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  • Mar 25th, 2010 @ 1:13pm

    Re: Can\'t believe this

    I don't think there ever was a pirated version:

    The producers took this TV satirical show:

    (in which you can judge the quality yourself), and made it into a full length theater movie. Most danish movie critics gave it very low reviews.

    I can't even imagine any dvd-ripper would bother to pirate this, whenever it hits the shelves, so if it ever turns up on torrent networks, it'll probably be the producers themselves leaking it...
  • Mar 25th, 2010 @ 1:05pm

    Re: Does that mean....

    Piratgruppen has replied something along the line of:

    "pff, whatever, we don't want to make a bigger issue about it"

    Which is probably better, because then everybody forgets about the poor poor movie as soon as possible.

    They could probably sue for defamation in a civil court, but they ought to file the case with the police. False accusations of criminal action is a crime itself (as far as my limited knowledge of danish law tells me).
  • Sep 15th, 2009 @ 7:53am

    (untitled comment)

    One often used idea in discussion forums is a comment rating system. Comments could be rated by other readers (registered ones only, preferrably), and discussions in comments with good ratings could be moved further up.

    Trolling comments would quickly get a troll-rating, just as flame-bait comments would get an appropriate rating.

    Moving comments up and down could break the meaning of them, especially when other comments reply to them, so maybe some sort of color-coding could be used instead. Irrelevant troll/stupidity/flamebait comments could be using a grey font color, while interesting discussions and well articulated comments could get a non-white background (similar to the official techdirt replies).
  • Sep 15th, 2009 @ 7:41am

    Re: I can see this side of the argument.

    As I understand it, a Techdirt mantra could be something like: If the technology enables it, it will happen. Don't fight it, embrace it.

    Limiting Techdirt to US-issues only would seem like going back to a physical conference located in the states before airplanes were invented.

    I am sure you recognize that (judging by your reasoning), so I suppose that just as we non-US peeps enjoy (and learn alot from) reading about the wins and fails of your great country, you could also enjoy reading about how things are handled across your borders...
  • Sep 1st, 2009 @ 3:07pm

    are their fans still alive?

    I would never have believed that people, who listens to Kiss (or heck, even know who they are) would be at any higher tech level than a phone or maybe...a fax ;)
  • Aug 19th, 2009 @ 1:22pm

    online banking security

    If things really are as fairly simple in US online banks as described here, I would agree that banks are partly to blame for lack of verification. Of course the moron sitting 40 cm behind the screen surfing pr0n sites or installing emoticons via activeX in IE6 has his/her part of the blame as well.

    My danish bank (actually both the 2 I use nowadays) use a code card with random one-time codes required for each single monetary transaction made in the web-bank. Whenever I've used the 80 codes on my card, I get a new card in the snailmail. Before entering the webbank, I use my SSN and a bank-generated password (10 letters, digits and chars), and one of the codes from the card.

    On top of that, the webbank interface works like a charm in FF, Opera, Safari as well as IE8, so I don't need to be a moron and keep on using IE6 on winME or whatever a moron would do...

    The hassle of using these codes is really not an issue - especially when taking the benefits into consideration.

    Most banks here in Denmark use sort of a dongle file, which you need to store on your computer, which is then queried when making transactions. This solution makes it a bigger hassle to use your work computer to access the web bank, and I believe those solutions also have bigger problems with browser compatibility. But still, it gives a higher level of security.
  • Jul 20th, 2009 @ 4:37pm

    Re: Great spin on the story

    correction: the millionaires accounts in Denmark apparently have zero interest rate - the one million DKK drawing is once a month, and I suspect the FSA review the drawings and number of winners.
  • Jul 20th, 2009 @ 4:26pm

    Great spin on the story

    It's interesting to note how the credit union has managed to put a lovely positive spin on this story, by having it look like it helps people save money. The credit union/banks are interested in having liquidity available at the lowest possible price, and by offering a low chance of some lottery win, they con people into giving them that liquidity at a lower than market price. Excellent scheme ;)

    Anyway, as mentioned by Richard, premium bonds have existed in Europe for many years, so it's hardly up-to-standards-Harvard material from the finance professor to come up with this plan. In Denmark, the state has stopped issuing premium bonds, but the private banks have taken over by offering a "Millionærkonto" (millionaires account), on which you get a lottery ticket for each 100 DKK, and a lowered interest rate on your savings.
  • May 27th, 2008 @ 8:17am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: The futility of it all... (as GoodPeace)

    #15: you forgot the children! I'm sure piracy somehow hurts the innocent children as well... :/

    Regarding mp3sparks and the likes; do any of them accept payment via paypal? I suppose most US creditcard companies still allow payments to paypal.
  • Oct 4th, 2006 @ 2:16pm

    People from the generation before that internet th (as GP)

    As some of the last few posts have pointed out, what is the difference between 5 quick lines on IM to your wife about groceries/dinner tonite and using 10 minutes on the toilet sms'ing the same thing forth and back or even reading the newspaper? I look forward to the day when those old school fellas are long gone, and everybody knows that internet is a good thing, not a bad thing. Guns don't kill people, people do; Internet doesn't steal a workers time, the workers own laziness do.

    When reading all you network admins' posts, I wonder if any of you ever read and understand many of the topics here on techdirt?

    I see a parallel to kids internet usage at home: parents shouldn't block and constantly monitor their kids internet usage, they should rather teach their children what dangers are out there, and how they can avoid them. ( )

    Likewise, my boss should not monitor what pages i surf and what IMs i write, he should look at what i produce for him.

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