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  • Mar 8th, 2012 @ 12:34am

    Re: Ron Paul

    Actually, his agenda is far more extreme than even the 'mainstream' republicans. Though he has gotten very good at hiding it over the past 30 years, Ron Paul is a Christian Fundamentalist *AND* a White Supremacist. He puts clever double speak and spin on everything, including those two facts, because he's learned that those views have gotten less & less popular. Do your own research, dig past the PaulBot reposts of the same pro-Paul crap over & over.

    Paul is closely tied to the heads of several of the largest white supremacist groups in the US and Canada. The Mises Institute, the founders of which he has been friends with for years, and whose ideas he repeats almost verbatim just leaving out the bits about how women and minorities shouldn't have the same rights as white men. Don't let them sell you the BS that it's just Austrian Economics and you don't understand. Modern Austrian Economics is simply the use of economic ideas to bring about changes that forward their causes. Look into that, if you don't know who David Duke is - look him up & realize that he and Paul were mutual admirers & supporters of each other. Look into who oversaw the controversial 'I didn't write those' newsletters - Paul's wife, Daughter & one of his closest friends (who would go on to form Mises).

    He is a very skilled liar and following many years of 'this is how to sell this to the general populous' instructions from Christian Extremist and White Supremacist groups. These are not hypotheticals or loose connections, these are facts and can be backed up by Paul's own history, words, business filings, etc. Unfortunately most of his most blatant exposure stretches back to a literal paper trail that was never digitized. If someone has the time to start digging into that, what they'd find would cause much of Paul's support to evaporate almost over night. Unfortunately the media has never taken him seriously enough to bother doing so.
  • Mar 8th, 2012 @ 12:34am

    Re: Ron Paul

    Actually, his agenda is far more extreme than even the 'mainstream' republicans. Though he has gotten very good at hiding it over the past 30 years, Ron Paul is a Christian Fundamentalist *AND* a White Supremacist. He puts clever double speak and spin on everything, including those two facts, because he's learned that those views have gotten less & less popular. Do your own research, dig past the PaulBot reposts of the same pro-Paul crap over & over.

    Paul is closely tied to the heads of several of the largest white supremacist groups in the US and Canada. The Mises Institute, the founders of which he has been friends with for years, and whose ideas he repeats almost verbatim just leaving out the bits about how women and minorities shouldn't have the same rights as white men. Don't let them sell you the BS that it's just Austrian Economics and you don't understand. Modern Austrian Economics is simply the use of economic ideas to bring about changes that forward their causes. Look into that, if you don't know who David Duke is - look him up & realize that he and Paul were mutual admirers & supporters of each other. Look into who oversaw the controversial 'I didn't write those' newsletters - Paul's wife, Daughter & one of his closest friends (who would go on to form Mises).

    He is a very skilled liar and following many years of 'this is how to sell this to the general populous' instructions from Christian Extremist and White Supremacist groups. These are not hypotheticals or loose connections, these are facts and can be backed up by Paul's own history, words, business filings, etc. Unfortunately most of his most blatant exposure stretches back to a literal paper trail that was never digitized. If someone has the time to start digging into that, what they'd find would cause much of Paul's support to evaporate almost over night. Unfortunately the media has never taken him seriously enough to bother doing so.

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