The land of the free came at a great cost to your founding fathers. But given you have little respect for their sacrifice, I dare say you'd have much for your own.
Honest to god, I'm tired of typing this:
"Those who would give up essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither." -- Ben Franklin
Seems like at least one of them would be against this, yes?
So, what you're saying is: Because you think it takes away from the experience, it shouldn't be allowed, but if I feel it adds to my experience, I should just suck it up?
Nasch is correct of course. I am certainly not a lawyer and am definitely *not* giving legal advice, but step 1 of any decision you make will certainly have to be whether or not you are innocent.
..and if I stopped a politician on the street and loudly/repeatedly asked him questions, preventing him from talking to anyone else for 30 minutes-- how much jail time would I get for that?
So, The RIAA say that Jamie owes them money for sharing 24 songs on Kazaa *and* they say that Kazaa owes them money for letting people share music on it.
No, profiting off of a product that is licensed to someone else is illegal.
Citation needed.
Not only that, but jailbreaking an XBOX is most definitely intended for the sole purpose of playing games you did not buy.
Reading fail? See above for the actual reasons to mod an xbox. thanks.
So yeah, we can keep bashing any corporation that tries to limit what control you have over a product, but think about the jobs you are killing by finding the loopholes.
Right, no games would ever get made, I mean, they might as well quit now, it's clear no one makes any money selling games.
This is why Apple complained about jailbreaking their phones.
..and explain to me why the united states government said it was okay?
If you can get it for free somewhere else, then where is the profit?
Assuming the majority of modded xboxes are to pirate games. which is a bad assumption, are you saying that the very small percentage of people who mod their xbox will somehow bring game companies crumbling to the ground? (metaphorically speaking, of course)
I don't know if you have ANY experience with downloading illegal software, but the quality is very apparent, and it is not for the better.
I have to confess, I'm not sure what you're talking about. I just bought Fallout: New Vegas and it's awesome. once I'm done with that, I'll buy Fable III, which I'm sure is also awesome. What games are you playing?
The people complaining are the people who are upset that they can't get their shit for free.
You realize the people complaining are Microsoft, right? *They* sued. You must also realize that people have to buy the xbox before they can mod it, right? So, who is asking for something for free?
Nothing is for free, idiots.
I can only assume you'll be sending Mike at Techdirt a nice check for his write-up of this topic, because nothing is for free, amirite?
I suspect the difference between jailbreaking an iPhone and modding an Xbox is that the latter is done for the sole purpose of allowing illegally copied games to be played.
Man, sometimes you spend hours nit-picking over words, and other times you toss them around all willy-nilly.
Modded X-boxes can also play out of region (yet, legally bought) games. So, remind me again what "sole" means, please?
The last thing I heard, from a copyright lawyer, was that no use is fair until a judge orders it so.
I have heard the same thing, hence why they say it is a defense and not a right. My question (open to everyone) is thus:
If it takes a judge to determine if a use is "fair use", then doesn't that mean it takes a judge to determine that it's *not* fair use? Before I know if my action carries a $750,000 penalty I have to carry out that action? How does *anyone* support this law?
Why isn't there a stronger punishment for something being taken down when it was found to be fair use? As it is, under the law, this woman can be fined $750,000 for this. If it is determined to be fair use, is Universal fined for being wrong, too?
While you make several points I agree wholeheartedly with, I do not agree that "You certainly deserve to earn a living". You deserve *the chance* to earn a living, but no one deserves it. If you can't get people to give you money in return for your product, then thems the breaks.
Many bit torrent clients have the ability to download automatically from rss feeds. Download to a dropbox folder for everywhere access, use VLC for everywhere streaming.
On the post: TSA Defending Its Groin Grabbing Or Naked Image Security Techniques
Re: Freedom Free Loaders
Honest to god, I'm tired of typing this:
"Those who would give up essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither." -- Ben Franklin
Seems like at least one of them would be against this, yes?
On the post: TSA Defending Its Groin Grabbing Or Naked Image Security Techniques
This needs to happen.
On the post: TSA Defending Its Groin Grabbing Or Naked Image Security Techniques
Re: Re: Re:
Where I'm from, it's suspicious if you *do* want a male stranger to touch your frank and beans.
Reality check: It's not suspicious to want to keep your dignity.
On the post: Bill Clinton Thinks He Can Ban Twitter, Facebook & Live Blogging From Event [Updated]
On the post: Bill Clinton Thinks He Can Ban Twitter, Facebook & Live Blogging From Event [Updated]
Re: Common Courtesy
On the post: Law School Prof Looking To Challenge 'Hurt Locker' Lawsuits In Cases Of Weak Evidence
Re: copyright infringement of the hurt locker
On the post: Law School Prof Looking To Challenge 'Hurt Locker' Lawsuits In Cases Of Weak Evidence
Slam Dunk?
All they have are IP addresses and allegations of file sharing. How can USCG know which are slam dunks or not?
On the post: 30 Months In Prison For Denial Of Service Hit On Politicians' Websites
On the post: Does Capital One Offer Different Loan Rates Based On Your Browser Software?
Dirty Hackers.
On the post: Jammie Thomas Verdict: This Time It's $1.5 Million For Sharing 24 Songs
Double Dipping.
Seems like Double Dipping, to me.
On the post: Erin Andrews Trying To Takedown Nude Images Using Copyright She 'Bought'
On the post: Pizza Shop Sues Former Employee For 'Stealing' Recipe
Re: Re:
On the post: USPTO Not At All Happy About Justice Department Saying Genes Shouldn't Be Patentable
The court said, scarily enough, that modified genes *may* be patentable.
On the post: NY Company Threatens 800Notes Via UK In Legal Comedy Of Threats & Errors
Entrance of the Gladiators
On the post: Jailbreaking Your iPhone? Legal! Jailbreaking Your Xbox? 3 Years In Jail!
Re: Re:
Citation needed.
Not only that, but jailbreaking an XBOX is most definitely intended for the sole purpose of playing games you did not buy.
Reading fail? See above for the actual reasons to mod an xbox. thanks.
So yeah, we can keep bashing any corporation that tries to limit what control you have over a product, but think about the jobs you are killing by finding the loopholes.
Right, no games would ever get made, I mean, they might as well quit now, it's clear no one makes any money selling games.
This is why Apple complained about jailbreaking their phones.
..and explain to me why the united states government said it was okay?
If you can get it for free somewhere else, then where is the profit?
Assuming the majority of modded xboxes are to pirate games. which is a bad assumption, are you saying that the very small percentage of people who mod their xbox will somehow bring game companies crumbling to the ground? (metaphorically speaking, of course)
I don't know if you have ANY experience with downloading illegal software, but the quality is very apparent, and it is not for the better.
I have to confess, I'm not sure what you're talking about. I just bought Fallout: New Vegas and it's awesome. once I'm done with that, I'll buy Fable III, which I'm sure is also awesome. What games are you playing?
The people complaining are the people who are upset that they can't get their shit for free.
You realize the people complaining are Microsoft, right? *They* sued. You must also realize that people have to buy the xbox before they can mod it, right? So, who is asking for something for free?
Nothing is for free, idiots.
I can only assume you'll be sending Mike at Techdirt a nice check for his write-up of this topic, because nothing is for free, amirite?
Thanks for stopping by, though.
On the post: Jailbreaking Your iPhone? Legal! Jailbreaking Your Xbox? 3 Years In Jail!
Re: Re: Re:
Man, sometimes you spend hours nit-picking over words, and other times you toss them around all willy-nilly.
Modded X-boxes can also play out of region (yet, legally bought) games. So, remind me again what "sole" means, please?
On the post: Universal Claiming Dancing Baby Video Not An Obvious Case Of Fair Use
Re: Objection!
I have heard the same thing, hence why they say it is a defense and not a right. My question (open to everyone) is thus:
If it takes a judge to determine if a use is "fair use", then doesn't that mean it takes a judge to determine that it's *not* fair use? Before I know if my action carries a $750,000 penalty I have to carry out that action? How does *anyone* support this law?
Why isn't there a stronger punishment for something being taken down when it was found to be fair use? As it is, under the law, this woman can be fined $750,000 for this. If it is determined to be fair use, is Universal fined for being wrong, too?
On the post: Kindle To Let You Lend Books, Just Like A Real Book... Except Not
Re: Re: soul-deadening to the users
On the post: Hadopi Already Up To Sending Out 25,000 'First Strike' Notices Per Day
Re: Re: Re: 50K angry customers a day
On the post: If Google TV Has To Pay To Make Hulu Available To Viewers, Will Mozilla Have To Pay To Access Hulu Via Firefox?
Re: torrent of nonsense
Technology is fun.
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