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  • Aug 14th, 2012 @ 11:25am

    Re: Criminal got caught


    Let's see - no copyright infringement, no theft. He has defrauded SOMEONE, or so they tell us. No.. that's not right he DIDN'T defraud anyone. He conspired (with whom?) to defraud someone.

    I may just be old-fashioned or simple-minded, but in my day when you practice fraud on someone you trick them out of their money. For example, if I came up to you and said "Hi, I'm priest and I'm collecting for the poor orphans" and you give me money, but I'm NOT a priest and I spend it on beer you've been defrauded!

    If I sit down with a friend and plan to get money from you that way, I have conspired to defraud you.

    Who, exactly got defrauded out of what? Where was the deception? What was the valuable thing he got?

    It seems to me that he's a criminal that's committed no crime.

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