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  • Nov 14th, 2013 @ 5:26pm

    (untitled comment)

    I was also called into my bosses office today and threatened with termination because of a Facebook post.

    Mind you, I have NEVER had any disciplinary actions against me, I have been a model employee with Excellent annual performance evaluations.

    my personal Facebook page that is set to private, and does not even mention where I work, or what I do for a living.

    I ranted I was tired of this place, and that I was gonna look for a new job, and another post said I was tired of liars and backstabbers and I wanted to find another way to make money besides working for someone else.

    I was called into bosses office and told I was either going to be terminated, or suspended.

    If she suspended me, I was going to have to write an APOLOGY LETTER to my boss and put in my HR file.

    I need legal advice. I didn't mention anyone by name, no employer information was disclosed, and I vented my personal feelings...

    Is it legal for the employer to suspend me for this, or terminate my employment?

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