and invented a bunch of new ones in order to destroy Dotcom, if they can pull this farce off in broad daylight without public outcry, then the sky is the limit for all future violations of rights against anyone that pisses off Hollywood.
Especially considering the bonus they get from all of those phony "trade deals" that increase the public perception of "evilness" of copyright infringement.
And that methinks, is the plan Stan.
I think this is what they meant when the Mob said it wanted to use the proceeds of its criminal enterprises to turn legit.
Not that the Mob would start to obey the laws, but that the laws would be made to obey the Mob.
On the post: Law Enforcement Wants To Be Able To Seize The Cars And Homes Of People Convicted On Child Porn Charges
Re: Re: Should take at least a week before its abused.
errrr....... ummm...... yeah, guess I did indeed.
refresh my memory willya...
Wutza ginger?
You mean like ginger-"snaps".......?
Christmas Cookies??
I'm gonna take a leap of faith here and assume you meant "ganger", as in street-"gang"-memb"ers", like Crips, Bloods, etc., sorta thing.
If so, oops, my bad, yeah them too.
USA got more bad-ass boogey-men now than the kriss-chunz had during the dark ages. Getting real hard to list them all.
Real good thing ya'all got the CIAF BIN SADOJ hiding in yer bedrooms to protect you 24/7 from this ever-increasing roster of night-terrors eh.
On the post: Leaked Documents Expose The US Government's Cell Phone Surveillance Options
...out like a lamb
With all of these nifty new spy toys, its pretty obvious that any thought of privacy in the US is a pure pipe dream, and the US Constitution is nothing more than ass-wipe for the forces of Order-At-Any-Price.
Ah well, ye had a good run, America.
Time to bend over and take it like victim now, because, when the law itself is against you, there is no place left to turn for help.
On the post: Nineteen-Hour 'Standoff' Ends With Law Enforcement Officers Destroying An Empty House
Re: Wow.
They probably started a pool on who would nail the bunny, within the first few hours of the stand-off, out of boredom and stupidity.
After all, during this kind of high-stakes stand-off with a major gang-boy type armed and dangerous suspected criminal, the cops get all pumped up and need to kill something....
... keeps them from going home later and beating their wife and kids.
On the post: Nineteen-Hour 'Standoff' Ends With Law Enforcement Officers Destroying An Empty House
Xmas Shopping in the War Zones
Sounds like some of the cops did a little impromptu Christmas shopping while wandering through the house.
After all, its Christmas and the probability of there being numerous fully wrapped and totally guilty presents for four children and two adults, lying ominously under that Christmas tree (which the cops threw through the livingroom window), is pretty high.
Suggest a new asset forfeiture term: Copportunity.
On the post: Florida City's Police Guidance Says Citizen Recordings Likely Legal; Tries To Find Ways To Make Them Criminal Acts
We, the People that actually count."
On the post: Florida City's Police Guidance Says Citizen Recordings Likely Legal; Tries To Find Ways To Make Them Criminal Acts
One law for you - a differnet law for us.
The whole thing is like a pep-rally at a criminal convention, on how to "game the system".
The man is actually giving instructions on methods of breaking the law. His actions should constitute a crime and probably would in a country not under fascist siege.
On the post: Law Enforcement Wants To Be Able To Seize The Cars And Homes Of People Convicted On Child Porn Charges
Should take at least a week before its abused.
Same game. New name.
Who cares. He's a druggie.
Who cares. He's a terrorist.
Who cares. He's a pervert.
Who cares. He's a hacker.
Who cares. He's a hoarder.
Who cares. He's a trans-sexual.
Who cares. He's a hippie.
Who cares. He's a file sharer.
Who cares. He's a Muslim.
Who cares. He's a foreigner.
Who cares. He's an eco-warrior.
Who cares......
When the cops steal more property than the crooks, but only the crooks and the victims go to jail, you know you're living in a Fascist Police State.
For those of you who are saying, "Well I'm not any of those things, so I don't have to worry.", ask yourself this;
Who are the cops going to steal from after they've robbed all the "bad" people of their goods?
Answer: You, the "good guys".
That's what the public surveillance is for.
Turning "good guys" into potential sources of free assets.
On the post: Appeal In EFF's Big Lawsuit Against NSA Dismissed For 'Lack Of Jurisdiction'; Heads Back To Lower Court Again
Why on earth would EFF have to "delay, delay, delay" in a case where the government has done nothing but cause delay for almost a decade??
As for the case "going poorly", the government has pretty much insured the case goes nowhere at all, for years.
Are you sure you're arguing about the same article??
On the post: The Toronto Star Loves Commentary So Much, It Will No Longer Let You Comment
The Astro-Turf Section
Its not like pointing out their bullshit is going to stop them from writing what they are told to write by corporate funders and political VIPs. When disseminating bullshit is your job, public scrutiny and analysis of that bullshit is a threat.
I'm more surprised that any of these "sites" ever even considered having public comments sections in the first place. That they're getting rid of them seems inevitable.
If they want to appear "webby", then they should just hire a couple of professional bull-shitters to write a ton of daily BS under numerous "handles" and pretend its public discourse. That way the comments section would always support the crap that was published.
Real posts that were acceptably supportive could also be posted while the rest would simply go into the trash bin, as inappropriate. Since any complaints by "inappropriate" posters would never see the light of day, the reading public would never know the difference.
On the post: Want To Know How Ridiculous The Omnibus Bill Is? It Has A Meaningless Porn Filter Clause Four Times
Re: Re: Re:
The year after the original design went into action.
On the post: Want To Know How Ridiculous The Omnibus Bill Is? It Has A Meaningless Porn Filter Clause Four Times
The moral high ground, for bottom dwellers.
"For the children", is an awesome political response, that nearly always shuts up your opposition.
Its in there five times because most of these assholes in office don't bother to read the whole thing and this way its probably near enough to the section they do read - they're own pet money-maker or freedom-killer clause - that they'll notice it.
On the post: Congress Drops All Pretense: Quietly Turns CISA Into A Full On Surveillance Bill
Re: Omg... this is so sad D:
The problem is not so much that few see the writing on the wall, as it is that none can see a clear path to freedom from this looming tyranny, instigated by your very own wealthiest citizens.
Armed insurrection will accomplish nothing more than, at best, replacing the current leaders with new leaders who will quickly don the trappings and attitudes of those they deposed, and, at worst, lead to an escalation of martial law and the installing of even more fascist friendly laws that restrict the movements of Americans even further, while offering the rulers a perfect excuse to begin purging the population of dissidents, trouble-makers, competitors and others, in the name of national security, with full public acceptance.
- side note
I think the current "gang" of Presidential Hopefuls are a ruse.
The real corporate selected POTUS has yet to be introduced to the American Public, so that the public can despair over the horror story that is unfolding before them in the form of a dozen insane clowns running for the office of president, who nobody in their right mind would ever vote for.
When the "ringer" - the real preselected POTUS - is finally displayed before the public, she will be pristine and perfect - like Obama was - and everyone in the USA will assume that everyone else in the USA will vote for that "candidate", because she will be the only sane choice, compared to the crowd of clowns currently dancing in the flood lights.
In this way, the final "landslide" vote for the "ringer", will be fully acceptable to all Americans, because it is exactly what all American will expect, and none will suspect that the whole thing was rigged from day one, until years later, when - like Obama - all of the silver-tongued promises of transparency and co-operation and justice and truth, turn out to be 100% pure BS, again.
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