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  • May 3rd, 2012 @ 1:32am


    Yep, if anyone else defends a company they are called "fanboys" yet here we are with Google the knight in shinning armor. Well I'm glad your happy for them. Just remember how you feel next you go to call some one a fanboy.
  • Apr 19th, 2011 @ 6:25pm

    A good write up.

    I know, I know. Everyone loves to beat on Apple but this is a good write up. Although we all might agree things in the patent/design area need to be fixed you can't hate a company for doing what the system has basically forced them to do. They are a company not a person for farks sake already. It is really getting tiresome to see everyone cutting off their nose to spite their face.

    Now to the link. http://thisismynext.com/2011/04/19/apple-sues-samsung-analysis/
  • Jan 30th, 2011 @ 11:19am


    As a government employee I don't understand the motivation of other government employees/agencies when they allow or promote this type of government.

    My job is to protect the environment and public health of the people I serve. How creating a distrusting atmosphere will help me do that is beyond me. Do I need regulations to do my job? Of course. Are there going to be people that won't do the right thing and legal action is needed? Unfortunately yes, but my training and education is to reach out and educate and train first. I can't do that if I the public is thinking I have some other motive than what I was hired to do. These continual assaults on all of our rights do not help. And it scares the hell out of me.
  • Sep 18th, 2010 @ 8:04pm

    Re: We will be OK

    Dr. Ann De Wees Allen a treesniffing nutjob

    I know. Now I've done it.
  • Sep 18th, 2010 @ 7:45pm

    So Typical

    My IT won't give a second look to anything if it isn't Microsoft. They are under a false sense of security and could be saving taxpayers money. The argument is we don't know anything about (pick your poison) so we don't support it.

    I don't understand how IT gets away with this shit. When new environmental laws are passed I don't get to say, "I really don't know the details of that law so we are still going to use the old law".

    Done with my sort of off topic rant, but that rant is caused by Microsoft and their constant spewing of inaccurate info in regards to certain areas such as open source.
  • Sep 18th, 2010 @ 7:45pm

    So Typical

    My IT won't give a second look to anything if it isn't Microsoft. They are under a false sense of security and could be saving taxpayers money. The argument is we don't know anything about (pick your poison) so we don't support it.

    I don't understand how IT gets away with this shit. When new environmental laws are passed I don't get to say, "I really don't know the details of that law so we are still going to use the old law".

    Done with my sort of off topic rant, but that rant is caused by Microsoft and their constant spewing of inaccurate info in regards to certain areas such as open source.

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