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  • Apr 28th, 2012 @ 12:56am

    not a chance

    any argument to the contrary would have to be based on two presuppositions:
    ii) that contact via social media has the same effect on loneliness as no contact at all; and
    (ii) that time spent on social platforms equals time taken away from contact in vivo.
    i find both exceedingly unlikely.
    in fact, the challenge is pretty much impossible in the way that it is phrased. far from being "useless", social networks clearly have some utility. this, to me at least, is self-evidently true.
    - i would argue that books have a higher value because the data in them are organized by the writers and editors, thus saving the reader-browser the time of having to organize it themselves.
    - i would argue that they have a higher potential for imparting information at a greater level of depth. (this is why you don't see study materials on social media platforms.)
    - i could even argue that they add better conversation value to a coffee shop conversation if you ever get out enough to have one.
    but are books any sort of substitute for facebook if you're tom hanks in "castaway"?
    not a chance.

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