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  • Dec 2nd, 2014 @ 10:22am

    (untitled comment)

    There are reason's why the terms "communist" and "socialist" have bad connotations to Americans, especially older ones. That is because they are systems of governance that are completely at odds with the freedom we enjoy in America. Communism started with deaths of tens of millions in Russia and China. By definition, it doesn't allow for dissent and loss of personal freedom (prison) or loss of life is the penalty.

    Socialism is also an oppression of the people. It allows for the power to shift from the people to the government. The government promises to pay (and does to some extent) for services of those "less fortunate" in return for obedience, loyalty, loss of individual freedom.

    In our case today, America is steaming toward socialism. The democratic party has adopted the idea of socialism as its primary means of governance. It wants us to give up our personal freedom so that "other less fortunate" can have a dignified standard of living, whether earned or not. This is the big lie about socialism: it can't deliver. Once you take away a man's incentive to work, he stops working. Thus it enslaves the people it says it's helping.

    Obamacare is not socialism in the truest sense, but rather it is a bastardization of stunted capitalism and socialism. It's purpose is not to provide services to the poor by taking from the rich. It's goal is the complete destruction of the current (albeit broken) system. Then Obama can rise from the ashes and implement a complete government controlled socialist healthcare system.

    This is why the term "Obamacare" should be even more feared than the terms communism or socialism.

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