MrAnon’s Techdirt Profile


About MrAnon

Veteran of the US Army & US Navy. Involved in IT since I first popped a cassette into a Commodore PET. Opposer of those who use their power or position to stifle free speech; extort money from, abuse, or impose their moral views upon their fellow man (or woman!). Believer that deregulation of financial institutions and airlines was a very bad idea, standardized testing & teaching are ruining our kids' ability to think, and that zero-tolerance policies of any kind are zero-brained. Champion of common sense, polite and reasonable discourse, non-hurtful sarcasm, learning basic math without a calculator, and fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. With milk.

MrAnon’s Comments comment rss

  • Nov 7th, 2013 @ 12:12pm

    (untitled comment)

    These AGs are sooo right! But they stop too soon! Google needs to ban videos on YouTube like Ylvis' because "What Does the Fox Say?" teaches littl'uns that animals talk and creates dangerous psychological instabilities in the poor wee bairns. Videos showing video game cheats & exploits should also be banned because those other &$^(@&*$ players are kicking my butt!

    But wait, there's more! News videos must be banned, on YouTube and network 'casts because they might lead me to believe that we live in a dangerous world where taunting a wild animal in a zoo might get my face torn off, or that Mother Nature can be a cruel bitch, or that some politicians are not trustworthy (oh, the disillusionment!)

    On a serious note - how is YouTube/Google supposed to deal with issues that are illegal in one place but not another, like, say...smoking pot?
  • Nov 7th, 2013 @ 11:49am

    (untitled comment)

    There are some things I like about this line of argument by HM Gov't. First, if actions "designed to influence a government" are terrorism, then lobbyists are terrorists and should all be sent to Gitmo. YAY! Of course, citizens writing a letter to their Congressman/MP would also fit the definition but hey - omelet, meet eggs. Protests for or against gov't policies would be right out and grounds for involuntary kinetically-induced trepanning.

    Second, all wireless networks should be open so those evil trenchcoaters can't hide behind passwords and encryption! Because they, of course, are the only ones who need to use such measures to prevent the good people from catching them at their dastardly deeds. A few people, no doubt, will have their WAPs abused and hijacked but it's a small price to pay because the pedos will be stopped in their tracks!

    And the PM & Co absolutely must prevent the sickos from reading the Snowden documents (which are only available in newspapers of Great Britain, so the pedos in the rest of the world will just have to carry on as they have). Otherwise, those lusters for underaged flesh will figure out how to avoid having their emails cross secretly-tapped switches in ISPs, or how to route their P2P traffic to avoid compromised cables, or how to keep their wireless data packets from being hoovered up by listening satellites. And above all, the dirtbags must never know that their online contact lists, cloud files, and social media interactions are being sifted through by GCHQ & NSA lest they try to keep their activities secret!!

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