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  • Jul 8th, 2017 @ 5:48am

    False accusations are like assholes too.

    Always stinking up the place until they get wiped out.

    USS Trump never had anything to fear from the Clintoons' bullshit fables about Russian collusion. Here it is July and the entity in full meltdown is CNN, which bought the bullshit hook, line and sinker just like you did.

    In today's internet-connected world a product can be sunk by online gossip, which can circle the globe before the truth has a chance to get its britches on. The Trumpster is lucky his survival didn't depend on those morons at CNN who believe whatever any ruling-class shill tells them. He has his supporters on his side and they know it is their honor being called into question and are woke, as the New Bolsheviks like to say, to the situation.

    CNN's top people have been caught on camera admitting the whole Russia story is bullshit but they have an audience full of dumb bastards who lap it up, looking for hope that Trump will magically go away. So they keep beating the dead horse.

    It's sad, really. I was susceptible to this kind of thing for the last 8 years, hoping against hope for an early end to the Obama debacle. Now it's your turn to chase conspiracy rabbits for 8 years as Trump replaces liberal SCOTUS justices with Neil Gorsuch-Antonin Scalia lookalikes and your push to turn the USA into Venezuela founders.

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