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About johnslaw

To help your case, you should inform the appropriate authority of any accident, such as the local council, your employer or owner of any property where the accident occurred, if possible, should be a note of your accident in the accident book. names and addresses of witnesses to the accident. Where possible, we should also encourage you to take photos to show any defect or danger, which was responsible for your accident or injury (use a ruler if necessary to show the depth or height of a threat).

• You are more likely to recall the circumstances of your case while it is still fresh in your mind.
• As soon as we have the details of your claim, the sooner we will be able to advise you whether you have a claim, and if you do, start collecting evidence and the work of the negotiation process, as well as the insurance company, the person or organization that is hurting you.

All legal proceedings Accident claims and personal injury must be started within three years of the date of the accident. After that, it is almost always too late. The border is often referred to as the three-year limitation period.

However, in some circumstances, the three-year period that begins on the date when the injury was identified, but not the moment when the accident occurred, for example, it is possible to confirm the initial diagnosis of bruising your arm, as well as the fact that it has been in an accident if you later return to the hospital, still in pain. These terms can be measured within the hospital confirmed the break.

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