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  • Feb 9th, 2018 @ 4:30pm

    Hacking Tampering Bricking Personal Property by Spectrum

    Please tell me if my spectrum problem fits the bill here. I documented the issue and filed with all the appropriate "consumer protections" as indicated on my website: My contact information is readily available if you need to contact me: 937-718-3586 Powered by Translate This website is developed in regards to the unprovoked blacklisting, hacking/tampering, and termination of personal property caused by Spectrum. Herein Spectrum is used interchangeably for all it's other names, including Spectrum, a.k.a Time Warner, a.k.a Charter Group, a.k.a. Road Runner, a.k.a. Bright House, and any other name that the monopoly may be using. Spectrum call for service activation, call log (855) 202-0960,Incoming,11/20/2017 02:23 PM,00:00:26 Spectrum service was stopped on November 29, 2017 Spectrum BRICKED my personal property AND ADMITTED TO IT~! Recorded conversations (see below) *See Call logs at bottom of this page When spectrum failed to make right their wrong I began to publish the issue. Puco was contacted December 1, 2017 Case: KHEN113017OR FCC was contact December 2, 2017 FCC Ticket No. 2077867 December 3, 2017 upload converstion to youtube I upload the recorded Spectrum conversations on December 13, 2017 January 14, 2018 Consumer Affairs was again contacted Jamie at ConsumerAffairs<>14 jan. at 06:01 January 27, 2018 posted the issue on #1177451 February 1, 2018 Motorola responded concerning Incident: Incident # 27750 and #180202-010823

    I also promptly filed a claim with spectrum, claim ticket #26135861 This Webpage is commenced on January 10, 2018 and is not yet complete. I already filed a complaint with the FCC (AND OTHERS which I'll document below) by December 2, 2017 yet look what happened after I filed my complaints (seen below, and now I get collections calls daily from more than one collections agency even though I've received no service and no product!). So timeline is Service with Spectrum (november 2017), then I file with a slew of "consumer protection agencies" in November / December of the same year, and by January I'm receiving collections notices when in fact Spectrum owes me! Destruction of Personal property Spectrum/Charter Internet Provider Negligence The following will include Proof of statement. For a copy of complete full recorded conversations, email

    Synopsis: Spectrum on day one of service, added THEIR modem to 3 blacklists thereby availing only tainted "service". In an effort to solve the problem, the spectrum agent and myself tried my personal modem (a motorola modem), it worked fine for the few hours it was up until Spectrum decided to "push firmware" into my modem (the wrong firmware) thereby bricking (rendering my property completely broken and unusable).

    Despite that I have recorded all the calls and already filed formal complaints, in came the bills and then promptly came the calls from collections agencies (yes, plural!) Even if Spectrum's second excuse or statement is to be believed (that arris told them to do it), Arris adamantly refute the Spectrum Claim altogether Arris states NO UPDATES AVAILABLE

    Play Arris Statement vs Spectrum Claims: Play Spectrum hacked my modem (.webm)

    Or download whichever format works in your version of operating system: .wav .mp3 .avi .wma .flv

    The following is found on Arris' Website Arris Website - No Drivers or UpdatesArris Website - No Drivers or Updates

    But enough of this Spectrum blaming Arris farce because.... I DON'T EVEN OWN AN ARRIS MODEM in the first place! Save the admissions for some other modem owner, perhaps someone that owns an Arris Modem! My Motorola modem series was designed and developed PRIOR TO ARRIS' buyout of the Motorola series modem and contained at least a couple of features that the Arris modem does not contain, those features are not to be mis-construed as "bugs", as the Spectrum Agent made reference to. Those features are:

    1.) The ability to reboot the modem (locally or remotely) 2.) The ability to flash the modem back to factory condition

    There were physical differences between the modems also. Here is whas the Arris modem looks like (click to enlarge): Arris Modem 1st photoArris Modem Arris Modem 2nd photoArris Modem This is what my MOTOROLA modem looks like (click to expand): Motorola Modem 1st photoView 1 of my modem Motorola photo 2View 2 of my modem The software contained in each of the modems is markedly different also

    The Arris modem hasn't any useful features aside from being a simple stripped-down version of my modem, it was merely an intermediary device that allowed no user control.

    This is what my Motorola modem's software looked like before the damaging actions caused by Spectrum: My modem's software before hackThis is my modem's software before the Spectrum Hack, Photo 1 My modem's software before hack 2This photo shows both features eliminated by Spectrum Tampering Spectrum acknowledge that they removed these features from my PERSONAL property without my consent, then they confess that it was Arris software that was involved, then they blame arris for telling them to do it!~ Even if I HAD an arris modem, I am highly upset that these monopoly types can feel so righteous in hacking other property that they do not own. Can they manipulate an entire community to suddenly need to replace modems and thereby increase the sales for a friend at Best Buy (as an example)? If they can do it to my modem (which isn't running some fly-by-night software, it's BSD and LINUX that they hacked through; that in itself is very disturbing to know now due to another somewhat related past issue).

    Rather than offering to remedy the situation, the arrogant monopoly sends 5 different bills in less than 3 weeks (with 5 different amounts) How do we get so many different priced bills all in the same month? profiteering for no service and no product Below are the myriad of bills that the monopoly responded with (as opposed to a humane apology letter). Notice the prices are all over the place and that their expectations are for NON-service (The same day that the monopoly's modem arrived in the mail is the same day that I called to inquire how I was summarily added to three blacklists instaneously without cause or justification whatsoever and that I would try my modem and see if that changes anything, otherwise I need to cancel because your (spectrum) service would not be good for me (or anyone summarily added to a secret blacklist). The blacklists affect most search engines from wanting to count my server's websites. Being on a blacklist is damaging to anyone, whether business or private (I started a website years ago when spectrum was using a different alias, that being Time Warner. Adding people to blacklists are apparently accomplished without the Nation's Judiciary, monopoly is the intermediary, and by all counts, were at one time illegal). There had been no service received, but in came the odd bills THE SERVICE WAS JUST TURNED ON WHEN THE SPECTRUM MODEM ARRIVED, HOW IS THIS BILL LEGITIMATE? November 20, 2017 - $89.97 1st bill for no service or product1st bill for no service or product

    Later in the week came another bill with a different price I HAD ALREADY BEGUN TO PUBLISH THE PROBLEM SO HOW CAN SPECTRUM BE SENDING A BILL at all? Check out the dates in which I ALREADY published the problem with Spectrum! https :// I even already filed with the FCC, consumer affairs, and many others!

    November 26, 2017 - $94.482nd bill for no service or product; different price now 2nd bill; different price then another, with yet another price December 1, 2017 - $122.973rd bill for no service or product 3rd bill; another price And still another bill for yet another amount December 19, 2017 - $167.964th bill for no service or product 4th bill and yet another price 8 days later I am threatened for non-PAYMENT (even though there had been less hours used than one has digits on their hand; that which ended with negative impact i.e. 3 illegal unwarranted blacklists against the IP address from Spectrum) Delinquent AccountDecember 27, 2017">Threat of Deliquent (profiteering?) 5th bill for no service and no product Spectrum insist on blaming Arris (Arris told us to do it) January 2, 2018 - $83.97Spectrum ProfiteeringSpectrum persists in antagonizing arogantly, they know there's no longer any consumer protections

    Keep in mind that I've thus far not received any of my end of our agreement! The very same day the spectrum modem arrived I am recorded as saying to the spectrum agent over the phone that if we can't remedy the faulty blacklisting they arbitrarily added me to (3 blacklists) then I'll have to cancel this service, there's nothing I can do with the state in which the internet was being delivered to me.

    There is actually another strangely similar incident that occurred years prior to Time Warner having changed its name to Spectrum. The account I started writing years ago is in it's virtually pristine nature in which I left it, and recorded it for anyone that wants to read more into how blacklisting is an unprovoked attack and causes obvious damage against the person or group in which it is directed against:

    Again, Arris did not even make my modem, nor did they do what Spectrum/Charter evolved to claiming (that arris told them to do it).

    Here is the call logs that show when I first inquired about service and the prompt calls when that service failed (800) 892-2253,Incoming,01/04/2018 09:01 AM,00:01:42 (614) 827-7914,Incoming,12/07/2017 12:59 PM,00:00:40 (614) 827-7914,Outgoing,12/04/2017 01:30 PM,00:08:11 (614) 827-7914,Incoming,12/04/2017 12:07 PM,00:01:25 (614) 827-7914,Incoming,12/01/2017 06:19 PM,00:00:49 (614) 827-7914,Incoming,12/01/2017 02:59 PM,00:00:47 (614) 827-7914,Incoming,12/01/2017 07:31 PM,00:01:17 (614) 827-7914,Outgoing,12/01/2017 07:12 PM,00:14:37 (855) 202-0960,Outgoing,11/30/2017 05:20 AM,00:00:11 (855) 202-0960,Outgoing,11/30/2017 03:56 AM,00:00:15 (800) 892-2253,Outgoing,11/25/2017 04:43 PM,00:18:52 (855) 202-0960,Outgoing,11/25/2017 04:39 PM,00:03:15 (855) 202-0960,Incoming,11/21/2017 05:02 PM,00:02:19 (855) 202-0960,Incoming,11/21/2017 10:09 AM,00:00:46 (800) 892-2253,Incoming,11/20/2017 10:00 AM,00:00:40 (800) 892-2253,Incoming,11/20/2017 09:02 AM,00:01:19 (855) 202-0960,Incoming,11/20/2017 02:23 PM,00:00:26 (800) 892-2253,Incoming,11/19/2017 06:27 PM,00:01:30 (855) 202-0960,Outgoing,11/19/2017 10:51 AM,00:00:01 (855) 202-0960,Outgoing,11/19/2017 10:46 AM,00:00:23 (855) 202-0960,Incoming,11/19/2017 10:35 AM,00:01:00 (855) 202-0960,Incoming,11/18/2017 03:28 PM,00:01:03 (855) 202-0960,Incoming,11/18/2017 09:47 AM,00:01:00 (855) 202-0960,Incoming,11/17/2017 05:09 PM,00:00:06 (855) 202-0960,Incoming,11/17/2017 01:26 PM,00:00:19 When one entity controls our only option for our preferred means of communications, our nation is at risk. If they can take my system down (which runs on BSD and Linux) then is it not coneivable that the solitary entity can take down an entire community the same way? What about our nuclear weapons or our nuclear power plants? What operating systems do you think run those critical areas of our nation's infrastructure? Hint: It's not microsoft or macintosh. It's systems that have always been presumed to be safer; and now we have "our" internet providers exploiting that last bastian.

    Nationalize the monopolies, let's use our military for something good for a change! Private ownership is only good when there's more than one or two "private" owners at the monopoly board.

    Miscellaneous other recordings: Play Audio Clip 1 or download .wav .mp3

    Play Audio Clip 2 or download .wav .mp3

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