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  • Oct 29th, 2016 @ 4:42pm

    Re: It's Snowden's fault

    Guess I'm a creeper cuz I read your entire comment, David. I learned how to read quite awhile back, so I'm not going to lose my mind if you take more than a paragraph to properly express your ideas. 

    Alas, I can't agree Snowden's to blame for the NSA’s wildly illegal behavior. Nor can I agree with your bakery analogy/apology explaining why espionage agencies should be allowed to lie and deceive and sweep highly questionable behavior under rugs so we don’t see the weevils propagating in the…sorry, dude. Can I drop your metaphor? Cuz I’m not sure there’s much difference between the icky bugs that unfriendly foreign powers place in our bread and the maggots the NSA installs there.

    People have a right not to worry about things they are powerless to change? That’s a rather odd statement, my friend. Personally, I'm still clinging to this idea called "democracy" and a country whose government represents the will of the people and not the questionable actions of an unelected intelligence community that claims it can only function if it's accountable to NO ONE AT ALL. Not even a congressional oversight committee. We are NOT powerless to change the tyrannical, belligerent behavior of an espionage community that exploits the very people it claims it’s protecting.

    The sole point of civilization is not to live as sheeple, herded this way and that by lying government douchebags. You may choose that for yourself. Most do. I do not. I'm still a life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness kind of girl. Call me naïve—I’m expecting it, so no worries—but you don't make the world safe for democracy by usurping it.

    You seem to be arguing that in exchange for the illusion of security--because that's the very best ANY intelligence agency can offer--we should allow our country's spies to create whatever havoc they please, at home or abroad, free of skepticism, criticism, or oversight from anyone. You know, like Wall Street bankers. With respect, hell’s no. That’s just wacked. As long as the NSA continues to rape American citizens of their constitutional rights, shit all over the rule of law, perjure itself during congressional investigations, and demand the right to do so with impunity, then we have no choice but to rely on whistleblowers like Edward Snowden. Who, btw, has stacked up quite a list of humanitarian awards from pretty much everyone but the US. And don’t be thinking about dissing Sweden, cuz that’ll just make you look like some sort of imperialist throwback.

    It's James Clapper's fault. Aided by John Kerry, King of the Message Killers.

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