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  • Jun 21st, 2010 @ 2:05pm

    Thanks for positive reviews!

    So far some great reviews on blogs out there; such as:

    "I can’t really express just how great the movie was. I would definitely recommend people should download it."

    "This documentary shows the three hats of the hacking community, and how nearly all of them are under fire from the mainstream. No matter if you are a destructive, greedy black hat, an ambiguous grey hat, or even a moral, means-well white hat, it appears as though the established order is out to strike these brave men and women down, who are merely curious at the ways things work and have ideas as to how they should work. It's a great contemporary documentary on the state of cyber-warfare, exploit disclosure, and hacker ethos. Truly a superior counterpart to 2008's Hackers Are People Too. Not as funny, but a lot more intriguing, inspiring, and infuriating (yay for vowels). Definitely a must for hackers and everyone interested in the online community in general."

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