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  • Aug 10th, 2017 @ 4:06am



    This is why I operate under pseudonyms, on social networks. Privacy matters. It's a pretty bad idea to link with employers, recruiters, or co-workers on social media, so if you're making who you "really are" known on social media, you have to expect that to be a problem. I don't, so I won't be having to deal with something like this.
  • Jul 26th, 2017 @ 4:29am


    Anyone who think this license plate is "Racist", is reaching for into the realm of "I need drugs". It's about the BORG. Nothing else. Actual racism is something else, entirely. All this bloke has to do in court is show one clip from the Star Trek Next Generation TV show of the 90's, to make it clear that this plate is NOT racist. Done. Over. Onto something else to complain about that isn't likely to be racist....
  • Jul 21st, 2017 @ 5:18am


    Sure. And how will you defeat the cameras filming you do that? Good like actually trying this.
  • Jul 21st, 2017 @ 5:15am

    Re: Re: Re: Re:

    That would make my '96 Volvo 850 GLT Non Turbo on the cops "No Thanks" list. Thankfully, I'm nowhere near Massachusetts. Just one more State to go on the "Won't ever move/Live there" list....
  • Jun 29th, 2017 @ 4:24am


    El Paso Texas? Duly noted. Florida. Texas. Where else? So, driving too slow, or driving too fast and these crooked cops stop and basically rob the public? How the HELL do they get to just seize cash and let the driver go? Note to self- Have very little cash on hand, leaving no cause for civil rights violations. Cops get to shoot and kill and get away with it, due to "fearing for their safety". They get to rob, due to whatever they like. Can't trust the cops. Can't trust anyone in Government. Who can we trust?
  • Jun 23rd, 2017 @ 5:38am


    I don't care about targeted advertising. I wouldn't be looking at the camera or screen. I'm more interested in Police Cams in neighborhoods like mine, to make it easy to identify known criminals or unknown criminals, and identify anyone attempting any illegal activities. That makes sense and would allow the Police to do the jobs that we pay taxes toward them doing. Advertisers can go to >>>>
  • Jun 16th, 2017 @ 5:09am


    This is just ridiculous.

    These athletes fill the NCAA's pockets with billions and that pales in comparison to any scholarships that may receive. What they do for the athletes pales in comparison to what the athletes are earning them and the schools that they go to. This is a one sided deal that is in favor of the NCAA and just isn't fair, or right. No wonder athletes who don't end up as professional athletes/stars, end up as crooks. That's basically what the NCAA is. A crooked organization.
  • Jun 8th, 2017 @ 4:20am


    Maybe Comcast should focus on why their TV, Internet, and Phone services all went down and took hours to be restored Monday and Tuesday of this week and a couple of days, last week. They haven't provided any answers on why this happend. Perhaps it has something to do with their recent Wireless Services deal with Verizon and Charter Cable?
  • Jun 8th, 2017 @ 4:12am


    Not curious enough about my family history to contribute DNA, so I'll definitely pass on this and anything else requiring a blood test. Catalog someone else's DNA. Having to deal with Human DNA is enough of a handicap.
  • Jun 7th, 2017 @ 5:25am


    From the girl's name, to her getting caught so quickly, the whole thing just looks too conveniently staged, to me. That this happened a couple of days before Comey testifies to Congress? My Spider Sense is tingling on this situation...
  • Jun 3rd, 2017 @ 1:51am


    Business as usual, in the War on Drugs. Don't be too shocked if all the seized drugs and money doesn't arrive to the Evidence Locker. That is after all, what the "War on Drugs" is really about. Ill gotten gains. When a drug seizure occurs and they tout what they seized, it should be obvious that stacks of cash, drugs, cars, and whatever else, "disappeared" and will never be shown as "evidence". Is it much of a stretch to assume that some of these DEA blokes actually work for a competing Drug Lord?
  • Jun 3rd, 2017 @ 1:34am


    Suppose I want a Bullet Proof Windshield on my Ford? This patent is BS. I can see how and why the Auto Manufacturers want freeze out repair shops. They want us all to be forced to go to dealerships for repairs and be forced to deal with ridiculous prices, shoddy service, and pointless lock in. Ford especially would like to recoup losses in their stock price. Look for the new CEO to try this nonsense with more parts. As one who's spent far too much time and money at Ford Dealerships, I've never had a positive experience at a Ford Dealership. Other repair shops? DEFINITELY.
  • May 31st, 2017 @ 12:03pm


    The only logical reason the NYPD would be making it near impossible to obtain information on seized property, is that the property is being stolen and they are covering their tracks. There is no other logical reason. Why would the NYPD be seizing anyone's "credit cards"? Those can be cancelled and made unusable, with one phone call by the account holder to the issuer? Bunch of crooks!!
  • May 27th, 2017 @ 4:03am

    (untitled comment)

    Both a fingerprint reader and iris scanner are less effective than a pin code. Someone (or a couple of people) can force you to open your eyes, look at the phone, and that iris scanner will unlock it, or place your finger on the figure print reader and unlock it. If the wrong pin code is typed in enough times, the phone could be wiped, so I'll be sticking with a pin code and avoiding fingerprint readers and iris scanners. No thanks.
  • May 27th, 2017 @ 3:56am


    How about some technology to provide Police with Non Lethal Weaponry, that disables law breakers and knocks them out, without killing them? The end of Police brutality style killings, a great PR upgrade, and less fear and loathing, from the public?
  • May 26th, 2017 @ 4:04am


    Perhaps this bloke should've read this as an e-book, on his phone, making it next to impossible for anyone to clearly see what he was reading? The bloke looked "Hispanic" or "non-white" and so, that made him appear to perhaps be Middle Eastern, because let's be honest, if this had been a Donald Trump appearing bloke reading the same book, there would not have been an issue with his reading material and thus, no problem with the authorities?
  • May 26th, 2017 @ 4:04am


    Perhaps this bloke should've read this as an e-book, on his phone, making it next to impossible for anyone to clearly see what he was reading? The bloke looked "Hispanic" or "non-white" and so, that made him appear to perhaps be Middle Eastern, because let's be honest, if this had been a Donald Trump appearing bloke reading the same book, there would not have been an issue with his reading material and thus, no problem with the authorities?
  • May 25th, 2017 @ 12:02pm

    Re: Hmmmh


    What J. R. Said, times a million. Ublock and Self Destruction Cookies are now added.
  • May 25th, 2017 @ 5:00am


    Good Luck to the Boston Globe using this method to increase subscription. I don't live in Boston, so their local news isn't something I need. I can obtain international news without a subscription to the Boston Globe.
  • May 25th, 2017 @ 4:49am

    Re: Firefox Add-ons

    "Self Destruction Cookies"? Hmmmm....

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