I'm not American, so I had to look up the term "MRAP".
Imagine my amazement when my search returned a bunch of pictures of armoured military vehicles.
Police don't need those, armies do.
That is absolutely not how a proper democracy is supposed to work.
I would also take issue with Mike's characterizing this as "soft corruption". It doesn't seem that soft to me.
That is how it works in New Zealand as well. A friend of mine however, decided he could not possibly have been over the limit after his evidential test, and when his case came up, he pleaded not guilty and asked for the machine's maintenance records.
These records were apparently unavailable and the case was dropped.
No word on whether the records were ever found or if the machine is being maintained properly though.
Apple have a choice.
They can choose to do business in China, and play by China's rules, or they can choose not to.
They have chosen to take the option that makes them the most money which is basic capitalism.
The really concerning thing is not that China is a totalitarian state, but that Western capitalism enables them.
You beat me to the punch.
I'm old enough to remember that time the US government sold weapons to Iran to pay death squads in Central America to murder people.
Why wouldn't they? Its not like there are any consequences if they get caught.
I've used Capture One, and it is a long way from being "World Leading".
It does do what it says it does, but not that well, and the GIMP is better (IMHO)
The proposals in the article are so weirdly complicated and unnecessary.
The entire world has solved this problem and America could easily have a look at what works well and what doesn't, adopt the bits that work best and provide proper, nationalised healthcare to all Americans and save a huge amount of money.
But you will carry on bankrupting people when they get sick because the corporations that profit from that want to keep profiting.
That is exactly what a man in my country claimed in court when he found one of these tracking devices on his car. He refused to give it back and the cops sued but they lost and he kept it.
Which is why I hope this case succeeds and is appealed to the Supreme Court, who uphold it. IP law has turned into something big companies use to squash potential competitors and if the music business starts to feel some of that pain, maybe there will be some change. Probably not though.
I'm not American, so I had to look up the term "MRAP".
Imagine my amazement when my search returned a bunch of pictures of armoured military vehicles.
Police don't need those, armies do.
That is absolutely not how a proper democracy is supposed to work.
I would also take issue with Mike's characterizing this as "soft corruption". It doesn't seem that soft to me.
Re: UK variations
That is how it works in New Zealand as well. A friend of mine however, decided he could not possibly have been over the limit after his evidential test, and when his case came up, he pleaded not guilty and asked for the machine's maintenance records.
These records were apparently unavailable and the case was dropped.
No word on whether the records were ever found or if the machine is being maintained properly though.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Family Friendly
The TL;DR is that America is democracy-lite. Or, if you like kinda sorta democratic but not really.
Re: Re: Oh god, I'm going to (unintentionally) be a troll....
No you don't.
Apple have a choice.
They can choose to do business in China, and play by China's rules, or they can choose not to.
They have chosen to take the option that makes them the most money which is basic capitalism.
The really concerning thing is not that China is a totalitarian state, but that Western capitalism enables them.
You beat me to the punch.
I'm old enough to remember that time the US government sold weapons to Iran to pay death squads in Central America to murder people.
Why wouldn't they? Its not like there are any consequences if they get caught.
I don't think the TSA are really about transport safety at all.
Erich Honeker would have loved the TSA.
Re: Phone homing and suveillanceware
I've used Capture One, and it is a long way from being "World Leading".
It does do what it says it does, but not that well, and the GIMP is better (IMHO)
The proposals in the article are so weirdly complicated and unnecessary.
The entire world has solved this problem and America could easily have a look at what works well and what doesn't, adopt the bits that work best and provide proper, nationalised healthcare to all Americans and save a huge amount of money.
But you will carry on bankrupting people when they get sick because the corporations that profit from that want to keep profiting.
Imagine my surprise when I saw that governor is a republican.
Re: Same old song, just louder
It's not really more blatant than usual, but it is a reminder that America has the worst possible system of government.
(untitled comment)
Land of the free baby, where there are police stationed at the schools.
I don't understand
Can anyone tell me why someone who has been removed from office for judicial misconduct not once, but twice, gets to be called "Judge Roy Moore"?
Re: Seems like there's a choice to be made...
That is exactly what a man in my country claimed in court when he found one of these tracking devices on his car. He refused to give it back and the cops sued but they lost and he kept it.
Oh, Florida is it?
Isn't that the state run by Ron DeSantis who has people arrested when they won't alter covid data for him?
(untitled comment)
Men in armoured cars carrying machineguns through the streets are not police, they're an occupying army.
Oh joy
I look forward to getting this nonsense in my country soon then, in the interests of "harmonisation".
Re: "The more you tighten your grip..."
IP law has turned into something big companies use to squash potential competitors and if the music business starts to feel some of that pain, maybe there will be some change.
Probably not though.
Re: Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals