fuck yeah ! they should have beat the shit out of him first, then rubbed salt in the wounds, and then let all the schoolkids come by with baseball bats and wail on him, then everybody should have stood around and pissed and spit on him, then they should stick icepicks in his head until he is daid, Daid, DAID ! ! !
*THAT* will show that retard that we are the most just, wise, and civilizedest psychopathic society EVAH ! ! !
THE STATE killing killers to 'teach' that killing is wrong... never ceases to amaze...
...not to mention, a mentally deficient POOR (i'm guessing blackish, just a wild-ass guess) person gets the needle, while a white rich puke who murdered someone AT LEAST avoids the death penalty... no, no injustice there...
...not to mention, some guy murders ONE person YOU probably think 'deserves' death, anyway, and you are in full-throated blood lust... some guy (say, a President, or mercenary, er, military droid, whatever) MURDERS HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS to millions, and we yawn...
um, did you ever consider that how you are prioritizing these two crimes is massively fucked up ? ? ?
thank you, my thoughts exactly... next article: you *really* shouldn't wear that mini-dress, gals, you were asking for it! as the poster above this said: IF he had lawyered up, they would have found THAT to be 'suspicious', 'admission of guilt', blah blah blah... no, he was screwed, blued and tattooed, no matter what... disappointed at mike's admonition: blame the victim? i think not...
yeah, maybe the boston bombing wasn't a good example...
...because you don't have to scratch below that surface very far to see that it is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE that this was ANOTHER of the feebs reverse stings MAKING terrorist plots where there were none... only, this one got out of their control... *THAT* is why they leaned on the friend they executed during an interrogation, *THAT* is why various foreign nationals who knew the brothers were scooped up and spirited away and FORBIDDEN to return to the US, even though they had NO involvement or criminal acts... there is a very good chance this was a feeb plot that got away from them; THAT is why they killed a guy not involved, so that the one brothers DOCUMENTED his story with the feebs would not come to light... not a pretty story FROM ANY ANGLE... feebs are scum...
NO, i will NOT let this appeal to 'faux morality' go unscathed: NO, it is The They (tm) who have BROKEN the social contract, who have appropriated the legislatures and the law itself to SERVE THEIR INTERESTS (the 1%), NOT THE INTERESTS OF US ALL... in effect, WE HAVE NO ALTERNATIVE, we have NO 'champions' who are pushing back against the 1% dominating the law and life; ALL the 'champions' are working for the 1%, not the 99%... they have pushed copyright/trademarks to an INSANE period of protection, PROTECTION WE 99% do not get to enjoy, do we ? ? ? the 'law' has been so corrupted and one-sided, ANY APPEAL to law and morality is a FALSE appeal; the 'law' is a RIGGED GAME the 99% will lose virtually every time...
finally, there is no effective recourse: the 'law' is stacked against us, the 'law' is harnessed to the 1% and does their bidding, the 'law' is used to oppress us, NOT TO FREE US... their arguable illegal -and DEFINITELY immoral- EULAs, and arbitration clauses, etc DO NOT SERVE TO 'DEFEND' us 99%, but merely to shield the 1%... yeah, if ONLY we dirty, filthy freetards would follow the law and be good citizens, everything would be okay...
(and another authoritarian non-thinker is outed...)
yep, pretty much got caught up in the same bullshit... bought an 'inertnet ready' teevee for a pretty good price (at the time), but THEIR walled garden crap (visio) is so slow and crippled and stupid, that i don't even bother... a waste of money... use the roku, but NOT visio's useless crap...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Pay TV Deals - No "Current" Alternative
yep... *tried* to cut the cord, but SWMBO likes watching sports even more than i do (which is less and less); its not so easy to do what you want -even as a matter of principle- when your significant other doesn't have the same fervor for these issues... besides, with the grandmonsters who visit, it would be unacceptable to NOT have Dora the Explorer, Backyardigans, or whatever crap they watch... so, i can be all Screw The Man, man ! ! ! but it don't mean shit when you don't control your own destiny...
i will report on a slightly related situation: i *was* (emphasis on 'was') a SamKnows household, where they provided their router to us and 'measured' the speeds we were getting through our craptastic DSL provider... (which -OF COURSE, ONLY in amerika!- i have ZERO CHOICE of an ISP... oh wait, i DO have a choice: either their shitty DSL, or, a 2400 baud dialup, or, um, NOTHING...) i *was* pretty big on these guys efforts, UNTIL i started noticing something strange... they would send a monthly email which would have a (crappy) graph showing my download speeds over the course of the previous month... one of the weird things was, how consistently flat it was, showing about 3Mbs over the whole month, when i knew we had problems... *THEN* we had some outage problems, and i *just happened* to notice the next months graph was showing we had available service at regular speeds during a time period where I KNEW we did not have DSL service, PERIOD... i wrote them an email saying, 'heh, what gives, i KNOW we did not have available service during this week or two, but that is NOT reflected in the graph which shows full speed, no interruptions...' they write back that it is because they may take a 'sample' at some point and call *that* the speed for that day/week/whatever... ? ? ? (there was some other technical gobbledygook that i didn't realize the logic-fail until sometime afterwards...) i wrote back and say 'bullshit', if you are NOT measuring my speed consistently and using a 'sample' that obscures several weeks of ABSOLUTE OUTAGE, then it is either a flawed methodology, or it is PURELY BULLSHIT window dressing for the ISP's... they wrote back some lame shit i didn't even bother to respond to; but it sure did put me on notice that i think SamKnows is either a scam, or an industry front to polish their turds for them... so-o-o-o, go down the road a couple months after intermittent problems with connectivity, and get SamKnows reports that do NOT reflect what our service is being, which is shitty... gets to the point where it is essentially not working at all, and put in service call; idiot tech support droid will not listen when i tell him i think it is their modem, and has me do for the tenth time what i've done already, and -of course- does not fix the problem... get field tech out, and within 10 seconds of entering house and seeing modem lights, says, your modem is shot... no shit... replaces modem and DSL works fine... (GREAT field tech, by the way) in fact, replaces it with a combo modem/wireless router, so I TAKE THE SamKnows MODEM COMPLETELY OUT OF THE LOOP SITTING IN A DRAWER DEAD AS A DOORNAIL... BUT, SamKnows -even with THEIR ROUTER NOT CONNECTED reports i'm having normal connection and speeds WHEN THEIR ROUTER IS NOT EVEN HOOKED UP, and during a period of time THE PHONE LINE WAS NOT CONNECTED... now, not 2-3 days after this, we get a storm and a lightning strike not 100 feet from the house (which struck a live oak which afterwards looked like it had been raked down the trunk by a huge bear), and blew up laptop, blew out new modem, blew out Ethernet port on desktop, and some other stuff... service was OUT/DEAD/NOTHING for about 3-4 days before the tech could get back out, BUT SamKnows report says we had complete connection and normal speeds during that outage ! ! ! now, it appears SamKnows finally knew, because they stopped sending me reports... didn't send an email saying, 'hey, what's up, we aren't getting any more readings from you, is the router broken, etc ?' NOTHING like that, just stopped sending reports... VERY SUSPICIOUS SamKnows was/is a scam either to extort money out of ISPs, or simply as their lapdog to ERRONEOUSLY report connections and speeds WRONGLY to benefit the ISP's stats... fuckers
@ mason- get real, broken wheel: LEGALLY PRESCRIBED drugs kill more people every year than ALL ILLEGAL drugs combined...
mj ain't NEVER killed anyone directly, only by being made illegal and kops kicking your door down, shooting your dog, and fucking your life up forever over a medicinal weed that makes you giggle, does mj do 'harm' as a RESULT of it being illegal, NOT for its inherent properties...
i have no doubt this has NOTHING to do with stopping drug smuggling/etc per se, it has to do with identifying and stopping INDEPENDENT drug smugglers, etc who avoid the cartels and payoffs to the banks, etc...
they don't give a shit that illegal drugs are smuggled, they just want to make sure the 'right people' get a cut, otherwise they fuck you up...
stop being a propaganda victim for the war on (some) drugs...
it is now not tin-foil beanie territory to wonder if it might have reasons to do with 'we' (unka sam) own the belgians (or other small countries) intel svcs, and/or, we can have our way with their telecom system, and/or we can physically bug every room of every likely hotel, etc... i wonder...
that's right... my better half is a teacher, and she spends MULTI-hundreds of dollars every year out of her own (our?) pockets to buy -mostly- school supplies for the -mostly- poor students at her school... she gets them bottles of water, snacks, etc when they have activities, testing, or field trips... and when the books come up missing (probably lost, not stolen, as they don't have good reading habits), she shells out of her own pocket to replace them... she takes extra jackets on field trips when she knows kids don't have them... and -most important of all- she ALWAYS makes time to talk to ANY kid (not just her students) who comes by before class, or hangs around at lunch, etc... she spends 5-10 hours extra a week at school after it lets out, she goes to most of the after-school games her students are playing in, and spends AT LEAST 20-30 hours a week at home grading papers, inputting grades, making class lessons, emailing students and parents, etc... AND she is MORE the norm than the exception (though she is exceptional)... ANYONE tells me unionized school teachers are the problem with our education system, gets a kick to the gonads from me...
1. if you have not noticed, i am FIRST in line when it comes to bashing the thin blue line of liars... 2. it may be tim's aim to ameliorate some of the stark and horrifying stories of police abuse, so what ? 3. on the other paw, these Police Officers exhibit MUCH of the qualities i wish ALL kops would normally demonstrate: i have NOTHING BUT RESPECT AND ADMIRATION for such PEOPLE who don't let the badge and the gun distort and cheapen their views of humanity... 4. i don't disagree with whatever's general point, BUT, i think it is VERY important to recognize the public servants who actually protect and serve such that that behavior STARTS to become the norm, not the exception... 5. while it is HUGELY admirable the efforts the one Police Officer took to help out the kid, it is too much to expect they can 'save' every kid/person in this fashion... one would hope (is there any left?) that our society's safety net would work better to help people like this out, but its all 'we got ours, so fuck you jack...'
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Donald Sterling, meet Dan Snyder
actually, i was replying not just to your short but obvious posts and what is inferred in your statements, but also -it seemed obvious to me- commenting on the whole media pandering to this self-righteous bull, and the vast majority of nekkid apes who think their shit don't stink... besides, i guess we're even, since you didn't address any of my points even more pointedly...
which is EXACTLY why Big Inertnet types have been hopping all over the country getting state/local lawwhores to pass legislation to make it ILLEGAL for muni's/etc to compete with them... its, like, so-o-o-o unfair... fuckers...
EVERYTHING i was taught as a kid that was pure, unalloyed EEE-VIL in a small dee democracy, is coming to pass... and there are close to ZERO lawwhores who stand up against it happening... asymptotically close to zero...
BUT they screw us over with a catch-22: we won't tell you if we are spying on you, and even if you have 'proof' we are spying on you, we can't allow that proof to be divulged, therefore, you (OR ANYONE) don't have standing to sue us for illegally spying on you...
Re: There goes all 4th Amendment rights on the Internet
not too long before we have the brain bugs... they have cracked the problem of nanobots being rejected by our bodies, by essentially coating them with a bio-goo that lets them get around in the body without being attacked by macrophages, etc... (heh spel czech, macrophage is a word, get over yourself)
we (and when i say 'we', i mean the 1%) have ALREADY 'established' that if the surveillance by The They(tm) is -you know- 'unobtrusive', then it is okey-dokey...
thus, a nanobot up every butt ! ! ! all perfectly legal-like... (or, well, you know, like the *appearance* of legality, that's all that matters...)
say kamper, IF someone (a 'friend'?) ILLEGALLY recorded YOUR worst moments when you were upset about something/someone, and played those back for all the world to hear, what would you think about that ? ? ?
(you won't think about that, you're having too much fun feeling all self-righteous and going off on ANYONE ELSE, but yourself, friends or family... WE ALL have bigots in our family, but you won't drum them out of society, will you ? ? ? but some rich puke you never met will be pilloried so YOU can feel good about yourself...)
really sick of this pin-the-tail-on-the-bigot bullshit; EVERYONE is getting off on pointing fingers at SOMEONE else, but -you know what?- i bet YOU (YES ALL OF YOU) have SOME views, some retarded opinions, SOME stupid shit YOU BELIEVE (or want to believe), that if exposed to the world (ILLEGALLY) you would look like a fucking idiot/bigot/dick...
again, this hysteria is feeding into authoritarian impulses to oversee, control and eliminate ALL behaviors EMPIRE does not want, NOT WHAT YOU FUCKING IDIOTS DO/DON'T WANT, that is NOT how this works... YOU ARE DOING THE HEAVY LIFTING OF EMPIRE when you excoriate people for their BELIEFS... (NOT their illegal actions, their BELIEFS...)
YOU ARE MAKING UP THOUGHT KRIMES and Empire thanks you very much... idiots...
don't really give a shit about sterling, snyder or ANY OTHER BIGOT you uber-PC tards care to put in the stocks and hurl YOUR HATRED at them... ('cause that is -you know- 'good', 'righteous' hatred... *snort*) IF they do illegal shit, then nail them to the cross; otherwise, curl your lip in a sneer, but stop the witch hunts so you can feel superior...
don't know if you saw the scientist on teevee on the daily show, but he had some interesting factoids regarding the overuse of antibiotics (glaser ? blaser? his name was something like that, flogging some book on the subject)...
one interesting factoid was, we have 10 TIMES as many bacteria in our body as we do our own cells... (of course, bacteria are mostly teeny tiny compared to our cells, but still...) many/most of these are symbiotic critters which help us out for the cost of a little room and board...
so, turns out, we are only 1/10th human after all...
fuck you, kop... LOWEST number of kops killed by firearms since 1887... that's a fact... do you have any ? thought not...
now, tell me ALL THE INCIDENTS of kops being shot by kids in their elementary schools in ALL OF HUMAN HIS STORY, asshole... dog damn i hates me authoritarian pricks like you...
heh, while you're at it, tell me how many dirty kops klean kops have shot in the last, i don't know, FOREVER... what's that ? none ? huh, ain't that weird: i mean, the thin blue line of liars, hypocrites and coopers shoot dogs, kids and innocent bystanders ALL THE TIME, yet not one dirty kop takes a slug... what are the odds...
(except i bet the very few REAL, CLEAN boy scout kops get sent out -a la serpico- to be set up to be shot, huh, pig boy ? )
On the post: Georgia To Protect Execution Pharmacists From Transparency So They Can Execute Disabled Man
Re: Botched?
fuck yeah !
they should have beat the shit out of him first, then rubbed salt in the wounds, and then let all the schoolkids come by with baseball bats and wail on him, then everybody should have stood around and pissed and spit on him, then they should stick icepicks in his head until he is daid, Daid, DAID ! ! !
*THAT* will show that retard that we are the most just, wise, and civilizedest psychopathic society EVAH ! ! !
THE STATE killing killers to 'teach' that killing is wrong...
never ceases to amaze...
...not to mention, a mentally deficient POOR (i'm guessing blackish, just a wild-ass guess) person gets the needle, while a white rich puke who murdered someone AT LEAST avoids the death penalty... no, no injustice there...
...not to mention, some guy murders ONE person YOU probably think 'deserves' death, anyway, and you are in full-throated blood lust... some guy (say, a President, or mercenary, er, military droid, whatever) MURDERS HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS to millions, and we yawn...
um, did you ever consider that how you are prioritizing these two crimes is massively fucked up ? ? ?
On the post: Ladar Levison Explains How The US Legal System Was Stacked Against Lavabit
Re: No, this is NOT Levison's fault
next article: you *really* shouldn't wear that mini-dress, gals, you were asking for it!
as the poster above this said: IF he had lawyered up, they would have found THAT to be 'suspicious', 'admission of guilt', blah blah blah...
no, he was screwed, blued and tattooed, no matter what...
disappointed at mike's admonition: blame the victim? i think not...
On the post: New Boss At The FBI Still Focused On Making Up Pretend Terrorist Threats; May Also Make Up Fake Criminal Plots Too
yeah, maybe the boston bombing wasn't a good example...
only, this one got out of their control...
*THAT* is why they leaned on the friend they executed during an interrogation, *THAT* is why various foreign nationals who knew the brothers were scooped up and spirited away and FORBIDDEN to return to the US, even though they had NO involvement or criminal acts...
there is a very good chance this was a feeb plot that got away from them; THAT is why they killed a guy not involved, so that the one brothers DOCUMENTED his story with the feebs would not come to light...
not a pretty story FROM ANY ANGLE...
feebs are scum...
On the post: Shameful: American Society Of Civil Engineers Issues DMCA Notices Against Academics For Posting Their Own Research
NO, it is The They (tm) who have BROKEN the social contract, who have appropriated the legislatures and the law itself to SERVE THEIR INTERESTS (the 1%), NOT THE INTERESTS OF US ALL...
in effect, WE HAVE NO ALTERNATIVE, we have NO 'champions' who are pushing back against the 1% dominating the law and life; ALL the 'champions' are working for the 1%, not the 99%...
they have pushed copyright/trademarks to an INSANE period of protection, PROTECTION WE 99% do not get to enjoy, do we ? ? ?
the 'law' has been so corrupted and one-sided, ANY APPEAL to law and morality is a FALSE appeal; the 'law' is a RIGGED GAME the 99% will lose virtually every time...
finally, there is no effective recourse: the 'law' is stacked against us, the 'law' is harnessed to the 1% and does their bidding, the 'law' is used to oppress us, NOT TO FREE US...
their arguable illegal -and DEFINITELY immoral- EULAs, and arbitration clauses, etc DO NOT SERVE TO 'DEFEND' us 99%, but merely to shield the 1%...
yeah, if ONLY we dirty, filthy freetards would follow the law and be good citizens, everything would be okay...
(and another authoritarian non-thinker is outed...)
On the post: Shameful: American Society Of Civil Engineers Issues DMCA Notices Against Academics For Posting Their Own Research
Re: It's not their work once they sign it away.....
are they still pouring hot lead into molds for that, or what ? ? ?
you are a joke, boob...
On the post: LG Will Take The 'Smart' Out Of Your Smart TV If You Don't Agree To Share Your Viewing And Search Data With Third Parties
Re: Re: Re: You don't own what you buy
bought an 'inertnet ready' teevee for a pretty good price (at the time), but THEIR walled garden crap (visio) is so slow and crippled and stupid, that i don't even bother...
a waste of money...
use the roku, but NOT visio's useless crap...
On the post: Getting Bigger For Bigness' Sake: AT&T Announces Deal To Buy DirecTV, A Deal That Even Confuses Wall St.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Pay TV Deals - No "Current" Alternative
*tried* to cut the cord, but SWMBO likes watching sports even more than i do (which is less and less); its not so easy to do what you want -even as a matter of principle- when your significant other doesn't have the same fervor for these issues...
besides, with the grandmonsters who visit, it would be unacceptable to NOT have Dora the Explorer, Backyardigans, or whatever crap they watch...
so, i can be all Screw The Man, man ! ! ! but it don't mean shit when you don't control your own destiny...
On the post: Comcast Says It's Going To Slap All Of Its Customers With Data Caps, Makes Half-Hearted Attempt To Walk Back Earlier Statements When Backlash Kicks In
Re: Re: Re: Re:
i *was* (emphasis on 'was') a SamKnows household, where they provided their router to us and 'measured' the speeds we were getting through our craptastic DSL provider...
(which -OF COURSE, ONLY in amerika!- i have ZERO CHOICE of an ISP... oh wait, i DO have a choice: either their shitty DSL, or, a 2400 baud dialup, or, um, NOTHING...)
i *was* pretty big on these guys efforts, UNTIL i started noticing something strange... they would send a monthly email which would have a (crappy) graph showing my download speeds over the course of the previous month...
one of the weird things was, how consistently flat it was, showing about 3Mbs over the whole month, when i knew we had problems...
*THEN* we had some outage problems, and i *just happened* to notice the next months graph was showing we had available service at regular speeds during a time period where I KNEW we did not have DSL service, PERIOD...
i wrote them an email saying, 'heh, what gives, i KNOW we did not have available service during this week or two, but that is NOT reflected in the graph which shows full speed, no interruptions...'
they write back that it is because they may take a 'sample' at some point and call *that* the speed for that day/week/whatever... ? ? ? (there was some other technical gobbledygook that i didn't realize the logic-fail until sometime afterwards...)
i wrote back and say 'bullshit', if you are NOT measuring my speed consistently and using a 'sample' that obscures several weeks of ABSOLUTE OUTAGE, then it is either a flawed methodology, or it is PURELY BULLSHIT window dressing for the ISP's...
they wrote back some lame shit i didn't even bother to respond to; but it sure did put me on notice that i think SamKnows is either a scam, or an industry front to polish their turds for them...
so-o-o-o, go down the road a couple months after intermittent problems with connectivity, and get SamKnows reports that do NOT reflect what our service is being, which is shitty...
gets to the point where it is essentially not working at all, and put in service call; idiot tech support droid will not listen when i tell him i think it is their modem, and has me do for the tenth time what i've done already, and -of course- does not fix the problem...
get field tech out, and within 10 seconds of entering house and seeing modem lights, says, your modem is shot... no shit... replaces modem and DSL works fine... (GREAT field tech, by the way) in fact, replaces it with a combo modem/wireless router, so I TAKE THE SamKnows MODEM COMPLETELY OUT OF THE LOOP SITTING IN A DRAWER DEAD AS A DOORNAIL...
BUT, SamKnows -even with THEIR ROUTER NOT CONNECTED reports i'm having normal connection and speeds WHEN THEIR ROUTER IS NOT EVEN HOOKED UP, and during a period of time THE PHONE LINE WAS NOT CONNECTED...
now, not 2-3 days after this, we get a storm and a lightning strike not 100 feet from the house (which struck a live oak which afterwards looked like it had been raked down the trunk by a huge bear), and blew up laptop, blew out new modem, blew out Ethernet port on desktop, and some other stuff...
service was OUT/DEAD/NOTHING for about 3-4 days before the tech could get back out, BUT SamKnows report says we had complete connection and normal speeds during that outage ! ! !
now, it appears SamKnows finally knew, because they stopped sending me reports... didn't send an email saying, 'hey, what's up, we aren't getting any more readings from you, is the router broken, etc ?' NOTHING like that, just stopped sending reports...
VERY SUSPICIOUS SamKnows was/is a scam either to extort money out of ISPs, or simply as their lapdog to ERRONEOUSLY report connections and speeds WRONGLY to benefit the ISP's stats...
On the post: NSA Is Recording Every Phone Call... In The Bahamas?!?
get real, broken wheel: LEGALLY PRESCRIBED drugs kill more people every year than ALL ILLEGAL drugs combined...
mj ain't NEVER killed anyone directly, only by being made illegal and kops kicking your door down, shooting your dog, and fucking your life up forever over a medicinal weed that makes you giggle, does mj do 'harm' as a RESULT of it being illegal, NOT for its inherent properties...
i have no doubt this has NOTHING to do with stopping drug smuggling/etc per se, it has to do with identifying and stopping INDEPENDENT drug smugglers, etc who avoid the cartels and payoffs to the banks, etc...
they don't give a shit that illegal drugs are smuggled, they just want to make sure the 'right people' get a cut, otherwise they fuck you up...
stop being a propaganda victim for the war on (some) drugs...
On the post: Destructive DRM Strikes Again: Creative Professionals Blocked From Using Adobe Products For Days
and still somehow, its cloud's illusions i recall,
i really don't know clouds, at all...
(and copyright takedown in 3...2...)
On the post: Water Cannons Turned On Peaceful TTIP Protestors In Brussels As Public Barred From Negotiations
Re: Re: Re: Unlawful assembly
i wonder...
On the post: A Little Humanity Goes A Long Way: School Admins, Police Officer Ditch Policy-Limited Thinking To Make A Difference In Teens' Lives
Re: This happens more than you know
my better half is a teacher, and she spends MULTI-hundreds of dollars every year out of her own (our?) pockets to buy -mostly- school supplies for the -mostly- poor students at her school...
she gets them bottles of water, snacks, etc when they have activities, testing, or field trips...
and when the books come up missing (probably lost, not stolen, as they don't have good reading habits), she shells out of her own pocket to replace them...
she takes extra jackets on field trips when she knows kids don't have them...
and -most important of all- she ALWAYS makes time to talk to ANY kid (not just her students) who comes by before class, or hangs around at lunch, etc...
she spends 5-10 hours extra a week at school after it lets out, she goes to most of the after-school games her students are playing in, and spends AT LEAST 20-30 hours a week at home grading papers, inputting grades, making class lessons, emailing students and parents, etc...
AND she is MORE the norm than the exception (though she is exceptional)...
ANYONE tells me unionized school teachers are the problem with our education system, gets a kick to the gonads from me...
On the post: A Little Humanity Goes A Long Way: School Admins, Police Officer Ditch Policy-Limited Thinking To Make A Difference In Teens' Lives
Re: Re: Nice article, but...
2. it may be tim's aim to ameliorate some of the stark and horrifying stories of police abuse, so what ?
3. on the other paw, these Police Officers exhibit MUCH of the qualities i wish ALL kops would normally demonstrate: i have NOTHING BUT RESPECT AND ADMIRATION for such PEOPLE who don't let the badge and the gun distort and cheapen their views of humanity...
4. i don't disagree with whatever's general point, BUT, i think it is VERY important to recognize the public servants who actually protect and serve such that that behavior STARTS to become the norm, not the exception...
5. while it is HUGELY admirable the efforts the one Police Officer took to help out the kid, it is too much to expect they can 'save' every kid/person in this fashion... one would hope (is there any left?) that our society's safety net would work better to help people like this out, but its all 'we got ours, so fuck you jack...'
On the post: Dan Snyder Sends C&D Letter To Former Redskins Player For Using A Picture Of Himself
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Donald Sterling, meet Dan Snyder
besides, i guess we're even, since you didn't address any of my points even more pointedly...
On the post: Lobbyists (And, Oh Yes, Everyone Else), Start Your Engines: FCC Opens The Floor For Comments On Net Neutrality
Re: Re:
its, like, so-o-o-o unfair...
EVERYTHING i was taught as a kid that was pure, unalloyed EEE-VIL in a small dee democracy, is coming to pass...
and there are close to ZERO lawwhores who stand up against it happening...
asymptotically close to zero...
On the post: DOJ Says Americans Have No 4th Amendment Protections At All When They Communicate With Foreigners
Re: Re: now upgraded to borderline skeptic
we won't tell you if we are spying on you, and even if you have 'proof' we are spying on you, we can't allow that proof to be divulged, therefore, you (OR ANYONE) don't have standing to sue us for illegally spying on you...
that's some catch, that catch-22...
On the post: DOJ Says Americans Have No 4th Amendment Protections At All When They Communicate With Foreigners
Re: There goes all 4th Amendment rights on the Internet
they have cracked the problem of nanobots being rejected by our bodies, by essentially coating them with a bio-goo that lets them get around in the body without being attacked by macrophages, etc...
(heh spel czech, macrophage is a word, get over yourself)
we (and when i say 'we', i mean the 1%) have ALREADY 'established' that if the surveillance by The They(tm) is -you know- 'unobtrusive', then it is okey-dokey...
thus, a nanobot up every butt ! ! !
all perfectly legal-like...
(or, well, you know, like the *appearance* of legality, that's all that matters...)
On the post: Dan Snyder Sends C&D Letter To Former Redskins Player For Using A Picture Of Himself
Re: Re: Re: Donald Sterling, meet Dan Snyder
(you won't think about that, you're having too much fun feeling all self-righteous and going off on ANYONE ELSE, but yourself, friends or family... WE ALL have bigots in our family, but you won't drum them out of society, will you ? ? ? but some rich puke you never met will be pilloried so YOU can feel good about yourself...)
really sick of this pin-the-tail-on-the-bigot bullshit; EVERYONE is getting off on pointing fingers at SOMEONE else, but -you know what?- i bet YOU (YES ALL OF YOU) have SOME views, some retarded opinions, SOME stupid shit YOU BELIEVE (or want to believe), that if exposed to the world (ILLEGALLY) you would look like a fucking idiot/bigot/dick...
again, this hysteria is feeding into authoritarian impulses to oversee, control and eliminate ALL behaviors EMPIRE does not want, NOT WHAT YOU FUCKING IDIOTS DO/DON'T WANT, that is NOT how this works... YOU ARE DOING THE HEAVY LIFTING OF EMPIRE when you excoriate people for their BELIEFS...
(NOT their illegal actions, their BELIEFS...)
YOU ARE MAKING UP THOUGHT KRIMES and Empire thanks you very much... idiots...
don't really give a shit about sterling, snyder or ANY OTHER BIGOT you uber-PC tards care to put in the stocks and hurl YOUR HATRED at them... ('cause that is -you know- 'good', 'righteous' hatred... *snort*)
IF they do illegal shit, then nail them to the cross; otherwise, curl your lip in a sneer, but stop the witch hunts so you can feel superior...
On the post: The Government's Antipathy Towards Transparency Has Made FOIA Lawsuits The Default Process
one interesting factoid was, we have 10 TIMES as many bacteria in our body as we do our own cells...
(of course, bacteria are mostly teeny tiny compared to our cells, but still...)
many/most of these are symbiotic critters which help us out for the cost of a little room and board...
so, turns out, we are only 1/10th human after all...
On the post: Cops To Kids: You're Never Too Young To Be Handcuffed
Re: Re: Re:
LOWEST number of kops killed by firearms since 1887...
that's a fact... do you have any ?
thought not...
now, tell me ALL THE INCIDENTS of kops being shot by kids in their elementary schools in ALL OF HUMAN HIS STORY, asshole...
dog damn i hates me authoritarian pricks like you...
heh, while you're at it, tell me how many dirty kops klean kops have shot in the last, i don't know, FOREVER...
what's that ?
none ?
huh, ain't that weird: i mean, the thin blue line of liars, hypocrites and coopers shoot dogs, kids and innocent bystanders ALL THE TIME, yet not one dirty kop takes a slug...
what are the odds...
(except i bet the very few REAL, CLEAN boy scout kops get sent out -a la serpico- to be set up to be shot, huh, pig boy ? )
art guerrilla at windstream dot net
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