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  • Jul 16th, 2009 @ 6:09am

    Understandably misunderstood.

    Sorry, I don't buy this.

    I can see the complaint, but I feel it's misapplied.

    If I buy two molinker apps I have to pay twice for them, no matter that they're essentially the equivalent of the same ebook reader with different texts preloaded.

    If I buy Classics I pay once to read 20 books. Not 20 times. Classics is counted as one app.

    The only fault here is moral on the side of the developer (or at least dishonest) and on the approval system for Apple. Once the app has been released it counts now as one app and one app only.

    Similarly, if those dudes with the C64 emulator are forced to end up selling separate games each with the emulator embedded and differing between each other only in the included ROM, then each of those MUST count as a separate app, because that's what it is.

    You're misleading people by finding fault in the count of apps, when the fault is in accepting them as separate apps to begin with. It's clear it falls appart when Apple doesn't count Project Gutenberg apps as 25 thousand separate apps.

    One distinct executable: One app.

    It's dishonest of both developer and Apple, but not on the counting. Get it straight, since it doesn't mean there's any less of a problem but at least it points to where the actual problem is.

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