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  • Apr 29th, 2010 @ 2:26am

    (untitled comment)

    What would you do with your MP3 copies if you were to sell or lose one of those 800 CDs? Do you ever loan any to a friend? If so, what do you do with the MP3s while the corresponding CD is on loan?
    Probably exactly the same as if he had ripped them all to MP3 himself. The point here is that 'pirating' CDs he already owns to save time and effort converting them himself. I do exactly the same, takes seconds to download an MP3 version of a CD, rather then minutes to rip the CD myself. Same end result.
  • Apr 29th, 2010 @ 2:03am

    Re: Re: Re:

    The problem with paying the book store less for a second copy, is that they could have sold that copy to someone else for more profit.

    Technically if (using your example), the essence of the book is $3, and the physical book costs $7, then it would make sense that you should pay less for the second copy. However in reality, no book store (or publisher) would let you do that as they could sell the book to someone else for more money.

    However, with e-books, the essence remains at $3, whilst e-book itself essentially costs a negligible amount ($0). If you already own the book, you have paid your $3 for the essence, and should therefore be able to buy the e-book for '$0'.
  • Feb 5th, 2008 @ 3:02pm

    Text bundles (as SpecialChild)

    I pay £26.30($51.87)/month for unlimited text messages and 500 min. (although last year it was £35($69) a month)

    I don't think this is too bad, as i would pay similar for line rental and calls for a landline. I don't tend to ring people that much, so it works out fine.

    Admittedly, PAYG and out of tariff texts cost a lot, but it just supports other features...i hope. You have to be lacking a few brain cells if your going to text a lot without a decent tariff...same with calls, braodband or anything.

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