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  • May 13th, 2020 @ 7:41am

    Boo, Ohio on general principles, but...

    This is actually guidance from the Bureau of Labor. If the states aren't snitching on people who could be working and are not, they don't get that Federal unemployment money.

  • Nov 21st, 2017 @ 7:16am

    not good news at all

    The problem is you've got a well-documented history of judges taking Trump at his word and ruling against him on the basis of those words being hateful, racist, biased, illegal, or any combination thereof.

    I bet AT&T doesn't see this going any different. "Your Honor, Trump doesn't like us, so he's trying to mess with us. Exhibit A is his twitter history. Exhibit B is this phone call transcript where we asked him if he didn't like our merger because of CNN and he said yes. Exhibit C is whatever he says about us once he gets wind of Exhibits A and B. We rest our case."
  • Apr 7th, 2017 @ 11:02am

    agreement beforehand

    Not that facebook necessarily wants to get in this business, but is there a way that facebook could throw in some sort of limited power of attorney or somesuch that basically says, if facebook learns that your info is being sought by x entities, you give facebook the right, but not obligation, to challenge that request for you and notify you that they are taking that action?
  • Oct 30th, 2015 @ 2:16pm

    Re: Unless it's a hoax...

    sorry, I guess you don't put the URL in the URL box?!?
    is the background of the comment I made.
  • Oct 30th, 2015 @ 2:14pm

    Unless it's a hoax...

    Plans for milking startups are already in the woks over in Germany.
  • Apr 27th, 2012 @ 7:56pm

    The Postal Service must be saved because it beats the alternative

    I laugh heartily any time someone starts talking about privatizing the US Mail.

    Yes, UPS and FedEx say they could fill the void because they would do it like they do service now -- cut deliveries to remote, unprofitable areas and not deliver anything that hurts the bottom line. I wager the USPS would do that too, if they were allowed to.

    If the government actually let the Post Office run like an actual government organization or an actual business, we wouldn't have so many complaints. Instead, it's a business beholden to government oversight and half the government wants to see it fail. No wonder they have problems.

    However, even with all that, it's been twenty-five years and they still haven't lost a package or letter coming to or from me. And that includes a pair of shoes I sent to Peru where they don't even have zip codes. Can't say the same for FedEx or UPS.
  • Feb 1st, 2012 @ 3:04pm

    see you on the flipside...

    where a country just blocks everything without the right designation. Google isn't censoring, but it is enabling censoring. Twitter too, and as long as the big boys are doing it, then everyone else will have to too. Hello higher barrier to entry. Works out kinda nicely for Google and Twitter that way huh?
  • Aug 1st, 2011 @ 10:42am

    Re: Bandwidth caps anyone?

    this for sure, and what about the fact that Netflix is essentially handing Hollywood its balls?

    The more Netflix goes away from discs, the more Hollywood gets to dictate the licensing terms for Netflix content.

    We've already seen that they really don't have any interest in the success of Netflix and actually see themselves as benefiting from its demise. This is not a partner you want.
  • Feb 10th, 2011 @ 8:33am

    Re: Karaoke for non-vocalists

    I also think there was the added negative that since the licensing costs were so much, somehow the game execs became convinced that licensing different music was the key to making future games successful.

    Realistically, that's a low energy way to make a "new" game and thanks to cognitive dissonance, execs couldn't help but figure the new music would make the games sell like hotcakes.

    Without all the music industries jedi mind tricks, the execs wouldn't have lost sight of the need to innovate.
  • Dec 13th, 2010 @ 12:04pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Correct me if I'm wrong...

    try reading his statement carefully and you will see that you are mistaken.
  • Apr 7th, 2010 @ 8:05am

    mobile ads

    The article I read (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-20001905-93.html) seemed to be pointing to a potential conflict. The article suggests that Google will be happy to have Apple in the mobile advertising market, but friendly rivals today often turn into bitter enemies tomorrow...
  • Mar 4th, 2010 @ 8:16pm

    Re: Re: Lets see.

    I don't think either of those is the case. If there is less advertising then there is less need for staff. If the price of advertising goes up then only advertising that stands a chance of affecting me will be sent (it's too expensive otherwise). So me, the USPS and advertisers all win.

    If in turn we start to get more spam, well spam doesn't waste paper, it can be dealt with in about half an eye blink and we all have filters specifically to deal with this issue. It's not smallpox come to the New World, this is a problem we're used to.
  • Jan 7th, 2010 @ 8:03am

    Re: May not be a money grab

    No, it is not. Not at all one bit. I consider myself to be a big geek and I had to have it pointed out to me that the androids in Bladerunner were Nexuses (Nexii?)

    I read the name Nexus One and thought, "Hey cool. This is the first Nexus phone. Hey double cool, Nexus means the center point for a bunch of stuff. So the name is totally meaningful"

    What the hell does a phone have to do with an artificial person? Plus, why do people think Google wants their new bit of technology associated with fake people that go all murderous? What's their next model, the Bundy?.
  • Dec 7th, 2009 @ 11:12am


    Actually I'm suggesting not all counterfeits are bad things and yes this is about handbags. With the exception of the very recent past, the only counterfeit stuff you've heard about is knock-off purses and clothing. Plus most of the examples you're pointing out are instances of the actual products being adulterated, not counterfeited. Different issue altogether and one that is well-legislated already.

    More to the point, the article is suggesting that copyright infringement is not counterfeiting and that certain folks love to confuse the two because some counterfeiting can be quite nasty and its a lot harder to show how infringement hurts anyone.
  • Dec 7th, 2009 @ 10:24am


    Don't be deliberately obtuse. I don't want you in my house. I don't want others in my house. If I decide to sell my home my CD collection isn't going to help.

    On the other hand, purse makers, jeans makers, shoe makers & other makers want you to buy their stuff. If they want this to happen, then they do have to put up with consumers buying and using the product in ways they don't like or not buying their product at all.

    Now let's look at that last option. If you represent a certain shoe maker with a distinctive logo and you know X customer is going to buy a shoe and it's not going to be yours, would you rather that person buy a competitor's shoe or a cheap knock-off of your shoe?

    If he buys the competitor's shoe maybe he comes to like the shoe and decides that is his new brand. Maybe he never buys your shoes again and what's more tells all his friends how great your competitor's shoes are and maybe they actually listen to him and start buying your competitor's shoes too. Or maybe he just wears your competitor's shoes all the time and since he is cool, others see his shoes and want a pair.

    Or maybe he buys a knockoff of your shoe and wears those instead. Obviously these shoes are not going to be great shoes and eventually X is going to realize to get the quality of shoe he wants, he's got to buy the real thing. In the meantime, X is still talking up your shoe to his friends and even if he's complaining about the price, that is just a spur to some types to buy two pairs -- one in white and one in black.

    Which scenario is better for the shoe maker?
  • Nov 23rd, 2009 @ 7:41am


    You do realize that Charles Atlas started out as a 98 lb. weakling right?

    Time and time again, Murdoch has shown a desire to make the market suit his plans and not the other way around. I applaud/curse him for his success so far, but what he's railing against right now is the market getting its own back.

    As an impartial observer who doesn't have a vested interest in calling either side the winner, I think even he might not be able to make this deal come out to his liking.
  • Nov 20th, 2009 @ 12:05pm

    he's sort of right

    The same thing that makes the Internet great is what makes it suck -- connections, undreamed of connections.

    Sure, it's great when entrepreneurs in underdeveloped countries can use the Internet to get micro-loans or gender-confused teens in small, close-minded towns can actually find acceptance and not sink into a shame spiral that ends in suicide.

    But, the Internet also makes it possible for people filled with hate to learn new and better ways to propagate hate and to act on their hate. These people also can find acceptance. These people also can find funding. None of that is as possible without the Internet.

    Obviously, the Internet isn't solely to blame or even mostly, but like the telephone and the automobile, the Internet has transformed our culture and society. Some for the good, but some for the bad too.
  • Oct 29th, 2009 @ 10:15am

    Sort of skipping over the inmportant part

    We wish to advise you that the stories, headlines and/or ledes that you are copying are the copyrighted property of GateHouse Media... and that your copying constitutes infringement. It may well be that copying and pasting the whole article is infringement. However, it is not the case that all copying of stories or headlines or ledes is infringement. Therefore what they are saying is wrong. Now the important issue here is, are they being overly broad through ignorance or as a way to assert more control than they have?
  • Oct 16th, 2009 @ 10:47am

    Re: Re: Re:

    Ah, it is you who is missing the point. The author thinks giving away the e-book will induce sales. I think Cory Doctorow would agree with him and could probably point you to a couple other folks who agree too.

    Yes, free doesn't have to be totally free, but it would be nice if it was an option the guy who wrote the book could choose.

    Also, you're wrong. http://www.masternewmedia.org/how-do-you-monetize-free-tim-oreilly/
    O'Reilly says "We have published books on Linux where the authors have said: "I want this to be put under free documentation license" and we still ended up selling in some cases millions of dollars worth of copies of those books. In many cases it was less than we would have made otherwise. But there are other books, where a topic was legitimized by the free content, and by getting millions of people to read it online, we were then able to commercialize them after the fact."
  • Oct 16th, 2009 @ 9:47am


    Little something wrong with your logic.
    The author notes "that the original version's ebook barely had noteworthy sales, so it seemed reasonable to offer up the ebook for free to drive more attention."

    If the ebook version is so great, why weren't the sales better? If your theory is that because the book itself sucked, then why is he getting to put out a second one?

    However, you're right the market is for $40 books. If there's no market for the ebooks, you might as well give them away as a means to induce the purchase of the book.

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