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  • Oct 23rd, 2015 @ 5:57pm

    Re: Re: Well, if it's ONE CENT, that's more than they got or were ever going to from Pandora or Sirius!

    Why don't you go and pester someone else, you moon-faced assassin of joy? Or better yet, go find a nice, hungry Na'ka'leen Feeder and let it suck out your brain. Not that there would be much for it to feed on, I think. You, Blue, are not even in the same galaxy as the truth, much less in the approximate vicinity of it. Those collection agencies you say work so hard to get artists paid only make sure they themselves are paid. The artists don't matter to them one bit, I assure you.

    Entertainment industry mathematics always works out in favor of the middlemen, unfortunately. You might as well remove your eyes, Blue, as blind as you already are. Though perhaps you are paid to be that way. It would seem to be the only reasonable explanation for your single-minded defense of organizations which are nothing more than leeches upon society, much like those pesky Keepers, I think. No one here listens to you or believes you, Blue, so do us both a favor and take your thoughtless parroting somewhere else, yes?
  • Oct 21st, 2015 @ 5:59am


    That would actually be a good thing, I think. Those collections of bumbling fools could use a good dose of reality for once. I tire of them running this country into the ground, and I think we all would be much better off without them.
  • Feb 14th, 2014 @ 7:29am

    (untitled comment)

    Yes, fools all of them. Those giant birds�what do you Earthers call them? Ah, I remember now. Ostriches. That is what cable television executives are like. That is what most entertainment industry executives are like, to be more precise. Except that I think ostriches have more sense. Fortunately, progress will happen whether these fools wish it or not. Technology has a certain inevitability about it.
  • Dec 30th, 2013 @ 4:23pm

    Re: Re: Shut them down.

    I disagree. They have shown that they cannot be trusted with power, and those charged with ensuring they do not abuse it are in fact complicit in it. Therefore, none of them can be trusted, and the system must go. You must remember that much of the hostility toward the United States is born of its own actions and is a response to them.
  • Dec 30th, 2013 @ 4:20pm

    Re: Re: Expect another movie soon...

    Except in the case of that film, both Batman and Lucius knew the system itself was wrong. Lucius said as much, and Batman programmed the system to self-destruct at the right moment, and only Lucius could even use it. So I do not know that the message there is what you think it is.
  • Dec 30th, 2013 @ 4:18pm

    (untitled comment)

    It seems to me that this is one ANT that is absolutely begging to be stepped on...
  • Dec 30th, 2013 @ 4:11pm

    (untitled comment)

    Now that is how you respond to a legal threat letter. Very well done, Mr. Britton.
  • Dec 30th, 2013 @ 12:34pm

    Re: is this a problem?

    You mentioned the question of whether we need such intelligence agencies at all, and I will answer it. I do not believe they have�or should have�any place in a society that claims to promote freedom and peace. A nation that does so should set a different example, one of trust and cooperation and a refusal to intervene militarily in any other nation's internal conflicts. A nation of peace has no need of military bases all around the world, or even of any outside its own borders. And the size of said military ought to only be the bare minimum for defense.

    As well, a nation of peace should not force its laws and policies onto other nations but instead respect them. If certain nations insist on mistreating or oppressing their people, diplomatic solutions and humanitarian aid to the oppressed would be what a peaceful nation should provide, yes? Military force only if directly attacked�and, I might add, without said nation goading another into attacking first as an excuse for war, as the United States has often done.

    A nation of peace will provide for its people and not collude with corporations against them. In such a nation, government and business would be completely separate, with neither allowed to influence the other aside from government providing necessary regulation which business must not compromise.

    An idealistic scenario, of course, but it is a place from which we may start. And much better than what we have now. It will not be easy to remove those who care more for power than for people, but it must be done if our future is to be better than our present.
  • Dec 30th, 2013 @ 12:20pm

    Shut them down.

    If this latest revelation does not clearly demonstrate the need for the NSA's immediate dismantling, I do not know what does. They are destroying our future for the sake of security that does not exist. Fools, all of them. I do not see any other alternative to stop this madness than to shut them down as soon as possible, preferably holding those in charge accountable in the process by means of trial and imprisonment. Although it might be nice to place the heads of Clapper, Alexander, and the rest on pikes and wave up at them with a little smile, I will settle for a lifetime in a cell for each of them with no possibility of release. They are too dangerous to society to be allowed their freedom.
  • Dec 20th, 2013 @ 8:33am

    Re: Why does "theconversation.edu.au" need a security certificate here, Mike?

    Why don't you do us all a favor, Blue, and limit your contributions in these discussions to silence? Google was never mentioned in the article, yet you insist on bringing it up. I do not understand this strange fetish you have with them. And you have failed to demonstrate how Techdirt does any sort of spying, which it does not. You know, Blue, you could give Mr. Garibaldi lessons in paranoia, and believe me, that is saying something.

    There are times when I am uncertain which is worse: our out-of-control spy agencies or the politicians who serve and enable them. Shadows in another form, either way, and equally dangerous. We must stop them somehow, before they take us over the edge of the abyss with them.
  • Dec 12th, 2013 @ 3:17pm

    Not unexpected.

    And this is a surprise to you, Mr. Masnick? Our government�which includes law enforcement�excels at wasting other people's money, and stiffing those they owe on the bill is simply another part of that insufferable game they play. The truly sad thing is that the telcos only have themselves to blame for this unfortunate situation. Not that I pity them much, as eager as they have been to feed the government beast every scrap of our information they can get their hands on.
  • Dec 12th, 2013 @ 1:00pm

    (untitled comment)

    Let me put it this way, Mr. Alexander: we will give up our 4th amendment rights just as soon as you give up yours. Somehow, I doubt that will happen anytime soon. Someone needs to lock up this madman and put him out of our misery as soon as possible.
  • Dec 11th, 2013 @ 10:19am

    Google is just a phone book, yes?

    Sad how misfits like Hood are allowed to hold public office without being the least bit capable of demonstrating those vital skills called discretion and common sense. In an age where technology is everywhere and is a part of so many things, it should be mandatory that anyone seeking office take and pass basic courses in its function and capabilities so as not to make complete fools of themselves and do virtually irreparable damage to this country's ability to do anything besides blast its own foot into a bloody pulp. Hood might as well try to control those archaic things called phone books for all the good it will do him. And really, that is all Google and other search engines really are: giant digital phone books. The same approach ought to apply, yes? One would think so, anyway.
  • Dec 11th, 2013 @ 10:04am

    Re: Re: The TSA is a haven for fools.

    Ah, yes, my mistake. The rest of my point stands, though.
  • Dec 10th, 2013 @ 5:59pm

    The TSA is a haven for fools.

    This is but another example of what happens when morons are put in places of power. The TSA is perhaps the single largest collection of imbeciles ever assembled. Who in their right mind would think a toy would pose any danger to anyone? Only the TSA. Sad how a badge and a gun seem to deprive so many individuals of even the barest hint of sanity and common sense. And they call this security? Even the Narns could do a better job. Then again, most anyone could. I have not flown in over a decade, and this is why. Neither I nor those close to me will be fondled or gawked at by Gropers-R-Us. I imagine Mr. Garibaldi would have some choice things to say if he could see this so-called "security" for himself. The TSA, like the rest of the US government, is a complete joke. Unfortunately, it is a joke with too much power, and removing it will not be easy.
  • Dec 10th, 2013 @ 5:40pm

    Government security is a very bad joke.

    If there is one single constant in this hideous abomination we call the US government, it is ineptitude. Asking them to implement actual security is like trying to get a straight answer from a Vorlon. It just won't happen. They could not even change a light bulb without convening half a dozen different committees to look into it, spending hundreds of millions of the people's dollars, and bickering over who is to blame when the bulb flickers because it was only screwed in halfway. The funny thing is, people pay to go to the circus when if they really wanted to see one, all they would have to do is spend a day in Congress.

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