collin’s Techdirt Profile


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  • Aug 5th, 2014 @ 7:07am

    (untitled comment)

    I read and share Techdirt because of a number of reasons. I like the ongoing "threads" of information about copyrights and legal matters. For example, the Prenda stuff over the years has been great. I guess that would be one of the things I like - that a story is rarely a one-time event on here if it is an ongoing story. Other sites tend to do a one-off and then it is done.

    I have shared verbally and sent links to friends when discussions have come up that I just know Techdirt would have covered. Like Net Neutrality and like the Happy Birthday song. Sometimes I know it is Techdirt reporting on other folks' reporting about something but I like that as well - and I consider Techdirt to be one of the few daily "one stop shop" places I go for information.

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