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  • Oct 15th, 2016 @ 5:11am

    Old News

    This is how all music services have operated since.... they have existed. e.g. the iTunes store allowed users to activate a limited number of devices (this was a decade ago).
  • Dec 14th, 2011 @ 2:26pm


    If everyone sold this way, I'd have no hesitation in downloads like I buy DVDs and CDs.

    I hate this DRM crap.. can't buy from Amazon and play on iPad, can't buy from Apple and play anywhere but Apple hardware. I don't want to re-buy all my content every time I upgrade my gadgets. At least DVD DRM is super easy to remove and CDs don't come with DRM, allowing me to do whatever the hell I want with stuff I've already paid for.
  • Dec 14th, 2011 @ 2:20pm

    (untitled comment)

    Just an awesome business model...

    This is how I'd like all my content please: Reasonable price, DRM free, play anywhere, no hassle payment and download.

    I bought a copy just to support the model, never seen this man's routine before.
  • Nov 1st, 2011 @ 11:43am

    Rhapsody is toast

    One thing is clear: Rhapsody should be charged with inciting infringement and taken to court. How dare they tell their customers to circumvent DRM?!!
  • Aug 31st, 2011 @ 4:41pm

    (untitled comment)

    Is it just me or does everyone finding getting rid of Bieber's music infinitely desirable? The DMCA came through on one good thing at least...
  • Aug 15th, 2011 @ 12:22pm

    (untitled comment)

    1) 20 years of text messaging should have already accomplished what he thinks Twitter is about to. Not going to happen. The garbage that generates ridiculous amounts of revenue for phone companies has just (partially) shifted to Twitter. All that garbage was always present.

    2) 25% of tweets contain links. I don't know what percentage of traffic this site generates through twitter links, but for many tech focused sites, Twitter is a major source of page views. So, actually, Twitter is being used by many people to connect with the same sort of "big ideas" which use lots of "words" that he thinks are dying out.

    He is scared of Twitter for some reason and using any ridiculous argument to justify his personal prejudice.
  • Aug 5th, 2011 @ 5:18pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    By the same reasoning, you *could* also sell your fucking album for xxx dollars and recoup all the costs in one sale. Or are you too fucking dense to get that?
  • Aug 5th, 2011 @ 1:51pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    Ha ha ha ... you were joking, weren't you?

    if you weren't joking, then obviously you don't have an MBA, or any common sense. Recouped on first sale? Every piece of furniture sold incurs "real" physical material costs, which you can't create for free... unlike virtual goods (movies, music etc.) that cost close to nothing to replicate after the initial development costs and can be packaged in virtually limitless ways.

    Where do you think it's easier to recoup the money?
  • May 9th, 2011 @ 5:21pm

    (untitled comment)

    I love articles by actual creators and their experiences. Thanks so much Nina!
  • Jul 13th, 2010 @ 11:24am

    Re: Re:

    Even if there are zero copyright protections, artists will still make money from touring. And from this evidence, seems like that's where they make their money anyway.
  • Apr 3rd, 2010 @ 6:33pm


    I agree with this in a way.

    To bring up the hated "my mom" argument up again. I don;t think my mom is too dumb to use a "REAL" computer. What's too complicated for her is keeping up with security updates, anti-virus updates and just any software update in general. She doesn't understand defrgamenting the hard drive, crashing drivers or re-installing software.

    However, she's isn't dumb enough to pay extravagant prices for the same things she can get elsewhere for much less... or free. She can use the iPad Safari browser and the millions of free apps with free content, without having to worry about security issues, pop up ads that want you to install "add ons" or other assorted junk on the internet. A closed platform is plenty helpful there.

    So a closed platform is good business for Apple, which sells the hardware but if the media companies think they can make a bundle on selling content, they had better think again. Making money in the iPhone market remains as difficult as ever (except for Apple, of course) and it's not going to magically change with the iPad.
  • Nov 4th, 2009 @ 12:47pm

    Bad Bad Idea

    Now's the time for Palm to push WebOS as strongly as possible. Just getting a hammering on the stock market is meaningless, they were getting hammered before WebOS was released too. I love the Pre, Palm has added significant performance improvements with every OS update and a new one is expected with the release of the Pixi.

    - We're up to 320 apps in the store. There's hundreds more homebrew apps. (
    - There is already a dedicated developer and hacker community that is releasing patches to add useful features. ( They even came up with an on-screen keyboard!
    - Palm hired a key engineer from AMD/ATI recently. ( Thankfully, they seem to be serious about pushing the performance envelope.
    - Palm's share of the mobile browser market is already at 5% and growing every month (

    Give up on the WebOS? No. Diverting the company's attention away from what is their most promising platform in a decade is not the way to go. Wall Street be damned (for a while, anyway).

    I expect better from you Mike, than making a broad judgement based on a superficial look at WebOS. Not up to the standard of research of this blog :)
  • Nov 3rd, 2009 @ 2:39pm

    Re: Waiting for..

    I'd **have** bought...
  • Nov 3rd, 2009 @ 2:38pm

    Waiting for..

    ... another book package, I loved mine, glad I got it couple of days before it sold out.

    I'd bought the music package except I didn't like most of the music in there. Splitting it up next time is the clear way to go.
  • Oct 22nd, 2009 @ 11:56am

    Being sneaky was necessary

    If they had asked for permission to play a prank explicitly, it wouldn't be a prank anymore. So basically, for the whole pathetic idea to work, they had to somehow get her consent without her knowing about it. Uninformed consent was by design.
  • Sep 28th, 2009 @ 4:44pm


    I've heard cases where the mere presence of encryption software like TrueCrypt and Bitlocker was considered grounds for a search, since you wouldn't encrypt anything you didn't want to hide, would you?
  • Sep 28th, 2009 @ 1:58pm

    (untitled comment)

    Any idea as to how many travelers actually carried laptops / electronics? Comparing that number (rather than a blanket 144 million number) to the number of searches might make this look very different....
  • Sep 17th, 2009 @ 6:53pm

    Re: good and bad from this

    B) should would include computer operating systems too, since they can play music. So that would mean any open source OS would basically have to pay up or be considered illegal. What fun for the music inductry.

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