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  • Aug 3rd, 2009 @ 10:57am

    Individuals owe society not the other way around.

    The problem is that even with a college degree you can't fix STUPID!
    To many people think the world owes them something. They don't get it. It is the individual that owes the world (society)something. This is the problem with our entitlement system, it trains people to think the world owes them things rather than the way it really is.
    People owe themselves and society to work hard and prosper for their own good and the good of all (society).
    This include acts of charity,for it is better to give than to receive. In giving the giver receives, he/she receives a sense of good, of knowing that your good deed has helped another less fortunate than you. It takes the mind off of self and puts it on others. When you think of other first, your problems seem to become less important. You become happier and more content. Well, Nuf said.

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