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  • Jan 11th, 2010 @ 3:30pm

    Teachers & Copyright

    Two issues that seem to have been missed:
    1. Educational use is an EXCEPTION to Copyright law. It seems inconsistent to claim an exemption when USING copyrighted stuff and then wanting to REQUIRE copyright on documents created locally.
    2. The purpose of educational institutions is to DEVELOP as well as SHARE knowledge. Unless a school system REQUIRES that a teacher develop their own lesson plans, then whatever they create is their own property rather than a requirement. Having created a few lesson plans, I know that much of the work is done at home - on the teacher's own time and with their own equipment, etc. Even if SOME of the work is done on campus, how (& who) can determine how much or which documents can be claimed by the school?

    Another issue (mentioned previously) is that, unless it is a required duty - which is another matter, then for the School to claim ownership will simply reduce the initiative to create. In that case, who will loose? Students!

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