With many posts you make online, the site (techdirt.com, etc) keep track of your IP address. Your internet provider - whose bills you pay - certainly has your name. A quick call from any federal agency, and most ISPs readily hand over "this person had this IP at this time" information.
Additionally, if they *really* want to track you, all they have to do is actually request your ISP capture packets. So, basically- yeah, if they want to know who 'Digitari' is, assuming they can't infer it from your posts, there *are* technical ways to find out./div>
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Re: Re:
With many posts you make online, the site (techdirt.com, etc) keep track of your IP address. Your internet provider - whose bills you pay - certainly has your name. A quick call from any federal agency, and most ISPs readily hand over "this person had this IP at this time" information.
Additionally, if they *really* want to track you, all they have to do is actually request your ISP capture packets. So, basically- yeah, if they want to know who 'Digitari' is, assuming they can't infer it from your posts, there *are* technical ways to find out./div>
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