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  • Dec 26th, 2009 @ 11:40am

    Re: Re: Sellaband is a scam

    If you do the maths the revenue that believers get is pathetic. And it's usually only on cd sales and not tours or merch and it's only for a fixed time.

    Like I said if people want to throw away $10 for fun on a band you like then great. They'll get the cd when eventually the band decide to record it and that's about it.

    I think that's the only way this model will work. Two thousand or more people making small contributions that they know they will never get a return on.

    The band don't have to worry about making money on the cd as all or most of the costs will have been paid by the believers.

    Also it's a great way for bands to use believers' money to promote themselves in advance of their next album which may be produced by a label.
  • Dec 26th, 2009 @ 11:16am

    Re: I might be wrong but ...

    That might work in North America but over in the United Kingdom bands rarely get paid for gigs in local venues.

    So using your business mode no unsigned band over here is going to make it.

    I reserve judgement on Sellaband until I see how things pan out.

    However I've done a little research and noticed that many if not most bands treat their "believers" like shit.

    They rarely keep them informed about what is going on and often take over a year before they even get into a studio to record their cd.

    Sellaband is great if you want to throw away $10 as a bit of fun ti help your fav band but it's not for serious investors. The return on investment is laughable and the band would have to sell huge amounts of cds for investors to get any reasonable return.

    Also how many bands are just using Sellaband as c cheap way of promoting themselves?

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