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  • Jul 8th, 2015 @ 8:33pm

    One bad apple, upset the whole cart..

    If you think aabout it, more than 50 yearsyhave passed, and the sysysteseem toto wwork jjfine. But yyou haveto know ththaThai culture is different ffromthe west ai ust ems hav
  • Jul 8th, 2015 @ 8:25am

    I don't know what a bruhaha is all about..

    I grew up in Thailand and it has an identification number system that is issued to all its citizen. You need it for everything. You also need to register your place of residency. If you moved, you have to register to your new residency. This system had been in place since before I was born. And I was born in 1969. Thai people feel that it's just part of our life..
  • Jun 18th, 2015 @ 8:53am

    You are right but..

    You can give better service and cheaper price as a cab company.. Uber was trying to avoid current regulation for cab company. It was trying to avoid paying tax. It was trying to avoid paying benefit to its employee. If it truely want to provide better service at cheaper price then it should not take percentage of the fee. It shouldn't restrict their "contractors" to only work for them and no one else. One commentator put it best, "if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, then it is a duck." And if you think a bit more, most cab regulation requires criminal record check. And Uber doesn't. What to stop criminal from download Uber's app, then start ripping off riders? Or worse rob. Or even worse, like in India, rape?
  • Jun 18th, 2015 @ 8:33am

    Why don't..

    These company with reputation of bad customer service ever learn. If you know most people don't like the way you are doing thing now, just owe up to it, publicly apologize, then change your practice. Their current practice were designed to maximize profit. But if customers leave your service in drove, and not enough new one sign up, what good does it do to try to squeeze blood from stone? They are cocky because they are near or are monopoly. That's why you need competition in the market. In the market where there is competition, successful companies are the one with good service.
  • Jun 18th, 2015 @ 8:24am


    Anybody who is for Uber stop to think that their business practice was designed to evade paying tax? We all working stiff have to pay tax through our nose, so why should they be exempt? Uber called itself a "ride-sharing" company. But true ride sharing will not directly charge fee for service. They will ask the rider for helping with the gas. And the drivers, as independent contractors can do whatever they want, work with anybody they want.

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