Thank you, Techdirt drives traffic with these click baity articles intended to rabble rouse its thieving torrenting base of deranged and mostly angry nerds.
These is real suffering going on in Hollywood and Broadway right now, thanks in large part to Kim Dot.CON.
An actor starting out their career in Hollywood these days is more likely to end up on the streets turning to drugs or prostitution because the acting jobs simply don't pay as much anymore./div>
As every moral individual knows, stealing other people's intellectual work, whether that be music or movies, is the exact same crime as if you walked into a store and walked out with that music or movie. It's called shoplifting.
If individuals stealing software, music, & movies are shoplifters, then Kim Dotcom is a bank robber.
Because of Kim people in the Arts communities are suffering tremendously. Workers are being cut from studios because they are being robbed left and right by people like Kim. Thanks to this and pay cuts, an up and coming executive at a major studio may have to work for years or decades even before they can afford luxury automobiles or homes.
So yes, the FBI is doing the right thing here, because Kim stole that money from the hard working people of Hollywood, and he deserves to be punished./div>
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These is real suffering going on in Hollywood and Broadway right now, thanks in large part to Kim Dot.CON.
An actor starting out their career in Hollywood these days is more likely to end up on the streets turning to drugs or prostitution because the acting jobs simply don't pay as much anymore./div>
Theft of Intellectual property is a crime.
If individuals stealing software, music, & movies are shoplifters, then Kim Dotcom is a bank robber.
Because of Kim people in the Arts communities are suffering tremendously. Workers are being cut from studios because they are being robbed left and right by people like Kim. Thanks to this and pay cuts, an up and coming executive at a major studio may have to work for years or decades even before they can afford luxury automobiles or homes.
So yes, the FBI is doing the right thing here, because Kim stole that money from the hard working people of Hollywood, and he deserves to be punished./div>
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