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  • Apr 25th, 2011 @ 4:25pm

    Bigger picture craziness

    Of course this particular case is insane, but the thing I find amazing is that we have come to except putting people in jail for downloading PICTURES! As a father, and grandfather I loathe the idea of hurting children, and sexual assault is especially sickening. But having a sickness that makes you take pleasure at the sight of kiddie porn is not the same as the act of abusing children. Some sick f**k who spanks his monkey looking at crime scene photos is not the same as the guy who pulled the trigger. A maggot who enjoys concentration camp footage is not the same as a Hermann Goring. I'm all for killing the people making the porn...though prison time for a child rapist is often more of an eye for an eye type punishment as they get to see what it's like to have a more powerful person do things to that you don't like, but people looking at the pictures are just sad and pathetic...not criminals in my book.
  • Aug 2nd, 2010 @ 8:00am


    For a while there, I was afraid America might face a shortage of morons after we elected Mr. Obama...fortunately, Hollywood has stepped up to fill the void.

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