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  • Mar 30th, 2021 @ 4:57pm

    Sharyl Attkisson Lawsuit "crazy pants"

    You noted that her "was crazy-pants." Maybe you are right; I haven't studied the issue. But that comment caused me to stop reading the article.

    What I have noticed is that techdirt tends to be leftist in its political outlook. In your discussion of section 230, you referred to people who supported Trump's position as "Trumpists". That is telling and damaging. All of Trump's comments are degraded in the media, including tech media, as lacking in substance or sanity. Yet many times, it turns out, after evidence becomes public, that he was right.

    The 2016 Presidential election is one example. All mainstream sources deride the evidence of anti-Trump interference. Yet studying the evidence and comparing it to the evidence of Russian interference in 2016, one is overwhelming led to the conclusion that Trump was right and that the FBI, the Justice Department, and the Democrats committed crimes that undermined the pillars supporting the credibility of the Government.

    The Harvard Shorenstein Center on Media Politics did a statistical analysis of stories for and against Trump in all media and found that close to 95% of them were anti-Trump. That study was, of course, soon canceled. It shows that there is no new information content in mainstream news since it is so predictable.

    For that reason, I hope techdirt doesn't allow itself to fall into the close-minded echoing and amplifying of the mainstream narratives. I like the articles' depth and insights, and I am looking forward to actually learning something from them. If I want more complex affirmations of political correctness, I have an almost infinite number of sources being thrust at me every day.

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