Profit Consultant’s Techdirt Profile


About Profit Consultant

I am a Profit Consultant at

Primarily helping companies profitabiliting by building Websites and Blogs that throw off massive amounts of profits.
Plus, we go in and rework the Marketing and Sales so that is actually makes sense and hook in in with Social Media and good old Common Sense Marketing to boot.
Andrew Anderson

Profit Consultant’s Comments comment rss

  • May 26th, 2010 @ 10:53pm

    Re: Re: Running bet ....

    Second Guestimate...Just want to have this covered. 13 :)
  • May 25th, 2010 @ 10:48pm

    Re: Re: Running bet .... The RULES

    I would say 100,000 simply because they will buy that many themselves to make it look like a success and just carry it off the books. But, I don't think it lasts 6 months.

    But then again, it could be a Pet Rock and who knows then?
  • May 25th, 2010 @ 10:41pm

    And they are going up agains Page 3?

    As long as the Sun has Page 3 for free and all of the rest, then I think this will go the way of AOL and the Dodo for now.

    How much price testing was done? I think none...

    Murdoch is a smart, smart guy, but he is not perfect.

  • Apr 22nd, 2010 @ 7:01am

    Pulling a Dish

    This is pervasive, at least in American culture. The same thing goes on with our Politicians here and in Business.

    For instance they spent 700 Billion with a B and said it created 50 x the amount of real jobs they were claiming.

    When the new regime was pressured for answers about it, they pulled a Dish i.e. they got defensive and acted like the people asking the questions were being idiots and how dare they. LOL It does not matter if some jobs were counted 20 or 30 times or that each new job could also be an old job, or that it cost 4 million for each new $50,000 job or something silly like that.

    Be it Politicians or Dish, when they get busted, they act like the person asking a common sense question is the one who did wrong.

    Both will find out that you can fool some of the consumers some of the time, but you can't fool them all of the time.

    To all of the Dish's out there, lying, or pulling a Dish in the day and age of the Internet is a truly foolish thing to do, as not all consumers are as stupid and plebeian as your elitist minds would believe.

    People will vote with their pocket book and at the ballot box unless they are forced to do otherwise by those very same people that pull a "Dish". :)
  • Apr 16th, 2010 @ 6:38pm

    True but it has been like that for at least 8 years

    While I agree with you and have to agree with Craig of course. :) This is not new.

    There have been a rather large underground group of Authors that have sold eBook only books and laughed at the money that even best selling authors make. I have met at least three dozen that make over $250,000 per year, and several that make over $1 million online.

    Now that market will become available to the less tech savy, less marketing inclined authors out there. This is a good thing.

    Andrew Anderson
  • Apr 16th, 2010 @ 6:32pm

    True but it has been like that for at least 8 years

    While I agree with you and have to agree with Craig of course. :) This is not new.

    There have been a rather large underground group of Authors that have sold eBook only books and laughed at the money that even best selling authors make. I have met at least three dozen that make over $250,000 per year, and several that make over $1 million online.

    Now that market will become available to the less tech savy, less marketing inclined authors out there. This is a good thing.

    Andrew Anderson

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