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  • Aug 14th, 2014 @ 9:38pm


    There is no question Comcast is among the worst in customer service.

    I won't go into my details other than I shifted my TV service to Direct TV (excellent customer service) and my internet to my phone company (DSL - slower, but far, far more reliable).

    There was a website , it may still be active. It had hundreds of cases just like the one above. Apparently Comcast got wind of it and picked two posters, one in NYC and the other in DC. With these two they played very nice, then contacted the NY Times and the Washington Post with their stories. Both papers ran glowing pieces on their experiences. The glow wore off shortly after as Comcast reverted to form.

    The cable companies are losing market share to the phone companies. By and large they are giving a better product, especially Verizon with their FIOS service.

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