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  • Aug 6th, 2021 @ 2:30pm

    Shoutout & slippery slope

    A few years ago, TechDirt was mentioned @GOGPodcast. And I followed TechDirt. I was a bit surprised.Who is this "Mike dude" making sense all the time? So, I've started listening to the Podcast. I cannot remember a single episode to disagree on. I've been a long time EFF supporter. Not because I think the EU is so much better, but good stuff and bad stuff radiates to the EU (and visa versa). So, the nonsense has moved from the internet to my backyard. First the ridiculous copyright act and now Apple. We're all emphatic to fighting child abuse. Often forgotten, it usually comes from known people to the child. The unpleasant truth is, once you start to mess with security (and privacy in private spaces) the ship has sailed. My cynical tweet "It takes one gag order" (to change this thingy into a nightmare) isn't so far from the truth. We all know where this starts, nobody knows where it will end. Let's hope it doesn't end with the "legal but inappropriate" proposal our UK friends are trying to avoid.

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